79-1101. Legislative findings and intent; terms, defined.

(1) The Legislature finds and declares that: (a) Early childhood education programs can assist children in achieving their potential as citizens, workers, and human beings and can strengthen families; (b) early childhood education has been proven to be a sound public investment of funds not only in assuring productive, taxpaying workers in the economy but also in avoidance of increasingly expensive social costs for those who drop out as productive members of society; (c) the key ingredient in an effective early childhood education program is a strong family development and support component because the role of the parent is of critical importance; (d) while all children can benefit from quality, developmentally appropriate early childhood education experiences, such experiences are especially important for at-risk infants and children; (e) current early childhood education programs serve only a fraction of Nebraska's children and the quality of current programs varies widely; (f) well-designed early childhood education programs increase the likelihood that children who participate will enter school prepared to achieve high standards; (g) effective early childhood education programs require staff with knowledge about child growth, development, and learning and family systems; and (h) both public and nonpublic programs which meet recognized standards of quality can address the growth, development, and learning needs of young children.

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature and the public policy of this state to encourage schools and community-based organizations to work together to provide high-quality early childhood education programs for infants and young children which include family involvement, with the goal of assuring that every family in Nebraska has access to such programs for, at the minimum, both the school year prior to the school year for which the child will be eligible to attend kindergarten and the school year prior to the school year for which the child will be required to attend kindergarten if such child has not already enrolled in kindergarten. The purposes of sections 79-1101 to 79-1104.05 are to provide state assistance to selected school districts, cooperatives of school districts, and educational service units for early childhood education, to encourage coordination between public and private service providers of early childhood education and child care programs, and to provide state support for efforts to improve training opportunities for staff in such programs.

(3) For purposes of sections 79-1101 to 79-1104.05:

(a) Board of trustees means the Early Childhood Education Endowment Board of Trustees;

(b) Early childhood education program means any prekindergarten part-day or full-day program or in-home family support program with a stated purpose of promoting social, emotional, intellectual, language, physical, and aesthetic development and learning for children from birth to compulsory kindergarten-entrance age and family development and support;

(c) Endowment agreement means an agreement between the State Department of Education and an endowment provider entered into pursuant to section 79-1104.01; and

(d) Endowment provider means an endowment that has met the criteria described in section 79-1104.01 and that has entered into an endowment agreement.

Source:Laws 1990, LB 567, § 1; R.S.1943, (1994), § 79-3701; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 783; Laws 2001, LB 759, § 1; Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 1; Laws 2014, LB967, § 19; Laws 2024, LB71, § 9.
Effective Date: July 19, 2024

Cross References

79-1102. Early Childhood Training Center; established; purpose; duties; statewide training program; established.

(1) An Early Childhood Training Center shall be established within the State Department of Education. The purpose of the center is to train individuals who provide education and development activities for infants and young children and their parents. The center, taking into consideration existing public and private training efforts, shall provide support and assistance to schools and public and private providers of early childhood education services in developing training programs for staff. The center, in consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services, shall approve training that is used to satisfy child care licensing criteria for required training, annual inservice training, and training needed for participation or advancement in the quality rating and improvement system established pursuant to the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act. The center, taking into consideration existing public and private training efforts, shall also provide clearinghouse information and publications on available early childhood education training opportunities throughout the state.

(2) The center shall establish a statewide training program to support the development of parent education programs in local communities. The goal of this project is to train individuals who will be able to work with public and private providers of early childhood services to establish parent education programs in their communities.

Source:Laws 1990, LB 567, § 2; R.S.1943, (1994), § 79-3702; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 784; Laws 2007, LB231, § 1; Laws 2014, LB967, § 20.

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79-1102.01. Repealed. Laws 2013, LB 495, § 5.
79-1103. Early Childhood Education Grant Program; established; administration; priorities; programs; requirements; report; hearing; endowment agreement; effect.

(1)(a) The State Department of Education shall establish and administer the Early Childhood Education Grant Program. Upon the effective date of an endowment agreement, administration of the Early Childhood Education Grant Program with respect to programs for children from birth to age three shall transfer to the board of trustees. If there is no endowment agreement in effect, the department shall request proposals in accordance with this section for all early childhood education programs from school districts, individually or in cooperation with other school districts or educational service units, working in cooperation with existing nonpublic programs which meet the requirements of subsection (2) of section 79-1104. If there is an endowment agreement in effect, the board of trustees shall administer the Early Childhood Education Grant Program with respect to programs for children from birth to age three pursuant to section 79-1104.02 and the department shall continue to administer the Early Childhood Education Grant Program with respect to other prekindergarten programs pursuant to sections 79-1101 to 79-1104.05. All administrative procedures of the board of trustees, including, but not limited to, rules, grant applications, and funding mechanisms, shall harmonize with those established by the department for other prekindergarten programs.

(b) The first priority shall be for (i) continuation grants for programs that received grants in the prior school fiscal year and for which the state aid calculation pursuant to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act does not include early childhood education students, in an amount equal to the amount of such grant, except that if the grant was a first-year grant the amount shall be reduced by thirty-three percent, (ii) continuation grants for programs for which the state aid calculation pursuant to the act includes early childhood education students, in an amount equal to the amount of the grant for the school fiscal year prior to the first school fiscal year for which early childhood education students were included in the state aid calculation for the school district's local system minus the calculated state aid amount, and (iii) for school fiscal year 2007-08, continuation grants for programs for which the state aid calculation pursuant to the act includes early childhood education students, but such state aid calculation does not result in the school district receiving any equalization aid, in an amount equal to the amount of the grant received in school fiscal year 2006-07. The calculated state aid amount shall be calculated by multiplying the basic funding per formula student for the school district by the formula students attributed to the early childhood education programs pursuant to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act.

(c) The second priority shall be for new grants and expansion grants for programs that will serve at-risk children who will be eligible or required to attend kindergarten the following school year. New grants may be given for up to three years in an amount up to one-half of the total budget of the program per year. Expansion grants may be given for one year in an amount up to one-half of the budget for expanding the capacity of the program to serve additional children.

(d) The third priority shall be for new grants, expansion grants, and continuation grants for programs serving children younger than those who will be eligible or required to attend kindergarten the following school year. New grants may be given for up to three years in an amount up to one-half the total budget of the program per year. Expansion grants may be given for one year in an amount up to one-half the budget for expanding the capacity of the program to serve additional children. Continuation grants under this priority may be given annually in an amount up to one-half the total budget of the program per year minus any continuation grants received under the first priority.

(e) Programs serving children who will be eligible or required to attend kindergarten the following school year shall be accounted for separately for grant purposes from programs serving younger children, but the two types of programs may be combined within the same classroom to serve multi-age children. Programs that receive grants for school fiscal years prior to school fiscal year 2005-06 to serve both children who will be eligible or required to attend kindergarten the following school year and younger children shall account for the two types of programs separately for grant purposes beginning with school year 2005-06 and shall be deemed to have received grants prior to school fiscal year 2005-06 for each year that grants were received for the types of programs representing the age groups of the children served.

(2) Each program proposal which is approved by the department shall include (a) a planning period, (b) an agreement to participate in periodic evaluations of the program to be specified by the department, (c) evidence that the program will be coordinated or contracted with existing programs, including those listed in subdivision (d) of this subsection and nonpublic programs which meet the requirements of subsection (2) of section 79-1104, (d) a plan to coordinate and use a combination of local, state, and federal funding sources, including, but not limited to, programs for children with disabilities below six years of age funded through the Special Education Act, the Early Intervention Act, funds available through the flexible funding provisions under the Special Education Act, the federal Head Start program, 42 U.S.C. 9831 et seq., the federal Even Start Family Literacy Program, 20 U.S.C. 6361 et seq., Title I of the federal Improving America's Schools Act of 1994, 20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq., and child care assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services, (e) a plan to use sliding fee scales and the funding sources included in subdivision (d) of this subsection to maximize the participation of economically and categorically diverse groups and to ensure that participating children and families have access to comprehensive services, (f) the establishment of an advisory body which includes families and community members, (g) the utilization of appropriately qualified staff, (h) an appropriate child-to-staff ratio, (i) appropriate group size, (j) compliance with minimum health and safety standards, (k) appropriate facility size and equipment, (l) a strong family development and support component recognizing the central role of parents in their children's development, (m) developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculum, practices, and assessment, (n) sensitivity to the economic and logistical needs and circumstances of families in the provision of services, (o) integration of children of diverse social and economic characteristics, (p) a sound evaluation component, including at least one objective measure of child performance and progress, (q) continuity with programs in kindergarten and elementary grades, (r) instructional hours that are similar to or less than the instructional hours for kindergarten except that a summer session may be offered, (s) well-defined language development and early literacy emphasis, including the involvement of parents in family literacy activities, (t) a plan for ongoing professional development of staff, and (u) inclusion of children with disabilities as defined in the Special Education Act, all as specified by rules and regulations of the department in accordance with sound early childhood educational practice.

(3) The department shall make an effort to fund programs widely distributed across the state in both rural and urban areas.

(4) The department, in collaboration with the board of trustees if an endowment agreement is in effect, shall provide a report evaluating the programs to the State Board of Education and the Legislature by January 1 of each odd-numbered year. The report submitted to the Legislature shall be submitted electronically. The Education Committee of the Legislature shall hold a public hearing regarding the report. Up to five percent of the total appropriation for the Early Childhood Education Grant Program for grants administered by the department may be reserved by the department for evaluation and technical assistance for the programs.

(5) Early childhood education programs, whether established pursuant to this section or section 79-1104, may be approved for purposes of the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act, expansion grants, and continuation grants on the submission of a continuation plan demonstrating that the program will meet the requirements of subsection (2) of this section and a proposed operating budget demonstrating that the program will receive resources from other sources equal to or greater than the sum of any grant received pursuant to this section for the prior school year plus any calculated state aid as calculated pursuant to subsection (1) of this section for the prior school year.

(6) The State Board of Education may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to implement the Early Childhood Education Grant Program, except that if there is an endowment agreement in effect, the board of trustees shall recommend any rules and regulations relating specifically to the Early Childhood Education Grant Program with respect to programs for children from birth to age three. It is the intent of the Legislature that the rules and regulations for programs for children from birth to age three be consistent to the greatest extent possible with those established for other prekindergarten programs.

Source:Laws 1990, LB 567, § 3; Laws 1991, LB 511, § 70; Laws 1992, LB 245, § 75; Laws 1993, LB 348, § 70; R.S.1943, (1994), § 79-3703; Laws 1996, LB 900, § 785; Laws 1997, LB 346, § 8; Laws 2001, LB 759, § 2; Laws 2005, LB 577, § 5; Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 2; Laws 2007, LB603, § 7; Laws 2008, LB1153, § 3; Laws 2010, LB1071, § 26; Laws 2011, LB235, § 24; Laws 2012, LB782, § 160; Laws 2013, LB495, § 2; Laws 2024, LB71, § 10.
Effective Date: July 19, 2024

Cross References

79-1104. Before-and-after-school or prekindergarten services; transportation services; school board; powers and duties.

(1) Any school board in its discretion may (a) establish and financially support programs providing before-and-after-school or prekindergarten services, to which attendance shall be voluntary and which the board may deem beneficial to the education of prekindergarten or school-age children and (b) provide or financially support transportation for children to, from, or to and from programs as defined in section 71-1910. The board may charge a fee, not to exceed the actual cost, for providing such programs and services but may waive such fee on the basis of need. This section does not allow any school district to fail to meet its responsibilities under the Special Education Act.

(2) Prekindergarten programs established by school boards or educational service units shall be approved by the State Department of Education subject to regulations adopted and promulgated by the State Board of Education and may include such components as (a) the utilization of appropriately qualified staff, (b) an appropriate child-to-staff ratio, (c) appropriate group size, (d) compliance with minimum health and safety standards, (e) appropriate facility size and equipment, (f) a strong family development and support component, (g) developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculum, practices, and assessment, (h) well-defined language development and early literacy emphasis, and (i) a plan for ongoing professional development of staff, all in accordance with sound early childhood educational practice, research, and evaluation. All teachers and administrators in prekindergarten programs established pursuant to this section shall hold a valid certificate or permit issued pursuant to sections 79-806 to 79-815, except that the State Board of Education may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations that exempt a prekindergarten program from the requirement for teachers and administrators in prekindergarten programs to hold a valid certificate or permit if such program is in compliance with such rules and regulations.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 900, § 786; Laws 2001, LB 759, § 3; Laws 2003, LB 685, § 23; Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 3; Laws 2018, LB803, § 1.

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79-1104.01. Nebraska Early Childhood Education Endowment; endowment provider; requirements; endowment agreement; Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund; Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund; created; investment.

(1) Within ninety days after July 14, 2006, the State Department of Education shall request proposals from private endowments with experience in managing public and private funds for the benefit of children and families in multiple locations in Nebraska to be the endowment provider for the Nebraska Early Childhood Education Endowment upon the terms set forth in this section.

(2) An endowment seeking to become the endowment provider for the Nebraska Early Childhood Education Endowment shall agree to:

(a) Irrevocably commit, subject to subdivision (4)(a) of this section, no less than twenty million dollars in a private endowment to be used solely as part of the Nebraska Early Childhood Education Endowment within five years after the effective date of the endowment agreement, of which no less than five million dollars shall be pledged on the effective date of the endowment agreement. A minimum of one million dollars shall be placed in the private endowment prior to December 31, 2006, and a minimum of five million dollars shall be placed in the private endowment prior to June 30, 2007;

(b) Commit all earnings deposited from such private endowment for deposit into the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund;

(c) Permit the board of trustees to determine the allocation of funds from the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund pursuant to section 79-1104.02; and

(d) Submit to the State Department of Education an annual financial statement of the private endowment, audited by an independent auditor and complying with all applicable Internal Revenue Service requirements. The financial statement shall report details on the private endowment, including the current value of the corpus and the annual receipts to the private endowment categorized by donations and interests, together with a report listing the amount and purpose of expenditures from the private endowment.

(3) Upon selection of an endowment provider, the State Department of Education and such endowment provider shall enter into an endowment agreement pursuant to which the state and the endowment provider will agree to deposit funds as provided in subsection (4) of this section.

(4)(a) Upon the effective date of an endowment agreement, the state shall provide for the Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund, which is hereby created, in accordance with section 79-1104.05. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

(b) All interest, earnings, and proceeds from the Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund shall be deposited in the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund, which is hereby created. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. All interest, earnings, and proceeds from the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund shall be retained in such fund.

(c) Upon the effective date of an endowment agreement, the endowment provider shall deposit the amounts set forth in the endowment agreement into a private endowment for the sole benefit of the Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund. Money in the private endowment shall be managed by the endowment provider in accordance with sound, professional, fiduciary practices and in accordance with the endowment agreement.

(d) Earnings deposited from the private endowment shall be deposited into the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund at least annually or as the endowment agreement provides.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 4; Laws 2008, LB1153, § 4; Laws 2009, LB456, § 1.

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79-1104.02. Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund; use; grants; program requirements.

(1) The Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund, consisting of the interest, earnings, and proceeds from the Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund and the earnings from the private endowment created by the endowment provider and any additional private donations made directly thereto, shall be used exclusively to provide funds for the Early Childhood Education Grant Program for at-risk children from birth to age three as set forth in this section.

(2) Grants provided by this section shall be to school districts and cooperatives of school districts for early childhood education programs for at-risk children from birth to age three, as determined by the board of trustees pursuant to criteria set forth by the board of trustees. School districts and cooperatives of school districts may establish agreements with other public and private entities to provide services or operate programs.

(3) Each program selected for a grant pursuant to this section may be provided a grant for up to one-half of the total budget of such program per year. Programs selected for grant awards may receive continuation grants subject to the availability of funding and the submission of a continuation plan which meets the requirements of the board of trustees.

(4) Programs shall be funded across the state and in urban and rural areas to the fullest extent possible.

(5) Each program selected for a grant pursuant to this section shall meet the requirements described in subsection (2) of section 79-1103, except that the periodic evaluations of the program are to be specified by the board of trustees and the programs need not include continuity with programs in kindergarten and elementary grades and need not include instructional hours that are similar to or less than the instructional hours for kindergarten. The programs may continue to serve at-risk children who turn three years of age during the program year until the end of the program year, as specified by the board of trustees.

(6) The board of trustees may issue grants to early childhood education programs entering into agreements pursuant to subsection (2) of this section with child care providers if the child care provider enrolls in the quality rating and improvement system described in the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act prior to the beginning of the initial grant period. Child care providers shall participate in training approved by the Early Childhood Training Center which is needed for participation or advancement in the quality rating and improvement system.

(7) The board of trustees shall require child care providers in programs receiving grants under this section to obtain a step three rating or higher on the quality scale described in section 71-1956 within three years of the starting date of the initial grant period to continue funding the program. The board of trustees shall require the child care provider to maintain a step three rating or higher on such quality scale after three years from the starting date of the initial grant period to continue funding the program.

(8) If a child care provider fails to achieve or maintain a step three rating or higher on the quality scale described in such section after three years from the starting date of the initial grant period, the child care provider shall obtain and maintain the step three rating on such quality scale before any new or continuing grants may be issued for programs in which such child care provider participates.

(9) Any school district entering into agreements pursuant to subsection (2) of this section with child care providers must employ or contract with, either directly or indirectly, a program coordinator holding a certificate as defined in section 79-807.

(10) Up to ten percent of the total amount deposited in the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund each fiscal year may be reserved by the board of trustees for evaluation and technical assistance for the Early Childhood Education Grant Program with respect to programs for at-risk children from birth to age three.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 5; Laws 2008, LB1153, § 5; Laws 2013, LB410, § 11; Laws 2013, LB495, § 3; Laws 2015, LB547, § 2; Laws 2023, LB705, § 91.

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79-1104.03. Early Childhood Education Endowment Board of Trustees; created; administrative support.

To administer the Early Childhood Education Grant Program with respect to children from birth to age three, the Early Childhood Education Endowment Board of Trustees is created. For administrative support and budgetary purposes only, the board of trustees shall be within the State Department of Education.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 6.
79-1104.04. Board of trustees; members; terms; expenses.

(1) The board of trustees shall include the following six members:

(a) The Commissioner of Education or his or her designee;

(b) The chief executive officer of the Department of Health and Human Services or his or her designee; and

(c) The following persons appointed by the Governor, in his or her discretion:

(i) Two persons nominated by the endowment provider;

(ii) An early childhood professional representing an urban at-risk area appointed pursuant to subsection (5) of this section; and

(iii) An early childhood professional representing a rural at-risk county appointed pursuant to subsection (6) of this section.

(2) The terms of office for members initially appointed under subsection (1) of this section shall be three years. Upon completion of the initial terms of such members, the Governor shall appoint the two members under subdivision (1)(c)(i) of this section for terms of one and two years, the member under subdivision (1)(c)(ii) of this section for a term of three years, and the member under subdivision (1)(c)(iii) of this section for a term of two years. Succeeding appointees shall be appointed for terms of three years. An appointee to a vacancy occurring from an unexpired term shall serve out the term of his or her predecessor. Members whose terms have expired shall continue to serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified.

(3) The board of trustees shall by majority vote annually elect a chairperson from among the members of the board of trustees.

(4) The members of the board of trustees shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred while engaged in the performance of their official duties as provided in sections 81-1174 to 81-1177.

(5) The Governor shall, in his or her discretion, appoint one member to the board of trustees who resides or works in an at-risk urban area consisting of not less than ten contiguous census tracts, as determined by the United States Bureau of the Census for the 2000 United States Census, within a city of the metropolitan class, which each contain a percentage of families below the poverty line of greater than twenty percent, as reported by the United States Bureau of the Census for the 2000 United States Census.

(6) The Governor shall, in his or her discretion, appoint one member to the board of trustees who resides or works in a county which does not contain a city of the metropolitan class or a city of the primary class and which contains a percentage of families below the poverty line of greater than eight and one-half percent, as reported by the United States Bureau of the Census for the 2000 United States Census.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 7; Laws 2007, LB296, § 713; Laws 2008, LB1153, § 6; Laws 2020, LB381, § 94.
79-1104.05. Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund; funding.

The Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund shall consist of any funds allocated to the Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund from funds belonging to the state for educational purposes described in Article VII, section 7, of the Constitution of Nebraska.

Source:Laws 2006, LB 1256, § 8; Laws 2009, LB456, § 2.