Any controlling entity proposing to designate a wellhead protection area and adopt controls shall:
(1) Designate the boundaries of the wellhead protection area following the procedure in section 46-1505. The wellhead protection area shall be based on all reasonably available hydrogeologic information on ground water flow, recharge, and discharge and other related information necessary to adequately determine the wellhead protection area for the purposes stated in this section;
(2) Identify within each proposed wellhead protection area all potential sources of contaminants which may have any adverse effect on the health of persons;
(3) Describe a program that contains, as appropriate, technical assistance, financial assistance, implementation of controls, education, training, and demonstration projects to protect the water supply within the wellhead protection area from such contaminants;
(4) Include contingency plans for the location and provision of alternate drinking water supplies for each affected public water supply system in the event of water well or well field contamination by such contaminants; and
(5) Propose the controls necessary to provide protection from contaminants which may have any adverse effect on the health of persons served by the public water supply system of each participating controlling entity.