(1) The State Veterinarian shall, subject to the approval of the director, adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry out the purposes, provisions, and intent of sections 54-1701 to 54-1711.
(2) The State Veterinarian shall make the designation of the veterinarian required by the provisions of sections 54-1701 to 54-1711 by entering into an agreement with any duly licensed veterinarian for his or her professional services in performing necessary inspections. Such agreement shall provide that the State Veterinarian may terminate it at any time for what he or she deems to be just cause. Such contract shall make the veterinarian an agent for the Department of Agriculture to perform the duties assigned by sections 54-1701 to 54-1711 and the rules and regulations prescribed by the State Veterinarian, but shall not be deemed to make the veterinarian an officer or employee of the state. The orders of such veterinarian, issued in the performance of the duties assigned him or her by sections 54-1701 to 54-1711 and the rules and regulations prescribed by the State Veterinarian shall have the same force and effect as though such order had been made by the State Veterinarian. Veterinarians, designated in accordance with the requirements of this section, shall not be liable for reasonable acts performed to carry out the duties as set forth in sections 54-1701 to 54-1711 and the rules and regulations prescribed by the State Veterinarian.
(3) Fees for such inspection and release shall be paid by the licensee.