(1) A domestic abuse death investigation shall involve a review of existing records, documents, and other information regarding the decedent victim and perpetrator from relevant agencies, professionals, providers of health care, and family and household members of the decedent victim or perpetrator. The records to be reviewed may include: Protection orders; dissolution, mediation, custody, and support agreements and related court records; medical records; mental health records; therapy records; autopsy reports; birth and death certificates; court records, including juvenile cases and dismissed criminal cases; social services records, including juvenile records; educational records; emergency medical services records; Department of Correctional Services information and records; parole and probation information and records; and law enforcement agency investigative information and reports.
(2) Records shall not be made available to the team until the criminal or juvenile legal system response is completed due to:
(a) The death of the perpetrator;
(b) The criminal conviction or acquittal of the perpetrator and any codefendants;
(c) The conclusion of grand jury proceedings resulting in a no true bill;
(d) Adjudication in a juvenile court proceeding pursuant to subdivision (1), (2), or (4) of section 43-247;
(e) Completion of a criminal investigation in which the county attorney declines to file charges; or
(f) Completion of the investigation of the suicide of the decedent victim.