(1) A redevelopment plan for a redevelopment project area shall not be prepared and the governing body of the city in which such area is located shall not approve a redevelopment plan unless the governing body has, by resolution adopted after the public hearings required under this section, declared such area to be a substandard and blighted area in need of redevelopment.
(2) Prior to making such declaration, the governing body of the city shall conduct or cause to be conducted a study or an analysis on whether the area is substandard and blighted and shall submit the question of whether such area is substandard and blighted to the planning commission or board of the city for its review and recommendation. The planning commission or board shall hold a public hearing on the question after giving notice of the hearing as provided in section 18-2115.01. The planning commission or board shall submit its written recommendations to the governing body of the city within thirty days after the public hearing.
(3) Upon receipt of the recommendations of the planning commission or board, or if no recommendations are received within thirty days after the public hearing required under subsection (2) of this section, the governing body shall hold a public hearing on the question of whether the area is substandard and blighted after giving notice of the hearing as provided in section 18-2115.01. At the public hearing, all interested parties shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to express their views respecting the proposed declaration. After such hearing, the governing body of the city may adopt a resolution declaring that substandard and blighted conditions exist in the area under study. After the governing body has declared that substandard and blighted conditions exist in the area under study, the governing body may, by one or more resolutions, declare such area or any portion of such area to be a substandard and blighted area without further public hearing.
(4) Copies of each substandard and blighted study or analysis conducted pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be posted on the city's public website or made available for public inspection at a location designated by the city.