(1) Milk for manufacturing purposes shall be classified for sediment content, regardless of the results of the appearance and odor examination described in section 2-3980, according to sediment standards as follows:
(a) No. 1: Acceptable, not to exceed fifty-hundredths milligrams or its equivalent;
(b) No. 2: Acceptable, not to exceed one and fifty-hundredths milligrams or its equivalent;
(c) No. 3: Probational, not over ten days, not to exceed two and fifty-hundredths milligrams or its equivalent; and
(d) No. 4: Reject, over two and fifty-hundredths milligrams or its equivalent.
(2) Methods for determining the sediment content of the milk of individual producers shall be the methods described in 7 C.F.R. 58.134, as such section existed on July 1, 2018.
(3) Sediment testing shall be performed at least four times every six months at irregular intervals as designated by the director.
(4) If the sediment disc is classified as No. 1, No. 2, or No. 3, the producer's milk may be accepted. If the sediment disc is classified as No. 4, the milk shall be rejected. A producer's milk that is classified as No. 3 may be accepted for a period not to exceed ten calendar days. If at the end of ten days the producer's milk does not meet acceptable sediment classification No. 1 or No. 2, it shall be rejected from the market. If the sediment disc is classified as No. 4, the milk shall be rejected and no further shipments accepted unless the milk meets the requirements of No. 3 or better.