(1) The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court shall consist of six judges.
(2) The right of judges of the compensation court to continue in office shall be determined in the manner provided in sections 24-813 to 24-818, and the terms of office thereafter shall be for six years beginning on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January immediately following their retention at such election.
(3) In case of a vacancy occurring in the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court, the same shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of Article V, section 21, of the Nebraska Constitution and the right of any judge so appointed to continue in office shall be determined in the manner provided in sections 24-813 to 24-818. All such judges shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualified, or until death, voluntary resignation, or removal for cause.
(4) No judge of the compensation court shall, during his or her tenure in office as judge, hold any other office or position of profit, pursue any other business or avocation inconsistent or which interferes with his or her duties as such judge, or serve on or under any committee of any political party.