85-1801. Legislative findings.

The Legislature finds that the general welfare and well-being of the state are directly related to educational levels and skills of the citizens of the state and that a vital and valid public purpose is served by the creation and implementation of programs which encourage and make possible the attainment of higher education by the greatest number of citizens of the state. The state has limited resources to provide additional programs for higher education funding and the continued operation and maintenance of the state's public institutions of higher education, and the general welfare of the citizens of the state will be enhanced by establishing a program which allows parents and others interested in the higher education of our youth to invest money in a public trust for future application to the payment of qualified higher education expenses. The creation of the means of encouragement for persons to invest in such a program represents the carrying out of a vital and valid public purpose. In order to make available to parents and others interested in the higher education of our youth an opportunity to fund future higher education needs, it is necessary that a public trust be established in which money may be invested for future educational use.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 1; Laws 2010, LB197, § 2; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 3.
85-1802. Terms, defined.

For purposes of sections 85-1801 to 85-1817:

(1) Administrative fund means the College Savings Plan Administrative Fund created in section 85-1807;

(2) Beneficiary means the individual designated by a participation agreement to benefit from advance payments of qualified higher education expenses on behalf of the beneficiary;

(3) Benefits means the payment of qualified higher education expenses on behalf of a beneficiary or, in the case of a qualified education loan payment, on behalf of a beneficiary or the sibling of a beneficiary by the Nebraska educational savings plan trust;

(4) Eligible educational institution means an institution described in 20 U.S.C. 1088 which is eligible to participate in a program under Title IV of the federal Higher Education Act of 1965;

(5) Expense fund means the College Savings Plan Expense Fund created in section 85-1807;

(6) Nebraska educational savings plan trust means the trust created in section 85-1804;

(7) Nonqualified withdrawal refers to (a) a distribution from an account to the extent it is not used to pay the qualified higher education expenses of the beneficiary or, in the case of a qualified education loan payment, to the extent it is not used to pay the qualified higher education expenses of the beneficiary or a sibling of the beneficiary or to the extent it does not constitute a rollover to a Roth individual retirement account as permitted by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, (b) a qualified rollover permitted by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code where the funds are transferred to a qualified tuition program sponsored by another state or entity, or (c) a distribution from an account to pay the costs of attending kindergarten through grade twelve;

(8) Participant or account owner means an individual, an individual's legal representative, or any other legal entity authorized to establish a savings account under section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code who has entered into a participation agreement for the advance payment of qualified higher education expenses on behalf of a beneficiary. For purposes of section 77-2716, as to contributions by a custodian to a custodial account established pursuant to the Nebraska Uniform Transfers to Minors Act or similar law in another state, which account has been established under a participation agreement, participant includes the parent or guardian of a minor, which parent or guardian is also the custodian of the account;

(9) Participation agreement means an agreement between a participant and the Nebraska educational savings plan trust entered into under sections 85-1801 to 85-1817;

(10) Program fund means the College Savings Plan Program Fund created in section 85-1807;

(11) Qualified education loan payment means the payment of principal or interest on a qualified education loan as defined in 26 U.S.C. 221(d), as such section existed on January 1, 2022, of the beneficiary or a sibling of the beneficiary as described in 26 U.S.C. 152(d)(2)(B), as such section existed on January 1, 2022. For purposes of this subdivision, the aggregate total of qualified education loan payments for the qualified education loans of a single beneficiary or sibling shall not exceed ten thousand dollars for all taxable years combined. The aggregate total for qualified education loan payments for the qualified education loans of a sibling of a beneficiary shall be calculated with respect to such sibling and not with respect to the beneficiary and shall include all qualified education loan payments for loans of such sibling, including any qualified education loan payments for which such sibling is the beneficiary or the sibling of a beneficiary;

(12) Qualified higher education expenses means the certified costs of tuition and fees, books, supplies, and equipment required (a) for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution or (b) for costs incurred on or after January 1, 2021, for participation in an apprenticeship program registered and certified with the United States Secretary of Labor under 29 U.S.C. 50, as such section existed on January 1, 2021. Reasonable room and board expenses, based on the minimum amount applicable for the eligible educational institution during the period of enrollment, shall be included as qualified higher education expenses for those students enrolled on at least a half-time basis. In the case of a special needs beneficiary, expenses for special needs services incurred in connection with enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution shall be included as qualified higher education expenses. Expenses paid or incurred on or after January 1, 2022, for the purchase of computer technology or equipment or Internet access and related services, subject to the limitations set forth in section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, shall be included as qualified higher education expenses. Qualified higher education expenses includes qualified education loan payments. Qualified higher education expenses does not include any amounts in excess of those allowed by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code;

(13) Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code means such section of the code and the regulations interpreting such section; and

(14) Tuition and fees means the quarter or semester charges imposed to attend an eligible educational institution.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 2; Laws 2001, LB 750, § 1; Laws 2010, LB197, § 3; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 4; Laws 2013, LB296, § 2; Laws 2019, LB610, § 8; Laws 2021, LB432, § 17; Laws 2021, LB528, § 55; Laws 2022, LB864, § 1; Laws 2023, LB727, § 106.

Cross References

85-1803. Repealed. Laws 2010, LB 197, § 11.
85-1804. Nebraska educational savings plan trust; created; State Treasurer; Nebraska Investment Council; powers and duties.

The Nebraska educational savings plan trust is created. The State Treasurer is the trustee of the trust and as such is responsible for the administration, operation, and maintenance of the program and has all powers necessary to carry out and effectuate the purposes, objectives, and provisions of sections 85-1801 to 85-1817 pertaining to the administration, operation, and maintenance of the trust and program, except that the state investment officer shall have fiduciary responsibility to make all decisions regarding the investment of the money in the administrative fund, expense fund, and program fund, including the selection of all investment options and the approval of all fees and other costs charged to trust assets except costs for administration, operation, and maintenance of the trust as appropriated by the Legislature, pursuant to the directions, guidelines, and policies established by the Nebraska Investment Council. The State Treasurer may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to provide for the efficient administration, operation, and maintenance of the trust and program. The State Treasurer shall not adopt and promulgate rules and regulations that in any way interfere with the fiduciary responsibility of the state investment officer to make all decisions regarding the investment of money in the administrative fund, expense fund, and program fund. The State Treasurer or his or her designee shall have the power to:

(1) Enter into agreements with any eligible educational institution, the state, any federal or other state agency, or any other entity to implement sections 85-1801 to 85-1817, except agreements which pertain to the investment of money in the administrative fund, expense fund, or program fund;

(2) Carry out the duties and obligations of the trust;

(3) Carry out studies and projections to advise participants regarding present and estimated future qualified higher education expenses and levels of financial participation in the trust required in order to enable participants to achieve their educational funding objectives;

(4) Participate in any federal, state, or local governmental program for the benefit of the trust;

(5) Procure insurance against any loss in connection with the property, assets, or activities of the trust as provided in section 81-8,239.01;

(6) Enter into participation agreements with participants;

(7) Make payments to eligible educational institutions pursuant to participation agreements on behalf of beneficiaries and make qualified education loan payments on behalf of beneficiaries or their siblings;

(8) Make distributions to participants upon the termination of participation agreements pursuant to the provisions, limitations, and restrictions set forth in sections 85-1801 to 85-1817;

(9) Contract for goods and services and engage personnel as necessary, including consultants, actuaries, managers, legal counsels, and auditors for the purpose of rendering professional, managerial, and technical assistance and advice regarding trust administration and operation, except contracts which pertain to the investment of the administrative, expense, or program funds; and

(10) Establish, impose, and collect administrative fees and charges in connection with transactions of the trust, and provide for reasonable service charges, including penalties for cancellations and late payments with respect to participation agreements.

The Nebraska Investment Council may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to provide for the prudent investment of the assets of the trust. The council or its designee also has the authority to select and enter into agreements with individuals and entities to provide investment advice and management of the assets held by the trust, establish investment guidelines, objectives, and performance standards with respect to the assets held by the trust, and approve any fees, commissions, and expenses, which directly or indirectly affect the return on assets.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 4; Laws 2001, LB 750, § 2; Laws 2003, LB 574, § 28; Laws 2010, LB197, § 4; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 5; Laws 2019, LB610, § 9; Laws 2022, LB864, § 2.
85-1805. Advertising or promotional materials; restriction.

Any advertising or promotional materials relating to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust may include references to a public office but shall not refer to an officeholder by name.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 5.
85-1806. Participation agreements; terms and conditions.

The Nebraska educational savings plan trust may enter into participation agreements with participants on behalf of beneficiaries pursuant to the following terms and conditions:

(1) A participation agreement shall authorize a participant to make contributions to an account which is established for the purpose of meeting the qualified higher education expenses of a beneficiary as allowed by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. A participant shall not be required to make an annual contribution on behalf of a beneficiary, shall not be subject to minimum contribution requirements, and shall not be required to maintain a minimum account balance. The maximum contribution shall not exceed the amount allowed under section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. The State Treasurer may set a maximum cumulative contribution, as necessary, to maintain compliance with section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. Participation agreements may be amended to provide for adjusted levels of contributions based upon changed circumstances or changes in educational plans or to ensure compliance with section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code or any other applicable laws and regulations;

(2) Beneficiaries designated in participation agreements shall meet the requirements established by the trustee and section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code;

(3) Payment of benefits provided under participation agreements shall be made in a manner consistent with section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code;

(4) The execution of a participation agreement by the trust shall not guarantee in any way that qualified higher education expenses will be equal to projections and estimates provided by the trust or that the beneficiary named in any participation agreement will (a) be admitted to an eligible educational institution, (b) if admitted, be determined a resident for tuition purposes by the eligible educational institution, (c) be allowed to continue attendance at the eligible educational institution following admission, or (d) graduate from the eligible educational institution;

(5) A beneficiary under a participation agreement may be changed as permitted under the rules and regulations adopted under sections 85-1801 to 85-1817 and consistent with section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code upon written request of the participant as long as the substitute beneficiary is eligible for participation. Participation agreements may otherwise be freely amended throughout their term in order to enable participants to increase or decrease the level of participation, change the designation of beneficiaries, and carry out similar matters as authorized by rule and regulation; and

(6) Each participation agreement shall provide that the participation agreement may be canceled upon the terms and conditions and upon payment of applicable fees and costs set forth and contained in the rules and regulations.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 6; Laws 2001, LB 750, § 3; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 6; Laws 2019, LB610, § 10.
85-1807. Deposit of funds; College Savings Plan Program Fund; College Savings Plan Administrative Fund; College Savings Plan Expense Fund; created; use; investment; State Treasurer; report.

(1) The State Treasurer shall deposit money received by the Nebraska educational savings plan trust into three funds: The College Savings Plan Program Fund, the College Savings Plan Expense Fund, and the College Savings Plan Administrative Fund. The State Treasurer shall deposit money received by the trust into the appropriate fund. The State Treasurer and Accounting Administrator of the Department of Administrative Services shall determine the state fund types necessary to comply with section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code and state policy. The money in the funds shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to policies established by the Nebraska Investment Council. The program fund, the expense fund, and the administrative fund shall be separately administered. The Nebraska educational savings plan trust shall be operated with no General Fund appropriations.

(2) The College Savings Plan Program Fund is created. All money paid in connection with participation agreements and all investment income earned on such money shall be deposited as received into separate accounts within the program fund. Contributions to the trust may only be made in the form of cash. All funds generated in connection with participation agreements shall be deposited into the appropriate accounts within the program fund. A participant or beneficiary shall not provide investment direction regarding program contributions or earnings held by the trust. Money accrued in the program fund may be used for the benefit of a beneficiary for payments to any eligible educational institution, but shall not be used to pay expenses associated with attending kindergarten through grade twelve. Any money in the program fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

(3) The College Savings Plan Administrative Fund is created. Money from the trust transferred from the expense fund to the administrative fund in an amount authorized by an appropriation from the Legislature shall be utilized to pay for the costs of administering, operating, and maintaining the trust, to the extent permitted by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. The administrative fund shall not be credited with any money other than money transferred from the expense fund in an amount authorized by an appropriation by the Legislature or any interest income earned on the balances held in the administrative fund. Any money in the administrative fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

(4)(a) The College Savings Plan Expense Fund is created. The expense fund shall be funded with fees assessed to the program fund. The State Treasurer shall use the expense fund:

(i) To pay costs associated with the Nebraska educational savings plan trust;

(ii) For the purposes described in the Meadowlark Act;

(iii) On or before September 1, 2020, to transfer from the expense fund to the Department of Revenue Miscellaneous Receipts Fund fifty-nine thousand five hundred dollars to defray the costs incurred to implement Laws 2020, LB1042; and

(iv) To transfer from the expense fund to the State Investment Officer's Cash Fund an amount equal to the pro rata share of the budget appropriated to the Nebraska Investment Council as permitted in section 72-1249.02, to cover reasonable expenses incurred for investment management of the Nebraska educational savings plan trust. Annually and prior to such transfer to the State Investment Officer's Cash Fund, the State Treasurer shall report to the budget division of the Department of Administrative Services and to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst the amounts transferred during the previous fiscal year. The report submitted to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst shall be submitted electronically.

(b) Any money in the expense fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 7; Laws 2003, LB 574, § 29; Laws 2010, LB197, § 5; Laws 2012, LB782, § 240; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 7; Laws 2019, LB52, § 2; Laws 2019, LB610, § 11; Laws 2020, LB1042, § 3.

Cross References

85-1808. Participation agreement; cancellation; when; effect.

(1) A participant may cancel a participation agreement at will by submitting a request to terminate the participation agreement. Additionally, if a participant requests and obtains a nonqualified withdrawal, the participation agreement shall be deemed canceled with respect to the amount of the nonqualified withdrawal. A participation agreement shall not be deemed canceled if a participant requests and obtains a distribution of his or her entire account balance for qualified higher education expenses and subsequently closes his or her account. Furthermore, the State Treasurer shall have the power to terminate, freeze, or suspend a participation agreement if he or she determines that the participant provided false or misleading information to the detriment of the Nebraska educational savings plan trust, if the participant's account has a zero balance, or if the State Treasurer is unable to verify the identity of the participant.

(2) If a participation agreement is canceled for any of the causes listed in this subsection, the participant shall be entitled to receive the principal amount of all contributions made by the participant under the participation agreement plus the actual program fund investment income earned on the contributions, less any losses incurred on the investment, and such distribution will generally not be subject to federal tax penalty:

(a) Death of the beneficiary if the distribution is paid to the estate of the beneficiary or transferred to another beneficiary as set forth in subsection (10) of section 85-1809;

(b) Permanent disability or mental incapacity of the beneficiary;

(c) The beneficiary is awarded a scholarship as defined in section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, but only to the extent the distribution of earnings does not exceed the scholarship amount; or

(d) A qualified rollover is made as permitted by section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, except that if a qualified rollover is made into a plan sponsored by another state or entity, the participation agreement shall be deemed to have been canceled for purposes of subdivision (8)(d) of section 77-2716 and federal adjusted gross income shall be increased to the extent previously deducted as a contribution to the trust.

(3) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, under no circumstances shall a participant or beneficiary receive a distribution that is more than the fair market value of the specific account on the applicable liquidation date.

(4) If a participant cancels a participation agreement, obtains a rollover into a plan sponsored by another state or entity, or obtains a distribution, a portion of which constitutes a nonqualified withdrawal, the amount of the distribution, rollover, or withdrawal will be subject to recapture of previous Nebraska state income tax deductions as set forth in subdivision (8)(d) of section 77-2716. The transfer of assets among plans sponsored by the State of Nebraska shall be considered an investment option change and not a rollover.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 8; Laws 2001, LB 750, § 4; Laws 2003, LB 574, § 30; Laws 2005, LB 216, § 20; Laws 2010, LB197, § 6; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 8; Laws 2020, LB1042, § 4.
85-1809. Ownership rights under participation agreement.

(1) A participant retains ownership of all contributions made under a participation agreement up to the date of utilization for payment of qualified higher education expenses for the beneficiary or, in the case of a qualified education loan payment, for the beneficiary or a sibling of the beneficiary. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any amount credited to any account is not susceptible to any levy, execution, judgment, or other operation of law, garnishment, or other judicial enforcement, and the amount is not an asset or property of either the participant or the beneficiary for the purposes of any state insolvency or inheritance tax laws. All income derived from the investment of the contributions made by the participant shall be considered to be held in trust for the benefit of the beneficiary.

(2) If the program created by sections 85-1801 to 85-1817 is terminated prior to payment of qualified higher education expenses, the participant is entitled to receive the fair market value of the account established in the program.

(3) If the beneficiary graduates from an eligible educational institution and a balance remains in the participant's account, any remaining funds may be used to make qualified education loan payments for siblings of the beneficiary or transferred as allowed by rule or regulation, subject to the provisions of section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as any other applicable state or federal laws or regulations.

(4) The eligible educational institution shall obtain ownership of the payments made for the qualified higher education expenses paid to the institution at the time each payment is made to the institution.

(5) Any amounts which may be paid to any person or persons pursuant to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust but which are not listed in this section are owned by the trust.

(6) A participant may transfer ownership rights to another eligible participant, including a gift of the ownership rights to a minor beneficiary. The transfer shall be made and the property distributed in accordance with the rules and regulations or with the terms of the participation agreement.

(7) A participant shall not be entitled to utilize any interest in the Nebraska educational savings plan trust as security for a loan.

(8) The Nebraska educational savings plan trust may accept transfers of cash investments from a custodian under the Nebraska Uniform Transfers to Minors Act or any other similar laws under the terms and conditions established by the trustee.

(9) A participant may designate a successor account owner to succeed to all of the participant's rights, title, and interest in an account, including the right to change the account beneficiary, upon the death or legal incapacity of the participant. If a participant dies or becomes legally incapacitated and has failed to name a successor account owner, the account beneficiary shall become the account owner.

(10) Upon the death of a beneficiary, the participant may change the beneficiary on the account, transfer assets to another beneficiary who is a member of the family of the former beneficiary, or request a nonqualified withdrawal.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 9; Laws 2001, LB 750, § 5; Laws 2003, LB 574, § 31; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 9; Laws 2013, LB296, § 3; Laws 2019, LB610, § 12; Laws 2022, LB864, § 3.

Cross References

85-1810. Benefits received; employer contributions; effect on other benefits or aid.

(1) A student loan program, student grant program, or other program administered by any agency of the state, except as may be otherwise provided by federal law or the provisions of any specific grant applicable to the federal law, shall not take into account and shall not consider amounts available for the payment of qualified higher education expenses pursuant to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust in determining need and eligibility for student aid.

(2) A government program administered by any agency of the state that provides benefits or aid to individuals based on financial need, except as may be otherwise provided by federal law or the provisions of any specific grant applicable to the federal law, shall not take into account and shall not consider contributions made to a participant's account by the participant's employer in determining the income of such participant.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 10; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 10; Laws 2020, LB1042, § 5.
85-1811. Annual audited financial report.

(1) The State Treasurer shall submit an annual audited financial report, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, on the operations of the Nebraska educational savings plan trust by November 1 to the Governor and the Legislature. The report submitted to the Legislature shall be submitted electronically. The State Treasurer shall cause the audit to be made either by the Auditor of Public Accounts or by an independent certified public accountant designated by the State Treasurer, and the audit shall include direct and indirect costs attributable to the use of outside consultants, independent contractors, and any other persons who are not state employees.

(2) The annual audit shall be supplemented by all of the following information prepared by the State Treasurer:

(a) Any related studies or evaluations prepared in the preceding year;

(b) A summary of the benefits provided by the trust, including the number of participants and beneficiaries in the trust; and

(c) Any other information which is relevant in order to make a full, fair, and effective disclosure of the operations of the trust, including the investment performance of the funds.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 11; Laws 2012, LB782, § 241.
85-1812. Benefits received; tax consequences.

(1) For federal income tax purposes, the Nebraska educational savings plan trust shall be considered a qualified state tuition program exempt from taxation pursuant to section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code. The trust meets the requirements of section 529(b) of the Internal Revenue Code as follows:

(a) Pursuant to section 85-1806, a participant may make contributions to an account which is established for the purpose of meeting the qualified higher education expenses of the designated beneficiary of the account or, in the case of a qualified education loan payment, the designated beneficiary of the account or a sibling of the designated beneficiary;

(b) Pursuant to section 85-1806, a maximum contribution level is established;

(c) Pursuant to section 85-1807, a separate account is established for each beneficiary;

(d) Pursuant to section 85-1807, contributions may only be made in the form of cash;

(e) Pursuant to section 85-1807, a participant or beneficiary shall not provide investment direction regarding program contributions or earnings held by the trust;

(f) Penalties are provided on distributions of earnings which are: (i) Not used for qualified higher education expenses of the beneficiary or, in the case of a qualified education loan payment, the beneficiary or a sibling of the beneficiary; (ii) made on account of the death of the designated beneficiary if the distribution is not transferred to another beneficiary or paid to the estate of the beneficiary; (iii) not made on account of the permanent disability or mental incapacity of the designated beneficiary; or (iv) made due to scholarship, allowance, or payment receipt in excess of the scholarship, allowance, or payment receipt; and

(g) Pursuant to section 85-1809, a participant shall not pledge any interest in the trust as security for a loan.

(2) State income tax treatment of the Nebraska educational savings plan trust shall be as provided in section 77-2716.

(3) For purposes of federal gift and generation-skipping transfer taxes, contributions to an account are considered a completed gift from the contributor to the beneficiary.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 12; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 11; Laws 2022, LB864, § 4.
85-1813. Assets of trust; how treated.

The assets of the Nebraska educational savings plan trust, including the program fund and excluding the administrative fund and the expense fund, shall at all times be preserved, invested, and expended solely and only for the purposes of the trust and shall be held in trust for the participants and beneficiaries. No property rights in the trust shall exist in favor of the state. Assets of the trust, including the program fund, the administrative fund, and the expense fund, shall not be transferred or used by the state for any purposes other than the purposes of the trust.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 13; Laws 2010, LB197, § 7; Laws 2019, LB52, § 3.
85-1814. Sections; how construed.

Nothing in sections 85-1801 to 85-1813 shall be deemed to prohibit both resident and nonresident participants and designated beneficiaries from being eligible to participate in and benefit from the Nebraska educational savings plan trust and program. It is the intent of the Legislature that funds and income credited to the program fund are fully portable and may be used at any eligible educational institution.

Source:Laws 2000, LB 1003, § 14; Laws 2012, LB1104, § 12.