84-1501. Public Employees Retirement Board; created; members; qualifications; appointment; terms; vacancy; removal.

(1) The Public Employees Retirement Board is hereby established.

(2)(a) The board shall consist of nine appointed members as described in this subsection and the state investment officer as a nonvoting, ex officio member. Seven of the appointed members shall be active or retired participants in the retirement systems administered by the board, and two of the appointed members (i) shall not be employees of the State of Nebraska or any of its political subdivisions and (ii) shall have at least ten years of experience in the management of a public or private organization or have at least five years of experience in the field of actuarial analysis or the administration of an employee benefit plan.

(b) The appointed members who are participants in the retirement systems shall be as follows:

(i) Two of the appointed members shall be participants in the School Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska and shall include one administrator and one teacher;

(ii) One of the appointed members shall be a participant in the Nebraska Judges Retirement System as provided in the Judges Retirement Act;

(iii) One of the appointed members shall be a participant in the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement System;

(iv) One of the appointed members shall be a participant in the Retirement System for Nebraska Counties;

(v) One of the appointed members shall be a participant in the State Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska; and

(vi) Beginning September 1, 2024, one of the appointed members shall be a participant who is a teacher in a retirement system established under the Class V School Employees Retirement Act. Prior to September 1, 2024, such member shall be a nonvoting, ex officio member.

(c) Appointments to the board shall be made by the Governor and shall be subject to the approval of the Legislature. All appointed members shall be citizens of the State of Nebraska.

(3)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, all members shall serve for terms of five years or until a successor has been appointed and qualified. The terms shall begin on January 1 of the appropriate year.

(b) To ensure an experienced and knowledgeable board, the terms of the appointed members shall be staggered as follows:

(i) One of the two members described in subdivisions (2)(a)(i) and (ii) of this section shall be appointed to serve for a five-year term which begins in 2017;

(ii) One of the two members described in subdivisions (2)(a)(i) and (ii) of this section shall be appointed to serve for a five-year term which begins in 2018;

(iii) The participant in the School Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska who is a teacher shall be appointed for a five-year term which begins in 2019;

(iv) The participant in the School Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska who is an administrator and the participant in the State Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska shall be appointed for a five-year term which begins in 2020;

(v) The participant in the Retirement System for Nebraska Counties and the participant in the Nebraska Judges Retirement System shall be appointed to serve for a five-year term which begins in 2021;

(vi) The participant in the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement System shall be appointed to serve for a three-year term which begins in 2020, and his or her successor shall be appointed to serve for a five-year term which begins in 2023; and

(vii) The participant in a retirement system established under the Class V School Employees Retirement Act shall be appointed to serve for a fifty-two-month term which begins September 1, 2024, and his or her successor shall be appointed to serve for a five-year term which begins in 2029.

(4) In the event of a vacancy in office, the Governor shall appoint a person to serve the unexpired portion of the term subject to the approval of the Legislature.

(5) The appointed members of the board may be removed by the Governor for cause after notice and an opportunity to be heard.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 987, § 1; Laws 1973, LB 250, § 1; Laws 1975, LB 36, § 1; Laws 1981, LB 204, § 216; Laws 1987, LB 59, § 1; Laws 1989, LB 418, § 1; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 51; Laws 1997, LB 623, § 46; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 38; Laws 2005, LB 364, § 20; Laws 2011, LB509, § 50; Laws 2016, LB447, § 46; Laws 2020, LB381, § 135; Laws 2021, LB147, § 45; Laws 2024, LB198, § 20.
Effective Date: March 19, 2024

Cross References

84-1502. Board; chairperson; secretary; election; meetings; compensation; expenses.

(1) Within thirty days after its appointment, the Public Employees Retirement Board shall meet and select a chairperson and secretary. Thereafter, the chairperson and the secretary shall be elected in January of each year.

(2) The board shall meet upon call of the chairperson or upon the request of three members of the board filed with the board office. Meetings of the board shall be held in this state and may be held by telecommunication equipment if the requirements of the Open Meetings Act are met.

(3) The members of the board, except the state investment officer, shall be paid seventy-five dollars per diem, and all members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in connection with the performance of their duties as board members as provided in sections 81-1174 to 81-1177.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 987, § 2; Laws 1986, LB 311, § 39; Laws 2004, LB 821, § 41; Laws 2005, LB 503, § 18; Laws 2019, LB33, § 7; Laws 2020, LB381, § 136.

Cross References

84-1503. Board; duties; director; duties.

(1) It shall be the duty of the Public Employees Retirement Board:

(a) To administer the retirement systems provided for in the County Employees Retirement Act, the Judges Retirement Act, the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act, the School Employees Retirement Act, the State Employees Retirement Act, and, beginning September 1, 2024, the Class V School Employees Retirement Act. The agency for the administration of the retirement systems and under the direction of the board shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems;

(b) To appoint a director to administer the systems under the direction of the board. The appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Governor and a majority of the Legislature. Director qualifications shall include, but not be limited to, (i) supervisory or management experience and (ii) training in, experience with, or a demonstrated knowledge of qualified public employee retirement plan administration. The director shall not be a member of the board. The salary of the director shall be set by the board. The director shall serve without term and may be removed by the board;

(c) To provide for an equitable allocation of expenses among the retirement systems administered by the board, and all expenses shall be provided from the investment income earned by the various retirement funds unless alternative sources of funds to pay expenses are specified by law;

(d) To administer the deferred compensation program authorized in section 84-1504;

(e) To hire an attorney to advise the board in the administration of the retirement systems listed in subdivision (a) of this subsection. The attorney shall be admitted to practice law in Nebraska, except that the board shall have the discretion to hire an attorney for a probationary period not to exceed six months pending such attorney's admission to practice law in Nebraska;

(f) To hire an internal auditor to perform the duties described in section 84-1503.04 who meets the minimum standards as described in section 84-304.03; and

(g) To adopt and implement procedures for reporting information by employers, as well as testing and monitoring procedures in order to verify the accuracy of such information. The information necessary to determine membership shall be provided by the employer. The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations and prescribe such forms necessary to carry out this subdivision. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to require the board to conduct onsite audits of political subdivisions for compliance with statutes, rules, and regulations governing the retirement systems listed in subdivision (1)(a) of this section regarding membership and contributions.

(2) In administering the retirement systems listed in subdivision (1)(a) of this section, it shall be the duty of the board:

(a) To determine, based on information provided by the employer, the prior service annuity, if any, for each person who is an employee of the county on the date of adoption of the retirement system;

(b) To determine the eligibility of an individual to be a member of the retirement system and other questions of fact in the event of a dispute between an individual and the individual's employer;

(c) To adopt and promulgate rules and regulations, as the board may deem necessary, for the management of the board;

(d) To keep a complete record of all proceedings taken at any meeting of the board;

(e) To obtain, by a competitive, formal, and sealed bidding process through the materiel division of the Department of Administrative Services, actuarial services on behalf of the State of Nebraska as may be necessary in the administration and development of the retirement systems, including, but not limited to, preparation of an annual actuarial valuation report of each of the defined benefit and cash balance plans administered by the board. Such annual valuation reports shall be presented by the actuary to the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature at a public hearing or hearings. Any contract for actuarial services shall contain a provision allowing the actuary, without prior approval of the board, to perform actuarial studies of the systems as requested by entities other than the board, if notice, which does not identify the entity or substance of the request, is given to the board, all costs are paid by the requesting entity, results are provided to the board, the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature, and the Legislative Fiscal Analyst upon being made public, and such actuarial studies do not interfere with the actuary's ongoing responsibility to the board. The term of the contract shall be for up to three years. A competitive, formal, and sealed bidding process shall be completed at least once every three years, unless the board determines that such a process would not be cost effective under the circumstances and that the actuarial services performed have been satisfactory, in which case the contract may also contain an option for renewal without a competitive, formal, and sealed bidding process for up to two additional three-year periods. An actuary under contract for the State of Nebraska shall be a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the academy's qualification standards to render a statement of actuarial opinion;

(f) To direct the State Treasurer to transfer funds, as an expense of the retirement systems, to the Legislative Council Retirement Study Fund. Such transfer shall be in such amounts as the Legislature shall direct;

(g) To adopt and promulgate rules and regulations, as the board may deem necessary, to carry out the provisions of each retirement system described in subdivision (1)(a) of this section, which includes, but is not limited to, the crediting of military service, direct rollover distributions, and the acceptance of rollovers;

(h) To obtain auditing services for a separate compliance audit of the retirement systems to be completed by December 31, 2028, and from time to time at the request of the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature, to be completed not more than every four years but not less than every ten years. The compliance audit shall be in addition to the annual audit conducted by the Auditor of Public Accounts. The compliance audit shall include, but not be limited to, an examination of records, files, and other documents and an evaluation of all policies and procedures to determine compliance with all state and federal laws. A copy of the compliance audit shall be given to the Governor, the board, and the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature and shall be presented to the committee at a public hearing;

(i) To adopt and promulgate rules and regulations, as the board may deem necessary, for the adjustment of contributions or benefits, which includes, but is not limited to: (i) The procedures for refunding contributions, adjusting future contributions or benefit payments, and requiring additional contributions or repayment of benefits; (ii) the process for a member, member's beneficiary, employee, or employer to dispute an adjustment to contributions or benefits; (iii) establishing materiality and de minimus amounts for agency transactions, adjustments, and inactive account closures; and (iv) notice provided to all affected persons. Following an adjustment, a timely notice shall be sent that describes the adjustment and the process for disputing an adjustment to contributions or benefits;

(j)(i) To amend the deferred compensation plan to require that in the event of a member's death, except as provided in section 42-1107, the death benefit shall be paid to the following, in order of priority:

(A) To the member's surviving designated beneficiary on file with the board;

(B) To the spouse married to the member on the member's date of death if there is no surviving designated beneficiary on file with the board; or

(C) To the member's estate if the member is not married on the member's date of death and there is no surviving designated beneficiary on file with the board; and

(ii) The priority designations described in subdivision (2)(j)(i) of this section shall not apply if the member has retired under a joint and survivor benefit option;

(k) To make a thorough investigation through the director or the director's designee, of any overpayment of a benefit, when in the judgment of the director such investigation is necessary, including, but not limited to, circumstances in which benefit payments are made after the death of a member or beneficiary and the retirement system is not made aware of such member's or beneficiary's death. In connection with any such investigation, the board, through the director or the director's designee, shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, records, and documents, whether in hardcopy, electronic form, or otherwise, and issue subpoenas for such purposes. Such subpoenas shall be served in the same manner and have the same effect as subpoenas from district courts; and

(l) To administer all retirement system plans in a manner which will maintain each plan's status as a qualified plan pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in section 49-801.01, including: Section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code relating to the time and manner in which benefits are required to be distributed, including the incidental death benefit distribution requirement of section 401(a)(9)(G) of the Internal Revenue Code; section 401(a)(25) of the Internal Revenue Code relating to the specification of actuarial assumptions; section 401(a)(31) of the Internal Revenue Code relating to direct rollover distributions from eligible retirement plans; section 401(a)(37) of the Internal Revenue Code relating to the death benefit of a member whose death occurs while performing qualified military service; and section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code by meeting the requirements of section 414(d) of the Internal Revenue Code relating to the establishment of retirement plans for governmental employees of a state or political subdivision thereof. The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations necessary or appropriate to maintain such status including, but not limited to, rules or regulations which restrict discretionary or optional contributions to a plan or which limit distributions from a plan.

(3) By April 10 of each year, the board shall prepare a written plan of action and shall present such plan to the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature at a public hearing. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the board's funding policy, the administrative costs and other fees associated with each fund and plan overseen by the board, member education and informational programs, the director's duties and limitations, an organizational structure of the office of the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems, and the internal control structure of such office to ensure compliance with state and federal laws.

(4)(a) Beginning in 2016, and at least every four years thereafter in even-numbered years or at the request of the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature, the board shall obtain an experience study. Within thirty business days after presentation of the experience study to the board, the actuary shall present the study to the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee at a public hearing. If the board does not adopt all of the recommendations in the experience study, the board shall provide a written explanation of its decision to the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee and the Governor. The explanation shall be delivered within ten business days after formal action by the board to not adopt one or more of the recommendations.

(b) The director shall provide an electronic copy of the first draft and a final draft of the experience study and annual valuation reports to the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee and the Governor when the director receives the drafts from the actuary. The drafts shall be deemed confidential information. The draft copies obtained by the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee and the Governor pursuant to this section shall not be considered public records subject to sections 84-712 to 84-712.09.

(c) For purposes of this subsection, business days shall be computed by excluding the day the request is received, after which the designated period of time begins to run. A business day shall not include a Saturday or a Sunday or a day during which the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems office is closed.

(5) It shall be the duty of the board to direct the State Treasurer to transfer funds, as an expense of the retirement system provided for under the Class V School Employees Retirement Act, to and from the Class V Retirement System Payment Processing Fund and the Class V School Employees Retirement Fund for the benefit of a retirement system provided for under the Class V School Employees Retirement Act to implement section 79-986. The agency for the administration of this provision and under the direction of the board shall be known and may be cited as the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems.

(6) Pursuant to section 79-9,121, it shall be the duty of the board to carry out the work plan, file the report, and contract with, bill, and receive payment from an employer of any Class V school employees retirement system established under the Class V School Employees Retirement Act for all services performed in the conduct, completion, and report of such work plan regarding the transfer of management of any such Class V school employees retirement system.

(7) It shall be the duty of the board to complete the additional identification and examination of issues pursuant to section 79-9,124, to enter and carry out the plan for the transfer and transition of the management and administration of any Class V school employees retirement system established under the Class V School Employees Retirement Act pursuant to section 79-979.01, and to bill and receive payment from an employer of any such retirement system for the costs and expenses of the board in carrying out the plan and the transfer of the management and administration of the Class V school employees retirement system to the board.

Source:Laws 1971, LB 987, § 3; Laws 1973, LB 216, § 3; Laws 1973, LB 498, § 10; Laws 1979, LB 416, § 3; Laws 1983, LB 70, § 1; Laws 1984, LB 751, § 13; Laws 1986, LB 311, § 40; Laws 1987, LB 549, § 14; Laws 1988, LB 1170, § 22; Laws 1991, LB 549, § 74; Laws 1992, LB 672, § 33; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 54; Laws 1994, LB 1306, § 11; Laws 1995, LB 502, § 3; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 52; Laws 1996, LB 1076, § 44; Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 78; Laws 1999, LB 849, § 33; Laws 2000, LB 1192, § 25; Laws 2001, LB 808, § 21; Laws 2002, LB 407, § 63; Laws 2003, LB 451, § 35; Laws 2005, LB 503, § 19; Laws 2011, LB474, § 14; Laws 2011, LB509, § 51; Laws 2012, LB916, § 43; Laws 2013, LB263, § 43; Laws 2014, LB1042, § 11; Laws 2015, LB40, § 16; Laws 2016, LB447, § 47; Laws 2017, LB415, § 52; Laws 2018, LB1005, § 49; Laws 2019, LB31, § 6; Laws 2019, LB33, § 8; Laws 2019, LB34, § 29; Laws 2021, LB147, § 46; Laws 2022, LB700, § 16.

Cross References

84-1503.01. Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
84-1503.02. Board; duties and responsibilities.

(1) The appointed members of the Public Employees Retirement Board shall have the responsibility for the administration of the retirement systems pursuant to subdivision (1)(a) of section 84-1503, shall be deemed fiduciaries with respect to the administration of the retirement systems, and shall be held to the standard of conduct of a fiduciary specified in subsection (2) of this section. The nonvoting, ex officio member of the board shall not be deemed a fiduciary.

(2) As fiduciaries, the appointed members of the board shall discharge their duties with respect to the retirement systems solely in the interests of the members and beneficiaries of the retirement systems for the exclusive purposes of providing benefits to members and members' beneficiaries and defraying reasonable expenses incurred within the limitations and according to the powers, duties, and purposes prescribed by law at the time such duties are discharged. The appointed members of the board shall not have a duty in their official capacity to seek the enhancement of plan benefits through the legislative process if such benefits are not already contained within the plan documents. The appointed members of the board shall act with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 847, § 53; Laws 2006, LB 1019, § 18.
84-1503.03. Director; employ personnel; employees; duties.

(1) The director of the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems shall employ qualified personnel as may be required to carry out the duties and responsibilities required under sections 84-1501 to 84-1513. Except for the personnel described in subsection (2) of this section, such employees shall be deemed state employees and covered by the State Personnel System pursuant to sections 81-1301 to 81-1368 and other personnel rules or regulations. The positions of the internal auditor and the attorney hired by the board pursuant to section 84-1503 shall be classified positions covered by the State Personnel System and shall not be noncovered positions under subsection (2) of section 81-1316.

(2) The director may hire assistant directors and deputies to assist the director in administering the Nebraska Public Employee Retirement Systems. Each assistant director and deputy shall be exempt from the State Personnel System and shall receive a salary as set by the director.

(3) The director shall be exempt from the State Personnel System.

(4) All employees shall comply with state accounting regulations and applicable state and federal laws in the discharge of their duties.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 847, § 54; Laws 1997, LB 623, § 48; Laws 2001, LB 408, § 30; Laws 2005, LB 364, § 21; Laws 2005, LB 503, § 21; Laws 2006, LB 1019, § 19; Laws 2024, LB198, § 21.
Effective Date: March 19, 2024
84-1503.04. Internal auditor; duties and responsibilities.

The duties and responsibilities of the internal auditor employed by the Public Employees Retirement Board shall be consistent with the suggested standards for the professional practice of internal auditing as adopted by the Institute of Internal Auditors and include the following:

(1) Prepare a formal written three-year audit plan and work schedule each year and present them to the board;

(2) Conduct ongoing reviews of the internal procedures of the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems and recommend improvements to the board;

(3) Ensure that the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems' internal accounting and operational controls are appropriate and operating correctly and report inconsistencies to the board;

(4) Examine and evaluate system records and operating procedures; verify compliance with established plans, policies, procedures, and control systems; assure compliance with regulatory and statutory conditions; and assure adherence to generally accepted accounting and auditing principles and report inconsistencies to the board;

(5) Perform internal auditing functions, including review of contributions received and creditable service granted; review benefit payments for completeness of information, appropriateness, accuracy, and timeliness; verify accuracy of data and financial information reported to the systems' actuary for all applicable plans; and verify accuracy of data and financial information reported to the systems' record keeper for all applicable plans; and

(6) Develop standards to be used by independent auditors in their review of the practices and procedures used by various employers to provide for employee participation in the respective retirement systems included in subdivision (1)(a) of section 84-1503.

Source:Laws 2005, LB 503, § 20.
84-1504. Deferred compensation; treatment; participation; requirements.

(1) The Public Employees Retirement Board, on behalf of the state, may contract with any individual to defer a portion of such individual's compensation or with the Legislative Council to defer any other amount that the Legislative Council agrees to credit to an individual's account pursuant to section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code.

(2) The compensation to be deferred at the election of the individual and any other amount credited on behalf of such individual by the Legislative Council shall not exceed the total compensation to be received by the individual from the employer or exceed the limits established by the Internal Revenue Code for such a plan.

(3) The deferred compensation program shall serve in addition to but not be a part of any existing retirement or pension system provided for state or county employees or any other benefit program.

(4) Any compensation deferred at the election of the individual under such a deferred compensation plan shall continue to be included as regular compensation for the purpose of computing the retirement, pension, or social security contributions made or benefits earned by any employee.

(5) Any sum so deferred shall not be included in the computation of any federal or state taxes withheld on behalf of any such individual.

(6) The state, the board, the state investment officer, the agency, or the county shall not be responsible for any investment results entered into by the individual in the deferred compensation agreement.

(7) Nothing in this section shall in any way limit, restrict, alter, amend, invalidate, or nullify any deferred compensation plan previously instituted by any instrumentality or agency of the State of Nebraska, and any such plan is hereby authorized and approved.

(8) No employee of the state or any political subdivision of the state shall be authorized to participate in a deferred compensation plan unless the employee is a United States citizen or is lawfully present in the United States. The employing state agency or political subdivision of the State of Nebraska and the employee shall maintain at least one of the following documents which shall be unexpired, if applicable to the particular document, to demonstrate United States citizenship or lawful presence in the United States as of the employee's date of hire and produce any such document so maintained upon request of the Public Employees Retirement Board or the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems:

(a) A state-issued driver's license;

(b) A state-issued identification card;

(c) A certified copy of a birth certificate or delayed birth certificate issued in any state, territory, or possession of the United States;

(d) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the United States Department of State;

(e) A United States passport;

(f) A foreign passport with a United States visa;

(g) A United States Certificate of Naturalization;

(h) A United States Certificate of Citizenship;

(i) A tribal certificate of Native American blood or similar document;

(j) A United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Document, Form I-766;

(k) A United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551; or

(l) Any other document issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services granting employment authorization in the United States and approved by the Public Employees Retirement Board.

(9) For purposes of this section, individual means (a) any state employee, whether employed on a permanent or temporary basis, full-time or part-time, (b) a person under contract providing services to the state who is not employed by the University of Nebraska or any of the state colleges or community colleges and who has entered into a contract with the state to have compensation deferred prior to August 28, 1999, and (c) any county employee designated as a permanent part-time or full-time employee or elected official whose employer does not offer a deferred compensation plan and who has entered into an agreement pursuant to section 48-1401.

Source:Laws 1973, LB 428, § 1; R.S.Supp.,1974, § 84-1329.01; Laws 1975, LB 42, § 2; Laws 1987, LB 549, § 15; Laws 1994, LB 460, § 1; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 55; Laws 1997, LB 623, § 49; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 43; Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 79; Laws 1999, LB 703, § 27; Laws 2001, LB 75, § 2; Laws 2010, LB950, § 28; Laws 2024, LB198, § 22.
Effective Date: March 19, 2024
84-1505. Deferred compensation; treatment; investment.

(1) All compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with the deferred compensation, and all investment income attributable to the deferred compensation, property, or rights shall be held in trust for the exclusive benefit of participants and their beneficiaries by the State of Nebraska until such time as payments shall be paid under the terms of the deferred compensation plan. All such assets held in trust shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

(2) The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds and securities of the deferred compensation plan and may deposit the funds and securities in any financial institution approved by the Nebraska Investment Council. All disbursements therefrom shall be paid by him or her only upon vouchers duly authorized by the retirement board. The State Treasurer shall furnish annually to the retirement board a sworn statement of the amount of the funds in his or her custody belonging to the deferred compensation plan, which statement shall be as of the calendar year ending December 31 of each year.

(3) All compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with the deferred compensation, and all investment income attributable to the deferred compensation, property, or rights shall not be subject to garnishment, attachment, levy, the operation of bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or any other process of law whatsoever and shall not be assignable.

Source:Laws 1973, LB 428, § 2; R.S.Supp.,1974, § 84-1329.02; Laws 1994, LB 460, § 2; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 56; Laws 1997, LB 623, § 50; Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 80; Laws 2012, LB916, § 44; Laws 2015, LB40, § 17.

Cross References

84-1506. Deferred compensation; availability and distribution of funds; Deferred Compensation Fund; created.

(1) Under the deferred compensation plan, any amount shall not be available to the participant or beneficiary prior to (a) the calendar year in which the participant attains age seventy and one-half years, (b) when the participant is separated from service with the state, or (c) when the participant has an unforeseeable emergency as determined by the Public Employees Retirement Board. The deferred compensation plan shall meet the minimum distribution requirements of section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. Distribution shall be made as provided in subsection (2) of this section or sections 84-1509 and 84-1510.

(2) For amounts under the deferred compensation plan which are not provided for under an administrative services agreement pursuant to section 84-1509, payments and benefits shall be deposited in the Deferred Compensation Fund which is hereby created. The State Treasurer shall make payments to the employees from the Deferred Compensation Fund.

Source:Laws 1973, LB 428, § 3; R.S.Supp.,1974, § 84-1329.03; Laws 1979, LB 411, § 2; Laws 1994, LB 460, § 3; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 57.
84-1506.01. Deferred Compensation Expense Fund; created; use; investment.

All expenses necessary in connection with the administration and operation of the deferred compensation plan authorized in section 84-1504 shall be paid from the Deferred Compensation Expense Fund which is hereby created. The fund shall be credited with the proportionate share of administration expenses from the deferred compensation plan assets and income as directed by the Public Employees Retirement Board for the proper administration of the plan. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

Source:Laws 1997, LB 623, § 51.

Cross References

84-1507. Actuarial reports; statement of actuarial assumptions and methods; actuarial valuations and experience investigations; prepared; actuary; certified by Public Employees Retirement Board.

All actuarial reports, statements of actuarial assumptions and methods, and actuarial valuations and experience investigations required for any retirement system in Nebraska covering employees of any political subdivision in the state and supported, in whole or in part, by Nebraska tax dollars shall be prepared and signed by an actuary certified as qualified by the Public Employees Retirement Board. Such certification may be applied for by written request to the Public Employees Retirement Board.

Source:Laws 1973, LB 297, § 1; R.S.Supp.,1974, § 84-1315.01.
84-1508. Repealed. Laws 1996, LB 847, § 62.
84-1509. Administrative services agreement; authorized.

The Public Employees Retirement Board may enter into an administrative services agreement with an organization authorized to conduct business in Nebraska and to administer public employee deferred compensation retirement plans. No such agreement shall be entered into unless the board determines that it will result in administrative economy and will be in the best interests of the state and its participating employees.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 411, § 3; Laws 1994, LB 460, § 4; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 58.
84-1510. Administrative services agreement; terms.

The agreement authorized by section 84-1509 shall provide:

(1) That the organization shall make all disbursements under the contract or contracts issued by it, such disbursements to be made in such manner and amounts as directed by the state whether on account of retirement, termination of services, total disability, or death;

(2) That the organization shall include with each disbursement a statement showing the gross payment, any taxes withheld, and the net amount paid and an annual statement of account;

(3) That the organization shall furnish to the board a monthly statement of all disbursements and withholdings as stipulated in the agreement;

(4) Hold-harmless clauses protecting each party thereto from the negligent acts of the other or for any loss or claim against one party resulting from release of incorrect or misleading information furnished by the other party;

(5) For the right of the state, either directly or through independent auditors, to examine and audit the organization's records and accounts relating to disbursements made under the agreement;

(6) Protection to the state against assignment of the agreement or the subletting of work done or services furnished under the agreement;

(7) For termination of the agreement; and

(8) Such other terms as may be agreed upon and which the board determines to be in the best interest of the state and its participating employees.

Source:Laws 1979, LB 411, § 4; Laws 1987, LB 549, § 16; Laws 1994, LB 460, § 5.
84-1511. Board; information and advice regarding retirement; provide sessions; for whom; required information; leave authorized; funding; fee.

(1) For purposes of this section:

(a) Leave with pay means time off paid by the employer and does not mean vacation, sick, personal, or compensatory time; and

(b) Session means an in-person training or live-broadcast webinar but does not include information that can be accessed at any time via electronic means.

(2)(a) The Public Employees Retirement Board shall provide sessions for state patrol officers, state employees, judges, county employees, and school employees who are members of the retirement systems established pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Act, the Judges Retirement Act, the School Employees Retirement Act, the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement Act, and the State Employees Retirement Act. The sessions shall provide information and advice regarding the many changes members face upon retirement, including, but not limited to, changes in physical and mental health, housing, family life, leisure activity, and retirement income.

(b) The sessions shall be available to any member who has satisfied the vesting requirements under the retirement system in which the member participates.

(c) The sessions shall include information on the federal and state income tax consequences of the various annuity or retirement benefit options available to retirement system members, information on social security benefits, information on various local, state, and federal government programs and programs in the private sector designed to assist elderly persons, and information and advice the board deems valuable in assisting retirement system members in the transition from public employment to retirement.

(d) Beginning September 1, 2024, as provided pursuant to section 79-9,117, the board shall also provide the sessions described in this subsection to school employees who are members of any retirement system established pursuant to the Class V School Employees Retirement Act.

(3) The board shall work with the Department of Health and Human Services, the personnel division of the Department of Administrative Services, employee groups, and any other governmental agency, including political subdivisions or bodies whose services or expertise may enhance the development or implementation of the sessions.

(4)(a)(i) Each employer participating in the Retirement System for Nebraska Counties or the State Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska shall provide each member leave with pay to attend up to three days of sessions.

(ii) Each employer participating in the Nebraska Judges Retirement System, the School Employees Retirement System of the State of Nebraska, or the Nebraska State Patrol Retirement System shall provide each member leave with pay to attend up to two days of sessions.

(b) Leave authorized pursuant to subdivision (4)(a) of this section may only be used to attend sessions that occur during the employee's normal work day.

(c) A member may choose to attend more sessions than the leave authorized pursuant to subdivision (4)(a) of this section, but leave to attend such additional sessions shall be at the expense of the member and shall be at the discretion of the employer.

(5) Funding to cover the expenses of a session shall be charged back to the retirement fund of each plan for which sessions are provided pursuant to subsection (2) of this section on a pro rata share based on the number of members in each plan, except that a nominal registration fee may be charged to each person attending an in-person training session to cover the costs for meals, meeting rooms, or other expenses incurred that are incident to an in-person training session.

Source:Laws 1986, LB 311, § 1; Laws 1992, Third Spec. Sess., LB 14, § 31; Laws 1995, LB 369, § 9; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 1076; Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 979; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 44; Laws 1998, LB 497, § 29; Laws 2011, LB509, § 52; Laws 2013, LB263, § 44; Laws 2022, LB700, § 17.

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84-1511.01. Repealed. Laws 2022, LB700, § 19.
84-1512. Board; access to records; director; duties; employer education program.

(1) The Public Employees Retirement Board, for purposes of administering the various retirement systems under its jurisdiction, shall receive from the Department of Administrative Services and other employers such information as is necessary for the efficient and accurate administration of the systems and shall consult with the Department of Administrative Services and other employers as to the form in which the information is to be presented and received by the board. The information in the records shall be provided by the employers in an accurate and verifiable form, as specified by the director of the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems. The director shall, from time to time, carry out testing procedures to verify the accuracy of such information. The director shall have access to records maintained by the Department of Administrative Services on the Nebraska employees information system database for the purpose of obtaining any information which may be necessary to verify the accuracy of information and administer the systems and the holder of the records shall comply with a request by the director for access by providing such facts and information to the director in a timely manner.

(2) The director shall develop and implement an employer education program using principles generally accepted by public employee retirement systems so that all employers have the knowledge and information necessary to prepare and file reports as the board requires.

(3) The information obtained by the board pursuant to this section shall not be considered public records subject to sections 84-712 to 84-712.09, except that the following information shall be considered public records: The member's name, the retirement system in which the member is a participant, the date the member's participation in the retirement system commenced, and the date the member's participation in the retirement system ended, if applicable.

Source:Laws 1986, LB 311, § 41; Laws 2000, LB 1192, § 26; Laws 2005, LB 503, § 22; Laws 2009, LB188, § 19.
84-1513. Board; members; personal liability.

No member of the Public Employees Retirement Board shall be personally liable, except in cases of willful dishonesty, gross negligence, or intentional violations of law, for actions relating to administrative decisions pertaining to the retirement funds of retirement plans administered by the board.

Source:Laws 1986, LB 311, § 42; Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 81.
84-1514. Class V Retirement System Payment Processing Fund; created; use; investment; transfers of funds; liability.

The Class V Retirement System Payment Processing Fund is created for the purpose of transferring funds as specified in section 79-986 and for paying expenses associated with the transfer of such funds. The fund shall consist of the amounts transferred from the custodial bank that holds the assets of a retirement system provided for under the Class V School Employees Retirement Act to make payments for purposes specified in the Class V School Employees Retirement Act and to pay administrative expenses incurred under this section by the Public Employees Retirement Board. The fund shall reside with the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems for the sole purpose of conducting the transactions necessary to implement this section. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

The Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems, Public Employees Retirement Board, State Treasurer, Nebraska Investment Council, and employees of each of such agencies shall not have responsibility to review or verify the accuracy of the requests for transfer of funds for payments and shall not be liable for any claims, suits, losses, damages, fees, and costs related to the payment of such benefits, refunds, and expenses.

Source:Laws 2016, LB447, § 48.

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