60-302. Definitions, where found.

For purposes of the Motor Vehicle Registration Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions found in sections 60-302.01 to 60-360 shall be used.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 274, § 2; Laws 2007, LB286, § 21; Laws 2008, LB756, § 6; Laws 2010, LB650, § 21; Laws 2011, LB163, § 17; Laws 2012, LB1155, § 8; Laws 2015, LB231, § 7; Laws 2016, LB783, § 2; Laws 2017, LB263, § 24; Laws 2018, LB909, § 39; Laws 2019, LB156, § 7; Laws 2024, LB1317, § 60.
Operative Date: January 1, 2025