(1) The Legislature finds and declares that children develop their unique potential in relation to a caring social unit, usually the family, and other nurturing environments, especially the schools and the community. The Legislature further finds that the state shall declare a family policy to guide the actions of state government in dealing with problems and crises involving children and families.
(2) When children and families require assistance from a department, agency, institution, committee, or commission of state government, the health and safety of the child is the paramount concern and reasonable efforts shall be made to provide such assistance in the least intrusive and least restrictive method consistent with the needs of the child and to deliver such assistance as close to the home community of the child or family requiring assistance as possible. The policy set forth in this subsection shall be (a) interpreted in conjunction with all relevant laws, rules, and regulations of the state and shall apply to all children and families who have need of services or who, by their circumstances or actions, have violated the laws, rules, or regulations of the state and are found to be in need of treatment or rehabilitation and (b) implemented through the cooperative efforts of state, county, and municipal governments, legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government, and other public and private resources.
(3) The family policy objectives prescribed in this section and section 43-533 shall not be construed to mean that a child shall be left in the home when it is shown that continued residence in the home places the child at risk and does not make the health and safety of the child of paramount concern.