Every registered barber instructor and licensed barber who continues in active practice or service shall on or before June 30 of each even-numbered year renew his or her license or registration and pay the required fee. Such license or registration shall be effective as of July 1 of each even-numbered year and shall terminate on June 30 of the next succeeding even-numbered year.
Every registered assistant barber instructor shall, subject to the requirements of section 71-208.02, renew his or her registration on or before its expiration date during the period of its validity established by such section and pay the required fee.
Every barber school shall on or before June 30 of each even-numbered year obtain renewal of its license and pay the required fee. Such renewal shall be effective as of July 1 of each even-numbered year and shall expire on June 30 of the next succeeding even-numbered year.
Any licensed barber, registered barber instructor, registered assistant barber instructor, or barber school which fails to renew his, her, or its license or registration on or before the expiration date may renew such license or registration by payment of the renewal fee and a late renewal fee established by the board within sixty days after such date or such other time period as the board establishes.
Any barber on inactive status or who withdraws from the active practice of barbering may renew his or her license within five years of its expiration date upon the payment of the required restoration fee. Any barber who fails to renew his or her license for five consecutive years shall be required to successfully complete the examination for issuance of a new license.