29-2246. Terms, defined.

For purposes of the Nebraska Probation Administration Act and sections 43-2,123.01 and 83-1,102 to 83-1,104, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1) Association means the Nebraska District Court Judges Association;

(2) Court means a district court, county court, or juvenile court as defined in section 43-245;

(3) Office means the Office of Probation Administration;

(4) Probation means a sentence under which a person found guilty of a crime upon verdict or plea or adjudicated delinquent or in need of special supervision is released by a court subject to conditions imposed by the court and subject to supervision. Probation includes post-release supervision and supervision ordered by a court pursuant to a deferred judgment under section 29-2292 or 29-4803;

(5) Probationer means a person sentenced to probation or post-release supervision;

(6) Probation officer means an employee of the system who supervises probationers and conducts presentence, predisposition, or other investigations as may be required by law or directed by a court in which he or she is serving or performs such other duties as authorized pursuant to section 29-2258, except unpaid volunteers from the community;

(7) Juvenile probation officer means any probation officer who supervises probationers of a separate juvenile court;

(8) Juvenile intake probation officer means an employee of the system who is called upon by a law enforcement officer in accordance with section 43-250 to make a decision regarding the furtherance of a juvenile's detention;

(9) Chief probation officer means the probation officer in charge of a probation district;

(10) System means the Nebraska Probation System;

(11) Administrator means the probation administrator;

(12) Non-probation-based program or service means a program or service established within the district, county, or juvenile courts and provided to individuals not sentenced to probation who have been charged with or convicted of a crime for the purpose of diverting the individual from incarceration or to provide treatment for issues related to the individual's criminogenic needs. Non-probation-based programs or services include, but are not limited to, problem solving courts established pursuant to section 24-1302 and the treatment of problems relating to substance abuse, mental health, sex offenses, or domestic violence;

(13) Post-release supervision means the portion of a split sentence following a period of incarceration under which a person found guilty of a crime upon verdict or plea is released by a court subject to conditions imposed by the court and subject to supervision by the office; and

(14) Rules and regulations means policies and procedures written by the office and approved by the Supreme Court.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 680, § 1; Laws 1972, LB 1051, § 1; Laws 1984, LB 13, § 61; Laws 1986, LB 529, § 32; Laws 2001, LB 451, § 1; Laws 2005, LB 538, § 5; Laws 2008, LB1014, § 18; Laws 2015, LB605, § 63; Laws 2016, LB919, § 3; Laws 2019, LB686, § 7; Laws 2024, LB253, § 10.
Operative Date: July 1, 2025