It shall be the duty of the county highway superintendent to:
(1) Annually submit to the county board a proposed schedule of construction, repair, maintenance, and supervision of county roads and bridges in conjunction with sections 39-2115, 39-2119, and 39-2120;
(2) Annually file with the county clerk a revised and current map of the county roads clearly distinguishing the primary and secondary roads, indicating the past year's improvements thereon, and showing the number of miles of roads established during the year and the location thereof; and
(3) Undertake the projects contained in subdivision (1) of this section, and when requested by the county board report the projects completed, the projects in construction, the equipment and material purchased, the amounts expended upon roads and bridges, and the sum remaining to be expended, except that deviations from the adopted program may be authorized by the unanimous vote of the county board in case of an emergency.