Except as provided in section 73-813:
(1) All state agencies shall comply with the review and competitive bidding processes provided in this section. Unless otherwise exempt, no state agency shall expend funds for contracts without complying with this section;
(2) All proposed state agency contracts in excess of fifty thousand dollars shall be bid by a competitive formal bidding process in the manner prescribed by the division procurement manual or a process approved by the Director of Administrative Services. Bidding for contracts for services may be performed at the state agency level or by the division. The division shall administer the public notice and bidding procedures for any contract for personal property;
(3) If the bidding process is at the state agency level, then state agency directors shall ensure that bid documents for each contract in excess of fifty thousand dollars are prereviewed by the division and that any changes to the proposed contract that differ from the bid documents in the proposed contract are reviewed by the division before signature by the parties;
(4) State agency directors shall be responsible for appropriate public notice of an impending contract in excess of fifty thousand dollars in accordance with the division's procurement manual and the State Procurement Act;
(5) State agency directors shall be responsible for ensuring that a request for a contract in excess of fifty thousand dollars is filed with the division for dissemination or website access to vendors interested in competing for contracts; and
(6) When the division is responsible for the procurement of services or personal property, the state agency shall at the time, in the form, and for the periods prescribed by the division, present to the division a detailed requisition for all services and personal property to be contracted.