Whenever a city of the primary class exercises the jurisdiction and authority granted in sections 15-1301 to 15-1307 with respect to Chapter 71, article 15, the city shall have the jurisdiction and authority concurrent with and independent of any existing housing authority for such purposes within the city and its area of jurisdiction. In order to coordinate the actions of the local housing authority and the community development agency, the local housing authority shall submit to the city council of such city, prior to the date it submits its annual budget request to the federal government, a complete report of its activities during the past calendar year and a complete description of its proposed actions for the coming calendar year. Such report shall include the number of units added to or removed from the authority's programs, the number of families housed by the authority, the number applying who were not housed and the reasons for their not being housed, the sources and amounts of all funds spent or to be spent and the amounts available for use in its housing programs that have not been used, and the policies of the authority on eligibility, admissions, occupancy, termination of tenancies, and grievance procedures. Such report shall be made available to the public upon the delivery of the report to the city council and shall be subject to public hearing prior to its formal acceptance by the city council.