77-6801. Act, how cited.

Sections 77-6801 to 77-6846 shall be known and may be cited as the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 1; Laws 2023, LB92, § 81.
77-6802. Policy.

The Legislature hereby finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to modernize its economic development platform in order to (1) encourage new businesses to relocate to Nebraska, (2) encourage existing businesses to remain and grow in Nebraska, (3) encourage the creation and retention of new, high-paying jobs in Nebraska, (4) attract and retain investment capital in Nebraska, (5) develop the Nebraska workforce, (6) simplify the administration of the tax incentive program created in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act for both businesses and the state, and (7) improve the transparency and accountability of such program.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 2.
77-6803. Definitions, where found.

For purposes of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, the definitions found in sections 77-6804 to 77-6825 shall be used.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 3.
77-6804. Additional definitions.

Any term shall have the same meaning as used in Chapter 77, article 27, except as otherwise defined in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 4.
77-6805. Base year, defined.

Base year means the year immediately preceding the year of application, subject to the following exceptions:

(1) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (2) of this section, if the year of application is 2021, the base year is either 2019 or 2020, whichever year the applicant had the larger number of equivalent employees at the qualified location or locations; and

(2) If the year of application is 2021 or 2022 and the applicant increased the number of equivalent employees at the qualified location or locations in either 2020 or 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the base year is 2019.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 5; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 16.
77-6806. Base-year employee, defined.

Base-year employee means any individual who was employed in Nebraska and subject to the Nebraska income tax on compensation received from the taxpayer or its predecessors during the base year and who is employed at the qualified location or locations.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 6.
77-6807. Carryover period, defined.

Carryover period means the period of three years immediately following the end of the performance period.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 7.
77-6808. Compensation, defined.

Compensation means the wages and other payments subject to the federal medicare tax.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 8.
77-6809. Director, defined.

Director means the Director of Economic Development.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 9.
77-6810. Equivalent employees, defined.

Equivalent employees means the number of employees computed by dividing the total hours paid in a year by the product of forty times the number of weeks in a year. Only the hours paid to employees who were employed in Nebraska and subject to the Nebraska income tax on compensation received from the taxpayer shall be included in such computation. A salaried employee who receives a predetermined amount of compensation each pay period on a weekly or less frequent basis is deemed to have been paid for forty hours per week during the pay period.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 10; Laws 2021, LB18, § 1.
77-6811. Investment, defined.

Investment means the value of qualified property incorporated into or used at the qualified location or locations. For qualified property owned by the taxpayer, the value shall be the original cost of the property. Improvements to real estate qualify as investment even if the entire improvement is not finished or ready for use. The percentage of completion of the improvement determines the portion of the investment that has occurred for any given year. For qualified property rented by the taxpayer, the average net annual rent shall be multiplied by the number of years of the lease for which the taxpayer was originally bound, not to exceed ten years. The rental of land included in and incidental to the leasing of a building shall not be excluded from the computation. For purposes of this section, original cost means the amount required to be capitalized for depreciation, amortization, or other recovery under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Any amount, including the labor of the taxpayer, that is capitalized as a part of the cost of the qualified property or that is written off under section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be considered part of the original cost.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 11; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 17.
77-6812. Motor vehicle, defined.

Motor vehicle means any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer as defined in the Motor Vehicle Registration Act and subject to registration for operation on the highways.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 12.

Cross References

77-6813. NAICS, defined.

NAICS means the North American Industry Classification System established by the United States Department of Commerce and applied to classify the locations owned or leased by the taxpayer, including the specific NAICS codes and code definitions in effect on January 1, 2020.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 13.
77-6814. Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for any year, defined.

Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for any year means the most recent statewide average hourly wage paid by all employers in all counties in Nebraska as calculated by the Office of Labor Market Information of the Department of Labor using annual data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages by October 1 of the year prior to application. Hourly wages shall be calculated by dividing the reported average annual weekly wage by forty.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 14.
77-6815. Number of new employees, defined.

(1) Number of new employees, for purposes of subdivisions (1)(b), (4)(d), (5)(c), and (8)(b)(iii) of section 77-6831, means the lesser of:

(a) The number of equivalent employees that are employed at the qualified location or locations during a year that are in excess of the number of equivalent employees during the base year; or

(b) The sum of:

(i) The number of equivalent employees employed full-time at the qualified location or locations during a year who are not base-year employees, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least one hundred fifty percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application; and

(ii) The number of equivalent employees who were not employed full-time at the qualified location during the base year and became employed full-time at the qualified location after the base year, after subtracting the hours worked by such employees in the base year, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least one hundred fifty percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application.

(2) Number of new employees, for purposes of subdivisions (4)(a)(i) and (5)(a)(i) of section 77-6831, means the lesser of:

(a) The number of equivalent employees that are employed at the qualified location or locations during a year that are in excess of the number of equivalent employees during the base year; or

(b) The sum of:

(i) The number of equivalent employees employed full-time at the qualified location or locations during a year who are not base-year employees, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least ninety percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application; and

(ii) The number of equivalent employees who were not employed full-time at the qualified location during the base year and became employed full-time at the qualified location after the base year, after subtracting the hours worked by such employees in the base year, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least ninety percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application.

(3) Number of new employees, for purposes of subdivisions (4)(a)(ii) and (5)(a)(ii) of section 77-6831, means the lesser of:

(a) The number of equivalent employees that are employed at the qualified location or locations during a year that are in excess of the number of equivalent employees during the base year; or

(b) The sum of:

(i) The number of equivalent employees employed full-time at the qualified location or locations during a year who are not base-year employees, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least seventy-five percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application; and

(ii) The number of equivalent employees who were not employed full-time at the qualified location during the base year and became employed full-time at the qualified location after the base year, after subtracting the hours worked by such employees in the base year, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least seventy-five percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application.

(4) Number of new employees, for purposes of subdivisions (4)(a)(iii), (4)(e), (5)(a)(iii), and (5)(d) of section 77-6831, means the lesser of:

(a) The number of equivalent employees that are employed at the qualified location or locations during a year that are in excess of the number of equivalent employees during the base year; or

(b) The sum of:

(i) The number of equivalent employees employed full-time at the qualified location or locations during a year who are not base-year employees, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least seventy percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application; and

(ii) The number of equivalent employees who were not employed full-time at the qualified location during the base year and became employed full-time at the qualified location after the base year, after subtracting the hours worked by such employees in the base year, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least seventy percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application.

(5) Number of new employees, for all other purposes, except as otherwise provided in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, means the lesser of:

(a) The number of equivalent employees that are employed at the qualified location or locations during a year that are in excess of the number of equivalent employees during the base year; or

(b) The sum of:

(i) The number of equivalent employees employed full-time at the qualified location or locations during a year who are not base-year employees, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application; and

(ii) The number of equivalent employees who were not employed full-time at the qualified location during the base year and became employed full-time at the qualified location after the base year, after subtracting the hours worked by such employees in the base year, who meet the health coverage requirement of subsection (7) of this section, and who are paid compensation at a rate equal to at least the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application.

(6) For employees who work both at a qualified location and also perform services for the taxpayer at other nonqualified locations, they will be included in determining the number of new employees if more than fifty percent of the time for which they are compensated is spent at the qualified location. For any year other than the base year, employees who work at the qualified location fifty percent or less of the time for which they are compensated are not considered employed at the qualified location. For employees who work both at a qualified location and also perform services for the taxpayer at the employee's Nebraska residence, the time for which an employee is compensated for services performed at the employee's Nebraska residence will be considered spent at the qualified location.

(7) An employee meets the health coverage requirement if the taxpayer offers to that employee, for that year, the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan, as those terms are defined and described in section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations for such section.

(8) For purposes of this section, employed full-time means that the employee is a full-time employee as defined and described in section 4980H of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations for such section.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 15; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 18.
77-6816. Performance period, defined.

Performance period means the year during which the required increases in employment and investment were met or exceeded and each year thereafter until the end of the sixth year after the year the required increases were met or exceeded.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 16.
77-6817. Qualified employee leasing company, defined.

Qualified employee leasing company means a company which places all employees of a client-lessee on its payroll and leases such employees to the client-lessee on an ongoing basis for a fee and, by written agreement between the employee leasing company and a client-lessee, grants to the client-lessee input into the hiring and firing of the employees leased to the client-lessee.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 17.
77-6818. Qualified location, defined.

(1) Qualified location means a location at which the majority of the business activities conducted are within one or more of the following NAICS codes or the following descriptions:

(a) Manufacturing - 31, 32, or 33, including pre-production services;

(b) Testing Laboratories - 541380;

(c) Rail Transportation - 482;

(d) Truck Transportation - 484;

(e) Insurance Carriers - 5241;

(f) Wired Telecommunications Carriers - 517311;

(g) Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite) - 517312;

(h) Telemarketing Bureaus and Other Contact Centers - 561422;

(i) Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services - 518210;

(j) Computer Facilities Management Services - 541513;

(k) Warehousing and Storage - 4931;

(l) The administrative management of the taxpayer's activities, including headquarter facilities relating to such activities, or the administrative management of any of the activities of any business entity or entities in which the taxpayer or a group of its owners hold any direct or indirect ownership interest of at least ten percent, including headquarter facilities relating to such activities;

(m) Logistics Facilities - Portions of NAICS 488210, 488310, and 488490 dealing with independently operated trucking terminals, independently operated railroad and railway terminals, and waterfront terminal and port facility operations;

(n) Services provided on aircraft brought into this state by an individual who is a resident of another state or any other person who has a business location in another state when the aircraft is not to be registered or based in this state and will not remain in this state more than ten days after the service is completed;

(o) The conducting of research, development, or testing, or any combination thereof, for scientific, agricultural, animal husbandry, food product, industrial, or technology purposes;

(p) The production of electricity by using one or more sources of renewable energy to produce electricity for sale. For purposes of this subdivision, sources of renewable energy includes, but is not limited to, wind, solar, energy storage, geothermal, hydroelectric, biomass, nuclear, and transmutation of elements;

(q) Computer Systems Design and Related Services - 5415;

(r) The performance of financial services. For purposes of this subdivision, financial services includes only financial services provided by any financial institution subject to tax under Chapter 77, article 38, or any person or entity licensed by the Department of Banking and Finance or the federal Securities and Exchange Commission;

(s) Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) - 115114;

(t) The processing of tangible personal property. For purposes of this subdivision, processing means to subject to a particular method, system, or technique of preparation, handling, or other treatment designed to prepare tangible personal property for market, manufacture, or other commercial use which does not result in the transformation of such property into a substantially different character; or

(u) Waste Treatment and Disposal - 5622.

(2)(a) Qualified location also includes any other business location if at least seventy-five percent of the revenue derived at the location is from sales to customers who are not related persons which are delivered or provided from the qualified location to a location that is not within Nebraska according to the sourcing rules in subsections (2) and (3) of section 77-2734.14. Intermediate sales to related persons are included as sales to customers delivered or provided to a location outside Nebraska if the related person delivers or provides the goods or services to a location outside Nebraska. Even if a location meets the seventy-five percent requirement of this subdivision, such location shall not constitute a qualified location under this subdivision if the majority of the business activities conducted at such location are within any of the following NAICS codes or any combination thereof:

(i) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting - 11, excluding NAICS code 115114;

(ii) Transportation and Warehousing - 48-49;

(iii) Information - 51;

(iv) Utilities - 22;

(v) Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction - 21;

(vi) Public Administration - 92; or

(vii) Construction - 23.

(b) The director may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations establishing an alternative method in circumstances in which subdivision (2)(a) of this section does not accurately reflect the out-of-state sales taking place at locations within Nebraska for a particular industry.

(3) The determination of the majority of the business activities shall be made based on the number of employees working in the respective business activities. The director may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations establishing an alternative method in circumstances in which other factors provide a better reflection of business activities.

(4) The delineation of the types of business activities which enable a location to constitute a qualified location is based on the state's intention to attract certain types of business activities and to responsibly accomplish the purposes of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act by directing the state's incentive capabilities towards business activities which, due to their national nature, could locate outside of Nebraska and which therefore would, through the use of incentives, be motivated to locate in Nebraska. By listing specific types of business activities in subsection (1) of this section, the state has determined such business activities by their nature meet these objectives. By specifying the national nature of a taxpayer's revenue in subsection (2) of this section, the state has determined that certain other types of business activities can meet these objectives.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 18; Laws 2021, LB18, § 2; Laws 2021, LB84, § 2; Laws 2023, LB727, § 99.
77-6819. Qualified property, defined.

Qualified property means any tangible property of a type subject to depreciation, amortization, or other recovery under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the components of such property, that will be located and used at the project. Qualified property does not include (1) aircraft, barges, motor vehicles, railroad rolling stock, or watercraft or (2) property that is rented by the taxpayer qualifying under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act to another person. Qualified property of the taxpayer located at the residence of an employee working in Nebraska from his or her residence on tasks interdependent with the work performed at the project shall be deemed located and used at the project.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 19.
77-6820. Ramp-up period, defined.

Ramp-up period means the period of time from the date of the complete application through the end of the fourth year after the year in which the complete application was filed with the director.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 20.
77-6821. Related persons, defined.

Related persons means any corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, or joint ventures which are or would otherwise be members of the same unitary group, if incorporated, or any persons who are considered to be related persons under either section 267(b) and (c) or section 707(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 21.
77-6822. Taxpayer, defined.

Taxpayer means any person subject to sales and use taxes under the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967 and subject to withholding under section 77-2753 and any entity that is or would otherwise be a member of the same unitary group, if incorporated, that is subject to such sales and use taxes and such withholding. Taxpayer does not include a political subdivision or an organization that is exempt from income taxes under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. For purposes of this section, political subdivision includes any public corporation created for the benefit of a political subdivision and any group of political subdivisions forming a joint public agency, organized by interlocal agreement, or utilizing any other method of joint action.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 22.

Cross References

77-6823. Wages, defined.

Wages means compensation, not to exceed one million dollars per year for any employee.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 23.
77-6824. Year, defined.

Year means calendar year.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 24.
77-6825. Year of application, defined.

Year of application means the year that a completed application is filed under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 25.
77-6826. Qualified employee leasing company; employees; duty.

An employee of a qualified employee leasing company shall be considered to be an employee of the client-lessee for purposes of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act if the employee performs services for the client-lessee. A qualified employee leasing company shall provide the Department of Revenue with access to the records of employees leased to the client-lessee.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 26.
77-6827. Incentives; application; contents; fee; approval; when; application; deadlines.

(1) In order to utilize the incentives allowed in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, the taxpayer shall file an application with the director, on a form developed by the director, requesting an agreement.

(2) The application shall:

(a) Identify the taxpayer applying for incentives;

(b) Identify all locations sought to be within the agreement and the reason each such location constitutes or is expected to constitute a qualified location;

(c) State the estimated, projected amount of new investment and the estimated, projected number of new employees;

(d) Identify the required levels of employment and investment for the various incentives listed within section 77-6831 that will govern the agreement. The taxpayer may identify different levels of employment and investment until the first December 31 following the end of the ramp-up period on a form approved by the director. The identified levels of employment and investment will govern all years covered under the agreement;

(e) Identify whether the agreement is for a single qualified location, all qualified locations within a county, all qualified locations in more than one county, or all qualified locations within the state;

(f) Acknowledge that the taxpayer understands the requirements for offering health coverage, and for reporting the value of such coverage, as specified in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act;

(g) Acknowledge that the taxpayer does not violate any state or federal law against discrimination;

(h) Acknowledge that the taxpayer understands the requirements for providing a sufficient package of benefits to its employees as specified in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act; and

(i) Contain a nonrefundable application fee of five thousand dollars. The fee shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Nebraska Incentives Fund.

(3) An application must be complete to establish the date of the application. An application shall be considered complete once it contains the items listed in subsection (2) of this section.

(4) Once satisfied that the application is consistent with the purposes stated in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act for one or more qualified locations within this state, the director shall approve the application, subject to the base authority limitations provided in section 77-6839.

(5) The director shall make his or her determination to approve or not approve an application within ninety days after the date of the application. If the director requests, by mail or by electronic means, additional information or clarification from the taxpayer in order to make his or her determination, such ninety-day period shall be tolled from the time the director makes the request to the time he or she receives the requested information or clarification from the taxpayer. The taxpayer and the director may also agree to extend the ninety-day period. If the director fails to make his or her determination within the prescribed ninety-day period, the application is deemed approved, subject to the base authority limitations provided in section 77-6839.

(6) There shall be no new applications for incentives filed under this section after December 31, 2030. All complete applications filed on or before December 31, 2030, shall be considered by the director and approved if the location or locations and taxpayer qualify for benefits, subject to the base authority limitations provided in section 77-6839. Agreements may be executed with regard to complete applications filed on or before December 31, 2030. All agreements pending, approved, or entered into before such date shall continue in full force and effect.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 27.
77-6828. Agreement; requirements; contents; confidentiality; exceptions; duration of agreement; incentives; use.

(1) Within ninety days after approval of the application, the director shall prepare and deliver a written agreement to the taxpayer for the taxpayer's signature. The taxpayer and the director shall enter into such written agreement. Under the agreement, the taxpayer shall agree to increase employment or investment at the qualified location or locations, report compensation, wage, and hour data at the qualified location or locations to the Department of Revenue annually, and report all qualified property at the qualified location or locations to the Department of Revenue annually. The director, on behalf of the State of Nebraska, shall agree to allow the taxpayer to use the incentives contained in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. The application, and all supporting documentation, to the extent approved, shall be considered a part of the agreement. The agreement shall state:

(a) The qualified location or locations. If a location or locations are to be qualified under subsection (2) of section 77-6818, the agreement must include a commitment by the taxpayer that the seventy-five percent requirement of such subsection will be met;

(b) The type of documentation the taxpayer will need to supply to support its claim for incentives under the act;

(c) The date the application was complete;

(d) The E-verify number or numbers for the qualified location or locations provided by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services;

(e) A requirement that the taxpayer provide any information needed by the director or the Tax Commissioner to perform their respective responsibilities under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, in the manner specified by the director or Tax Commissioner;

(f) A requirement that the taxpayer provide an annually updated timetable showing the expected sales and use tax refunds and what year they are expected to be claimed, in the manner specified by the Tax Commissioner. The timetable shall include both direct refunds due to investment and credits taken as sales and use tax refunds as accurately as reasonably possible;

(g) A requirement that the taxpayer update the Tax Commissioner annually, with its income tax return or in the manner specified by the Tax Commissioner, on any changes in plans or circumstances which it reasonably expects will affect the level of new investment and number of new employees at the qualified location or locations. If the taxpayer fails to comply with this requirement, the Tax Commissioner may defer any pending incentive utilization until the taxpayer does comply;

(h) A requirement that the taxpayer provide information regarding the value of health coverage provided to employees during the year who are not base-year employees and who are paid the required compensation as needed by the director or the Tax Commissioner to perform their respective responsibilities under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, in the manner specified by the director or Tax Commissioner;

(i) A requirement that the taxpayer not violate any state or federal law against discrimination;

(j) A requirement that the taxpayer offer a sufficient package of benefits to the employees employed full-time at the qualified location or locations during the year who are not base-year employees and who are paid the required compensation. If a taxpayer does not offer a sufficient package of benefits to any such employee for any year during the performance period, that employee shall not count toward the number of new employees for such year. For purposes of this subdivision, benefits means nonwage remuneration offered to an employee, including medical and dental insurance plans, pension, retirement, and profit-sharing plans, child care services, life insurance coverage, vision insurance coverage, disability insurance coverage, and any other nonwage remuneration as determined by the director. The director may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to specify what constitutes a sufficient package of benefits. In determining what constitutes a sufficient package of benefits, the director shall consider (i) benefit packages customarily offered in Nebraska by private employers to full-time employees, (ii) the impact of the cost of such benefits on the ability to attract new employment and investment under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, and (iii) the costs that employees must bear to obtain benefits not offered by an employer; and

(k) A requirement that the taxpayer provide the following information for the purpose of tax incentive performance audits:

(i) The most recent taxable valuations and levy rates for all qualified locations;

(ii) If credits are used for job training pursuant to subdivision (1)(e) of section 77-6832, a program schedule of the job training activities; and

(iii) If credits are used for talent recruitment pursuant to subdivision (1)(e) of section 77-6832, the city and state where recruited employees lived when the talent recruitment activities took place.

(2) The application, the agreement, all supporting information, and all other information reported to the director or the Tax Commissioner shall be kept confidential by the director and the Tax Commissioner, except for the name of the taxpayer, the qualified location or locations in the agreement, the estimated amounts of increased employment and investment stated in the application, the date of complete application, the date the agreement was signed, and the information required to be reported by section 77-6837. The application, the agreement, and all supporting information shall be provided by the director to the Department of Revenue. The director shall disclose, to any municipalities in which project locations exist, the approval of an application and the execution of an agreement under this section. The Tax Commissioner shall also notify each municipality of the amount and taxpayer identity for each refund of local option sales and use taxes of the municipality within thirty days after the refund is allowed or approved. Disclosures shall be kept confidential by the municipality unless publicly disclosed previously by the taxpayer or by the State of Nebraska.

(3) An agreement under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall have a duration of no more than fifteen years. A taxpayer with an existing agreement may apply for and receive a new agreement for any qualified location or locations that are not part of an existing agreement under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, but cannot apply for a new agreement for a qualified location designated in an existing agreement until after the end of the performance period for the existing agreement.

(4) The incentives contained in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall be in lieu of the tax credits allowed by the Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act for any project. In computing credits under the Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act, any investment or employment which is eligible for benefits or used in determining benefits under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall be subtracted from the increases computed for determining the credits under section 77-27,188. New investment or employment at a project location that results in the meeting or maintenance of the employment or investment requirements, the creation of credits, or refunds of taxes under the Nebraska Advantage Act shall not be considered new investment or employment for purposes of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. The use of carryover credits under the Nebraska Advantage Act, the Employment and Investment Growth Act, the Invest Nebraska Act, the Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act, or the Quality Jobs Act shall not preclude investment and employment from being considered new investment or employment under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. The use of property tax exemptions at the project under the Employment and Investment Growth Act or the Nebraska Advantage Act does not preclude investment not eligible for such property tax exemptions from being considered new investment under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 28; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 19.

Cross References

77-6829. Qualified locations; base-year employment, compensation, and wage levels; review and certification; effect.

(1) The taxpayer may request the director to review and certify that the location or locations designated in the application are qualified locations under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. The taxpayer shall describe in detail the activities taking place at the location or locations or the activities that will be taking place at the location or locations. The director shall make the determination based on the information provided by the taxpayer. The director must complete the review within ninety days after the request. If the director requests, by mail or by electronic means, additional information or clarification from the taxpayer in order to make his or her determination, the ninety-day period shall be tolled from the time the director makes the request to the time he or she receives the requested information or clarification from the taxpayer. The taxpayer and the director may also agree to extend the ninety-day period. If the director fails to make his or her determination within the prescribed ninety-day period, the certification is deemed approved for the disclosed activities.

(2) The taxpayer may request the Tax Commissioner to review and certify that the base-year employment, compensation, and wage levels are as reported by the taxpayer pursuant to subsection (1) of section 77-6828. Upon a request for such review, the Tax Commissioner shall be given access to the employment and business records of the proposed location or locations and must complete the review within one hundred eighty days after the request. If the Tax Commissioner requests, by mail or by electronic means, additional information or clarification from the taxpayer in order to make his or her determination, the one-hundred-eighty-day period shall be tolled from the time the Tax Commissioner makes the request to the time he or she receives the requested information or clarification from the taxpayer. The taxpayer and the Tax Commissioner may also agree to extend the one-hundred-eighty-day period. If the Tax Commissioner fails to make his or her determination within the prescribed one-hundred-eighty-day period, the certification is deemed approved.

(3) Upon review, the director may approve, reject, or amend the qualified locations sought in the application contingent upon the accuracy of the information or plans disclosed by the taxpayer that describe the expected activity at the qualified location or locations. Upon review, the Tax Commissioner may also approve or amend the base-year employment, compensation, or wage levels reported pursuant to subsection (1) of section 77-6828 based upon the payroll information and other financial records provided by the taxpayer. Once the director or Tax Commissioner certifies the qualified location or locations and the employment, compensation, and wage levels at the qualified location or locations, the certification is binding on the Department of Revenue when the taxpayer claims benefits on a return to the extent the activities performed at the location or locations are as described in the application, the information and plans provided by the taxpayer were accurate, and the base-year information is not affected by transfers of employees from another location in Nebraska, the acquisition of a business, or moving businesses or entities to or from the qualified location or locations.

(4) If the taxpayer does not request review and certification of whether the designated location or locations are qualified, or the base-year employment, compensation, and wage levels, those items are subject to later audit by the Department of Revenue.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 29.
77-6830. Transactions and activities excluded.

The following transactions or activities shall not create any credits or allow any benefits under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act except as specifically allowed by this section:

(1) The acquisition of a business after the date of application which is continued by the taxpayer as a part of the agreement and which was operated in this state during the three hundred sixty-six days prior to the date of acquisition. All employees of the entities added to the taxpayer by the acquisition during the three hundred sixty-six days prior to the date of acquisition shall be considered employees during the base year. Any investment prior to the date of acquisition made by the entities added to the taxpayer by the acquisition or any investment in the acquisition of such business shall be considered as being made before the date of application;

(2) The moving of a business from one location to another, which business was operated in this state during the three hundred sixty-six days prior to the date of application. All employees of the business during such three hundred sixty-six days shall be considered base-year employees;

(3) The purchase or lease of any property which was previously owned by the taxpayer or a related person. The first purchase by either the taxpayer or a related person shall be treated as investment if the item was first placed in service in the state after the date of the application;

(4) The renegotiation of any lease in existence on the date of application which does not materially change any of the terms of the lease, other than the expiration date, shall be presumed to be a transaction entered into for the purpose of generating benefits under the act and shall not be allowed in the computation of any benefit or the meeting of any required levels under the agreement;

(5) Any purchase or lease of property from a related person, except that the taxpayer will be allowed any benefits under the act to which the related person would have been entitled on the purchase or lease of the property if the related person was considered the taxpayer;

(6) Any transaction entered into primarily for the purpose of receiving benefits under the act which is without a business purpose and does not result in increased economic activity in the state; and

(7) Any activity that results in benefits under the Ethanol Development Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 30.

Cross References

77-6831. Tax incentives; amount; conditions; fee; ImagiNE Nebraska Cash Fund; created; use; investment.

(1) A taxpayer shall be entitled to the sales and use tax incentives contained in subsection (2) of this section if the taxpayer:

(a) Attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least five million dollars and hires at least thirty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period;

(b) Attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least two hundred fifty million dollars and hires at least two hundred fifty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period; or

(c) Attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least fifty million dollars at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period. To receive incentives under this subdivision, the taxpayer must meet the following conditions:

(i) The average compensation of the taxpayer's employees at the qualified location or locations for each year of the performance period must equal at least one hundred fifty percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application;

(ii) The taxpayer must offer to its employees who constitute full-time employees as defined and described in section 4980H of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations for such section, at the qualified location or locations for each year of the performance period, the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan, as those terms are defined and described in section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations for such section; and

(iii) The taxpayer must offer a sufficient package of benefits as described in subdivision (1)(j) of section 77-6828.

(2) A taxpayer meeting the requirements of subsection (1) of this section shall be entitled to the following sales and use tax incentives:

(a) A refund of all sales and use taxes paid under the Local Option Revenue Act, the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, the Qualified Judgment Payment Act, and sections 13-319, 13-324, and 13-2813 from the date of the complete application through the meeting of the required levels of employment and investment for all purchases, including rentals, of:

(i) Qualified property used at the qualified location or locations;

(ii) Property, excluding motor vehicles, based in this state and used in both this state and another state in connection with the qualified location or locations except when any such property is to be used for fundraising for or for the transportation of an elected official;

(iii) Tangible personal property by a contractor or repairperson after appointment as a purchasing agent of the owner of the improvement to real estate when such property is incorporated into real estate at the qualified location or locations. The refund shall be based on fifty percent of the contract price, excluding any land, as the cost of materials subject to the sales and use tax;

(iv) Tangible personal property by a contractor or repairperson after appointment as a purchasing agent of the taxpayer when such property is annexed to, but not incorporated into, real estate at the qualified location or locations. The refund shall be based on the cost of materials subject to the sales and use tax that were annexed to real estate; and

(v) Tangible personal property by a contractor or repairperson after appointment as a purchasing agent of the taxpayer when such property is both (A) incorporated into real estate at the qualified location or locations and (B) annexed to, but not incorporated into, real estate at the qualified location or locations. The refund shall be based on fifty percent of the contract price, excluding any land, as the cost of materials subject to the sales and use tax; and

(b) An exemption from all sales and use taxes under the Local Option Revenue Act, the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, the Qualified Judgment Payment Act, and sections 13-319, 13-324, and 13-2813 on the types of purchases, including rentals, listed in subdivision (a) of this subsection for such purchases, including rentals, occurring during each year of the performance period in which the taxpayer is at or above the required levels of employment and investment, except that the exemption shall be for the actual materials purchased with respect to subdivisions (2)(a)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section. The Tax Commissioner shall issue such rules, regulations, certificates, and forms as are appropriate to implement the efficient use of this exemption.

(3)(a) Upon execution of the agreement, the taxpayer shall be issued a direct payment permit under section 77-2705.01, notwithstanding the three million dollars in purchases limitation in subsection (1) of section 77-2705.01, for each qualified location specified in the agreement, unless the taxpayer has opted out of this requirement in the agreement. For any taxpayer who is issued a direct payment permit, until such taxpayer makes the investment in qualified property and hires the new employees at the qualified location or locations as specified in subsection (1) of this section, the taxpayer must pay and remit any applicable sales and use taxes as required by the Tax Commissioner.

(b) If the taxpayer makes the investment in qualified property and hires the new employees at the qualified location or locations as specified in subsection (1) of this section, the taxpayer shall receive the sales tax refunds described in subdivision (2)(a) of this section. For any year in which the taxpayer is not at the required levels of employment and investment, the taxpayer shall report all sales and use taxes owed for the period on the taxpayer's tax return.

(4) The taxpayer shall be entitled to one of the following credits for payment of wages to new employees:

(a)(i) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least one million dollars and hires at least ten new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to four percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees. Wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year shall be excluded from the calculations under this subdivision;

(ii) If the taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least one million dollars and hires at least ten new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period and the number of new employees and investment are at a qualified location in a county in Nebraska with a population of one hundred thousand or greater, and at which the majority of the business activities conducted are described in subdivision (1)(a) or (1)(n) of section 77-6818, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to four percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees. Wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year shall be excluded from the calculations under this subdivision; or

(iii) If the taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least one million dollars and hires at least ten new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period and the number of new employees and investment are at a qualified location or locations within one or more counties in Nebraska that each have a population of less than one hundred thousand, and at which the majority of the business activities conducted are described in subdivision (1)(a) or (1)(n) of section 77-6818, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to six percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees. For purposes of meeting the ten-employee requirement of this subdivision, the number of new employees shall be multiplied by two. Wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year shall be excluded from the calculations under this subdivision;

(b) If a taxpayer hires at least twenty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to five percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least one hundred percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. The credit shall equal seven percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least one hundred fifty percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. The credit shall equal nine percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least two hundred percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. Wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year shall be excluded from the calculations under this subdivision;

(c) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least five million dollars and hires at least thirty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to five percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least one hundred percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. The credit shall equal seven percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least one hundred fifty percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. The credit shall equal nine percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least two hundred percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. Wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year shall be excluded from the calculations under this subdivision;

(d) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least two hundred fifty million dollars and hires at least two hundred fifty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to seven percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least one hundred fifty percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. The credit shall equal nine percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least two hundred percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. Wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year shall be excluded from the calculations under this subdivision; or

(e) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least two hundred fifty thousand dollars but less than one million dollars and hires at least five new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period and the number of new employees and investment are at a qualified location within an economic redevelopment area, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to six percent times the average wage of new employees times the number of new employees if the average wage of the new employees equals at least seventy percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application. Wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year shall be excluded from the calculations under this subdivision. For purposes of this subdivision, economic redevelopment area means an area in which (i) the average rate of unemployment in the area during the period covered by the most recent federal decennial census or American Community Survey 5-Year Estimate is at least one hundred fifty percent of the average rate of unemployment in the state during the same period and (ii) the average poverty rate in the area exceeds twenty percent for the total federal census tract or tracts or federal census block group or block groups in the area.

(5) The taxpayer shall be entitled to one of the following credits for new investment:

(a)(i) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least one million dollars and hires at least ten new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to four percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations;

(ii) If the taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least one million dollars and hires at least ten new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period and the number of new employees and investment are at a qualified location in a county in Nebraska with a population of one hundred thousand or greater, and at which the majority of the business activities conducted are described in subdivision (1)(a) or (1)(n) of section 77-6818, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to four percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations unless the cumulative investment exceeds ten million dollars, in which case the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to seven percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations; or

(iii) If the taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least one million dollars and hires at least ten new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period and the number of new employees and investment are at a qualified location or locations within one or more counties in Nebraska that each have a population of less than one hundred thousand, and at which the majority of the business activities conducted are described in subdivision (1)(a) or (1)(n) of section 77-6818, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to four percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations unless the cumulative investment exceeds ten million dollars, in which case the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to seven percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations. For purposes of meeting the ten-employee requirement of this subdivision, the number of new employees shall be multiplied by two;

(b) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least five million dollars and hires at least thirty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to seven percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations;

(c) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least two hundred fifty million dollars and hires at least two hundred fifty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to seven percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations; or

(d) If a taxpayer attains a cumulative investment in qualified property of at least two hundred fifty thousand dollars but less than one million dollars and hires at least five new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period and the number of new employees and investment are at a qualified location within an economic redevelopment area, the taxpayer shall be entitled to a credit equal to four percent of the investment made in qualified property at the qualified location or locations. For purposes of this subdivision, economic redevelopment area means an area in which (i) the average rate of unemployment in the area during the period covered by the most recent federal decennial census or American Community Survey 5-Year Estimate is at least one hundred fifty percent of the average rate of unemployment in the state during the same period and (ii) the average poverty rate in the area exceeds twenty percent for the total federal census tract or tracts or federal census block group or block groups in the area.

(6)(a) The credit percentages prescribed in subdivisions (4)(a), (b), (c), and (d) and subdivisions (5)(a), (b), and (c) of this section shall be increased by one percentage point for wages paid and investments made at qualified locations in an extremely blighted area. For purposes of this subdivision, extremely blighted area means an area which, before the end of the ramp-up period, has been declared an extremely blighted area under section 18-2101.02.

(b) The credit percentages prescribed in subsections (4) and (5) of this section shall be increased by one percentage point if the taxpayer:

(i) Is a benefit corporation as defined in section 21-403 and has been such a corporation for at least one year prior to submitting an application under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act; and

(ii) Remains a benefit corporation as defined in section 21-403 for the duration of the taxpayer's agreement under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(c) A taxpayer may, if qualified, receive one or both of the increases provided in this subsection.

(7)(a) The credits prescribed in subsections (4) and (5) of this section shall be allowable for wages paid and investments made during each year of the performance period that the taxpayer is at or above the required levels of employment and investment.

(b) The credits prescribed in subsection (5) of this section shall also be allowable during the first year of the performance period for investment in qualified property at the qualified location or locations after the date of the complete application and before the beginning of the performance period.

(8)(a) Property described in subdivision (8)(c) of this section used at the qualified location or locations, whether purchased or leased, and placed in service by the taxpayer after the date of the complete application, shall constitute separate classes of property and are eligible for exemption under the conditions and for the time periods provided in subdivision (8)(b) of this section.

(b) A taxpayer shall receive the exemption of property in subdivision (8)(c) of this section if the taxpayer attains one of the following employment and investment levels: (i) Cumulative investment in qualified property of at least five million dollars and the hiring of at least thirty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period; (ii) cumulative investment in qualified property of at least fifty million dollars at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period, provided the average compensation of the taxpayer's employees at the qualified location or locations for the year in which such investment level was attained equals at least one hundred fifty percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application and the taxpayer offers to its employees who constitute full-time employees as defined and described in section 4980H of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations for such section, at the qualified location or locations for the year in which such investment level was attained, the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential coverage under an eligible employer-sponsored plan, as those terms are defined and described in section 5000A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations for such section; or (iii) cumulative investment in qualified property of at least two hundred fifty million dollars and the hiring of at least two hundred fifty new employees at the qualified location or locations before the end of the ramp-up period. Such property shall be eligible for the exemption from the first January 1 following the end of the year during which the required levels were exceeded through the ninth December 31 after the first year property included in subdivision (8)(c) of this section qualifies for the exemption, except that for a taxpayer who has filed an application under NAICS code 518210 for Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services and who files a separate sequential application for the same NAICS code for which the ramp-up period begins with the year immediately after the end of the previous project's performance period or a taxpayer who has a project qualifying under subdivision (1)(b)(ii) of section 77-5725 and who files a separate sequential application for NAICS code 518210 for Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services for which the ramp-up period begins with the year immediately after the end of the previous project's entitlement period, such property described in subdivision (8)(c)(i) of this section shall be eligible for the exemption from the first January 1 following the placement in service of such property through the ninth December 31 after the year the first claim for exemption is approved.

(c) The following personal property used at the qualified location or locations, whether purchased or leased, and placed in service by the taxpayer after the date of the complete application shall constitute separate classes of personal property:

(i) All personal property that constitutes a data center if the taxpayer qualifies under subdivision (8)(b)(i) or (8)(b)(ii) of this section;

(ii) Business equipment that is located at a qualified location or locations and that is involved directly in the manufacture or processing of agricultural products, including business equipment used primarily for the capture and compression of carbon dioxide, the manufacturing of liquid fertilizer or any other chemical applied to agricultural crops, or the manufacturing of any liquid additive for a farm vehicle fuel if the taxpayer qualifies under subdivision (8)(b)(i) or (8)(b)(ii) of this section; or

(iii) All personal property if the taxpayer qualifies under subdivision (8)(b)(iii) of this section.

(d) In order to receive the property tax exemptions allowed by subdivision (8)(c) of this section, the taxpayer shall annually file a claim for exemption with the Tax Commissioner on or before May 1. The form and supporting schedules shall be prescribed by the Tax Commissioner and shall list all property for which exemption is being sought under this section. A separate claim for exemption must be filed for each agreement and each county in which property is claimed to be exempt. A copy of this form must also be filed with the county assessor in each county in which the applicant is requesting exemption. The Tax Commissioner shall determine whether a taxpayer is eligible to obtain exemption for personal property based on the criteria for exemption and the eligibility of each item listed for exemption and, on or before August 1, certify such determination to the taxpayer and to the affected county assessor.

(9) The taxpayer shall, on or before the receipt or use of any incentives under this section, pay to the director a fee of one-half percent of such incentives, except for the exemption on personal property, for administering the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, except that the fee on any sales tax exemption may be paid by the taxpayer with the filing of its sales and use tax return. Such fee may be paid by direct payment to the director or through withholding of available refunds. A credit shall be allowed against such fee for the amount of the fee paid with the application. All fees collected under this subsection shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the ImagiNE Nebraska Cash Fund, which fund is hereby created. The fund shall consist of fees credited under this subsection and any other money appropriated to the fund by the Legislature. The fund shall be administered by the Department of Economic Development and shall be used for administration of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 31; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 20; Laws 2022, LB1261, § 16; Laws 2024, LB1023, § 16; Laws 2024, LB1317, § 96.
Operative Date: July 19, 2024

Note: The Revisor of Statutes has pursuant to section 49-769 correlated LB1023, section 16, with LB1317, section 96, to reflect all amendments.

Cross References

77-6832. Income tax credits; use; tax incentive credits; use; refund claims; filing requirements; audit; director; Tax Commissioner; powers and duties; appeal.

(1)(a) The credits prescribed in section 77-6831 for a year shall be established by filing the forms required by the Tax Commissioner with the income tax return for the taxable year which includes the end of the year the credits were earned. The credits may be used and shall be applied in the order in which they were first allowable under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. To the extent the taxpayer has credits under the Nebraska Advantage Act or the Employment and Investment Growth Act still available for use in a year or years which overlap the performance period or carryover period of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, the credits may be used and shall be applied in the order in which they were first allowable, and when there are credits of the same age, the older tax incentive program's credits shall be applied first. The credits may be used after any other nonrefundable credits to reduce the taxpayer's income tax liability imposed by sections 77-2714 to 77-27,135. Credits may be used beginning with the taxable year which includes December 31 of the year the required minimum levels were reached. The last year for which credits may be used is the taxable year which includes December 31 of the last year of the carryover period. Any decision on how part of the credit is applied shall not limit how the remaining credit could be applied under this section.

(b) The taxpayer may use the credit provided in subsection (4) of section 77-6831 (i) to reduce the taxpayer's income tax withholding employer or payor tax liability under section 77-2756 or 77-2757, to the extent such liability is attributable to the number of new employees employed at the qualified location or locations, excluding any wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year or (ii) to reduce a qualified employee leasing company's income tax withholding employer or payor tax liability under section 77-2756 or 77-2757, when the taxpayer is the client-lessee of such company, to the extent such liability is attributable to the number of new employees performing services for such client-lessee at the qualified location or locations, excluding any wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year. To the extent of the credit used, such withholding shall not constitute public funds or state tax revenue and shall not constitute a trust fund or be owned by the state. The use by the taxpayer or the qualified employee leasing company of the credit shall not change the amount that otherwise would be reported by the taxpayer, or such qualified employee leasing company, to the employee under section 77-2754 as income tax withheld and shall not reduce the amount that otherwise would be allowed by the state as a refundable credit on an employee's income tax return as income tax withheld under section 77-2755. The amount of credits used against income tax withholding shall not exceed the withholding attributable to the number of new employees employed at the qualified location or locations or, for a qualified employee leasing company, the number of new employees performing services for the applicable client-lessee at the qualified location or locations, excluding any wages in excess of one million dollars paid to any one employee during the year. If the amount of credit used by the taxpayer or the qualified employee leasing company against income tax withholding exceeds such amount, the excess withholding shall be returned to the Department of Revenue in the manner provided in section 77-2756, such excess amount returned shall be considered unused, and the amount of unused credits may be used as otherwise permitted in this section or shall carry over to the extent authorized in subdivision (1)(g) of this section.

(c) Credits may be used to obtain a refund of sales and use taxes under the Local Option Revenue Act, the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, the Qualified Judgment Payment Act, and sections 13-319, 13-324, and 13-2813 that are not subject to direct refund under section 77-6831 and that are paid on purchases, including rentals, for use at a qualified location.

(d) The credits provided in subsections (4) and (5) of section 77-6831 may be used to repay a loan for job training or infrastructure development as provided in section 77-6841.

(e) Credits may be used to obtain a payment from the state equal to the amount which the taxpayer demonstrates to the director was paid by the taxpayer after the date of the complete application for job training and talent recruitment of employees who qualify in the number of new employees, to the extent that proceeds from a loan described in section 77-6841 were not used to make such payments. For purposes of this subdivision:

(i) Job training means training for a prospective or new employee that is provided after the date of the complete application by a Nebraska nonprofit college or university, a Nebraska public or private secondary school, a Nebraska educational service unit, or a company that is not a member of the taxpayer's unitary group or a related person to the taxpayer; and

(ii) Talent recruitment means talent recruitment activities that result in a newly recruited employee who is hired by the taxpayer after the date of the complete application and who is paid compensation during the year of hire at a rate equal to at least one hundred percent of the Nebraska statewide average hourly wage for the year of application, including marketing, relocation expenses, and search-firm fees. Talent recruitment payments that may be reimbursed include, without limitation, payment by the taxpayer, without repayment by the employee, of an employee's student loans, an employee's tuition, and an employee's downpayment on a primary residence in Nebraska. Talent recruitment payments that may be reimbursed shall not include payments for the recruitment of a person who constitutes a related person to the taxpayer when the taxpayer is an individual or recruitment of a person who constitutes a related person to an owner of the taxpayer when the taxpayer is a partnership, a limited liability company, or a subchapter S corporation.

(f) The credits provided in subsections (4) and (5) of section 77-6831 may be used to obtain a payment from the state equal to the amount which the taxpayer demonstrates to the director was paid for taxpayer-sponsored child care at the qualified location or locations during the performance period and the carryover period.

(g) Credits may be carried over until fully utilized through the end of the carryover period.

(2)(a) No refund claims shall be filed until after the required levels of employment and investment have been met.

(b) Refund claims shall be filed no more than once each quarter for refunds under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, except that any claim for a refund in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars may be filed at any time.

(c) Refund claims for materials purchased by a purchasing agent shall include:

(i) A copy of the purchasing agent appointment;

(ii) The contract price; and

(iii)(A) For refunds under subdivision (2)(a)(iii) or (2)(a)(v) of section 77-6831, a certification by the contractor or repairperson of the percentage of the materials incorporated into or annexed to the qualified location on which sales and use taxes were paid to Nebraska after appointment as purchasing agent; or

(B) For refunds under subdivision (2)(a)(iv) of section 77-6831, a certification by the contractor or repairperson of the percentage of the contract price that represents the cost of materials annexed to the qualified location and the percentage of the materials annexed to the qualified location on which sales and use taxes were paid to Nebraska after appointment as purchasing agent.

(d) All refund claims shall be filed, processed, and allowed as any other claim under section 77-2708, except that the amounts allowed to be refunded under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall be deemed to be overpayments and shall be refunded notwithstanding any limitation in subdivision (2)(a) of section 77-2708. The refund may be allowed if the claim is filed within three years from the end of the year the required levels of employment and investment are met or within the period set forth in section 77-2708. Refunds shall be paid by the Tax Commissioner within one hundred eighty days after receipt of the refund claim. Such payments shall be subject to later recovery by the Tax Commissioner upon audit.

(e) If a claim for a refund of sales and use taxes under the Local Option Revenue Act, the Qualified Judgment Payment Act, or sections 13-319, 13-324, and 13-2813 of more than twenty-five thousand dollars is filed by June 15 of a given year, the refund shall be made on or after November 15 of the same year. If such a claim is filed on or after June 16 of a given year, the refund shall not be made until on or after November 15 of the following year. The Tax Commissioner shall notify the affected city, village, county, or municipal county of the amount of refund claims of sales and use taxes under the Local Option Revenue Act, the Qualified Judgment Payment Act, or sections 13-319, 13-324, and 13-2813 that are in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars on or before July 1 of the year before the claims will be paid under this section.

(f) For refunds of sales and use taxes under the Local Option Revenue Act, the deductions made by the Tax Commissioner for such refunds shall be delayed in accordance with section 77-27,144.

(g) Interest shall not be allowed on any taxes refunded under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(3) The appointment of purchasing agents shall be recognized for the purpose of changing the status of a contractor or repairperson as the ultimate consumer of tangible personal property purchased after the date of the appointment which is physically incorporated into or annexed at a qualified location and becomes the property of the owner of the improvement to real estate or the taxpayer. The purchasing agent shall be jointly liable for the payment of the sales and use tax on the purchases with the owner of the property.

(4) The determination of whether the application is complete, whether a location is a qualified location, and whether to approve the application and sign the agreement shall be made by the director. All other interpretations of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall be made by the Tax Commissioner. The Commissioner of Labor shall provide the director with such information as the Department of Labor regularly receives with respect to the taxpayer which the director requests from the Commissioner of Labor in order to fulfill the director's duties under the act. The director shall use such information to achieve efficiency in the administration of the act.

(5) Once the director and the taxpayer have signed the agreement under section 77-6828, the taxpayer, and its owners or members where applicable, may report and claim and shall receive all incentives allowed by the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, subject to the base authority limitations provided in section 77-6839, without waiting for a determination by the director or the Tax Commissioner or other taxing authority that the taxpayer has met the required employment and investment levels or otherwise qualifies, has qualified, or continues to qualify for such incentives, provided that the tax return or claim has been signed by an owner, member, manager, or officer of the taxpayer who declares under penalties of perjury that he or she has examined the tax return or claim, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of his or her knowledge and belief (a) the tax return or claim is correct and complete in all material respects, (b) payment of the claim has not been previously made by the state to the taxpayer, and (c) with respect to sales or use tax refund claims, the taxpayer has not claimed or received a refund of such tax from a retailer. The payment or allowance of such a claim shall not prevent the director or the Tax Commissioner or other taxing authority from recovering such payment, exemption, or allowance, within the normal period provided by law, subject to normal appeal rights of a taxpayer, if the director or Tax Commissioner or other taxing authority determines upon review or audit that the taxpayer did not qualify for such incentive or exemption.

(6) An audit of employment and investment thresholds and incentive amounts shall be made by the Tax Commissioner to the extent and in the manner determined by the Tax Commissioner. Upon request by the director or the Tax Commissioner, the Commissioner of Labor shall report to the director and the Tax Commissioner the employment data regularly reported to the Department of Labor relating to number of employees and wages paid for each taxpayer. The director and Tax Commissioner, to the extent they determine appropriate, shall use such information to achieve efficiency in the administration of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. The Tax Commissioner may recover any refund or part thereof which is erroneously made and any credit or part thereof which is erroneously allowed by issuing a deficiency determination within three years from the date of refund or credit or within the period otherwise allowed for issuing a deficiency determination, whichever expires later. The director shall not enter into an agreement with any taxpayer unless the taxpayer agrees to electronically verify the work eligibility status of all newly hired employees employed in Nebraska within ninety days after the date of hire. For purposes of calculating any tax incentive under the act, the hours worked and compensation paid to an employee who has not been electronically verified or who is not eligible to work in Nebraska shall be excluded.

(7) A determination by the director that a location is not a qualified location or a determination by the Tax Commissioner that a taxpayer has failed to meet or maintain the required levels of employment or investment for incentives, exemptions, or recapture, or does not otherwise qualify for incentives or exemptions, may be protested by the taxpayer to the Tax Commissioner within sixty days after the mailing to the taxpayer of the written notice of the proposed determination by the director or the Tax Commissioner, as applicable. If the notice of proposed determination is not protested in writing by the taxpayer within the sixty-day period, the proposed determination is a final determination. If the notice is protested, the Tax Commissioner, after a formal hearing by the Tax Commissioner or by an independent hearing officer appointed by the Tax Commissioner, if requested by the taxpayer in such protest, shall issue a written order resolving such protest. The written order of the Tax Commissioner resolving a protest may be appealed to the district court of Lancaster County in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act within thirty days after the issuance of the order.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 32; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 21.

Cross References

77-6833. Incentives; recapture or disallowance; conditions; procedure.

(1) If the taxpayer fails to maintain employment and investment levels at or above the levels required in the agreement for the entire performance period, all or a portion of the incentives set forth in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall be recaptured or disallowed. For purposes of this section, the average compensation and health coverage requirements of subdivision (1)(c) of section 77-6831 shall be treated as a required level of employment for each year of the performance period.

(2) In the case of a taxpayer who has failed to maintain the required levels of employment or investment for the entire performance period, any reduction in the personal property tax, any refunds in tax or exemptions from tax allowed under section 77-6831, and any refunds or reduction in tax allowed because of the use of a credit allowed under section 77-6831 shall be partially recaptured from either the taxpayer, the owner of the improvement to real estate, or the qualified employee leasing company, and any carryovers of credits shall be partially disallowed. The amount of the recapture for each benefit shall be a percentage equal to the number of years the taxpayer did not maintain the required levels of investment or employment divided by the number of years of the performance period multiplied by the refunds, exemptions, or reductions in tax allowed, reduction in personal property tax, credits used, and the remaining carryovers. In addition, the last remaining year of personal property tax exemption shall be disallowed for each year the taxpayer did not maintain the qualified location or locations at or above the required levels of employment or investment.

(3) If the taxpayer receives any refund, exemption, or reduction in tax to which the taxpayer was not entitled or which was in excess of the amount to which the taxpayer was entitled, the refund, exemption, or reduction in tax shall be recaptured separate from any other recapture otherwise required by this section. Any amount recaptured under this subsection shall be excluded from the amounts subject to recapture under other subsections of this section.

(4) Any refunds, exemptions, or reduction in tax due, to the extent required to be recaptured, shall be deemed to be an underpayment of the tax and shall be immediately due and payable. When tax benefits were received in more than one year, the tax benefits received in the most recent year shall be recovered first and then the benefits received in earlier years up to the extent of the required recapture.

(5)(a) Any personal property tax that would have been due except for the exemption allowed under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, to the extent it becomes due under this section, shall be considered delinquent and shall be immediately due and payable to the county or counties in which the property was located when exempted.

(b) All amounts received by a county under this section shall be allocated to each taxing unit levying taxes on tangible personal property in the county in the same proportion that the levy on tangible personal property of such taxing unit bears to the total levy of all of such taxing units.

(6) Notwithstanding any other limitations contained in the laws of this state, collection of any taxes deemed to be underpayments by this section shall be allowed for a period of three years after the end of the performance period or three calendar years after the benefit was allowed, whichever is later.

(7) Any amounts due under this section shall be recaptured notwithstanding other allowable credits and shall not be subsequently refunded under any provision of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act unless the recapture was in error.

(8) The recapture required by this section shall not occur if the failure to maintain the required levels of employment or investment was caused by an act of God or a national emergency.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 33.
77-6834. Incentives; transferable; when; effect.

(1) The incentives allowed under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall not be transferable except in the following situations:

(a) Any credit allowable to a partnership, a limited liability company, a subchapter S corporation, a cooperative, including a cooperative exempt under section 521 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, a limited cooperative association, or an estate or trust may be distributed to the partners, members, shareholders, patrons, or beneficiaries in the same manner as income is distributed for use against their income tax liabilities, and such partners, members, shareholders, or beneficiaries shall be deemed to have made an underpayment of their income taxes for any recapture required by section 77-6833. A credit distributed shall be considered a credit used and the partnership, limited liability company, subchapter S corporation, cooperative, including a cooperative exempt under section 521 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, limited cooperative association, estate, or trust shall be liable for any repayment required by section 77-6833;

(b) The credit prescribed in subsection (4) of section 77-6831 may be transferred to a qualified employee leasing company from a taxpayer who is a client-lessee of the qualified employee leasing company with employees performing services at the qualified location or locations of the client-lessee. The credits transferred must be designated for a specific year and cannot be carried forward by the qualified employee leasing company. The credits may only be used by the qualified employee leasing company to offset the income tax withholding liability under section 77-2756 or 77-2757 for withholding for employees performing services for the client-lessee at the qualified location or locations. The offset to such withholding liability must be computed in accordance with subdivision (1)(b) of section 77-6832 based on wages paid to the employees by the qualified employee leasing company, and not the amount paid to the qualified employee leasing company by the client-lessee; and

(c) The incentives previously allowed and the future allowance of incentives may be transferred when an agreement is transferred in its entirety by sale or lease to another taxpayer or in an acquisition of assets qualifying under section 381 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(2) The acquiring taxpayer, as of the date of notification to the director of the completed transfer, shall be entitled to any unused credits and to any future incentives allowable under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(3) The acquiring taxpayer shall be liable for any recapture that becomes due after the date of the transfer for the repayment of any benefits received either before or after the transfer.

(4) If a taxpayer dies and there is a credit remaining after the filing of the final return for the taxpayer, the personal representative shall determine the distribution of the credit or any remaining carryover with the initial fiduciary return filed for the estate. The determination of the distribution of the credit may be changed only after obtaining the permission of the director.

(5) The director may disclose information to the acquiring taxpayer about the agreement and prior benefits that is reasonably necessary to determine the future incentives and liabilities of the taxpayer.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 34.
77-6835. Refunds; interest not allowable.

Interest shall not be allowable on any refunds paid because of benefits earned under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 35.
77-6836. Application; valid; when; director; Tax Commissioner; powers and duties.

(1) Any complete application shall be considered a valid application on the date submitted for the purposes of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(2) The director shall be allowed access, by the Tax Commissioner, to information associated with the Nebraska Advantage Act, the Nebraska Advantage Rural Development Act, and the Employment and Investment Growth Act to meet the director's obligations under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(3) The director may contract with the Tax Commissioner for services that the director determines are necessary to fulfill the director's responsibilities under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, other than services which constitute the actual actions and decisions required to be taken or made by the director under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(4) The Tax Commissioner shall develop and maintain an electronic application and reporting system to be used by the director and Tax Commissioner to administer the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 36.

Cross References

77-6837. Reports; contents; joint hearing.

(1) Beginning in 2021, the director and the Tax Commissioner shall jointly submit electronically an annual report for the previous fiscal year to the Legislature no later than October 31 of each year. The report shall be on a fiscal year, accrual basis that satisfies the requirements set by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The Department of Economic Development and the Department of Revenue shall together, on or before December 15 of each even-numbered year, appear at a joint hearing of the Appropriations Committee of the Legislature and the Revenue Committee of the Legislature and present the report. Any supplemental information requested by three or more committee members shall be presented within thirty days after the request.

(2) The report shall list (a) the agreements which have been signed during the previous year, (b) the agreements which are still in effect, (c) the identity of each taxpayer who is party to an agreement, and (d) the qualified location or locations.

(3) The report shall also state, for taxpayers who are parties to agreements, by industry group (a) the specific incentive options applied for under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, (b) the refunds and reductions in tax allowed on the investment, (c) the credits earned, (d) the credits used to reduce the corporate income tax and the credits used to reduce the individual income tax, (e) the credits used to obtain sales and use tax refunds, (f) the credits used against withholding liability, (g) the credits used for job training, (h) the credits used for infrastructure development, (i) the number of jobs created under the act, (j) the expansion of capital investment, (k) the estimated wage levels of jobs created under the act subsequent to the application date, (l) the total number of qualified applicants, (m) the projected future state revenue gains and losses, (n) the sales tax refunds owed, (o) the credits outstanding under the act, (p) the value of personal property exempted by class in each county under the act, (q) the total amount of the payments, (r) the amount of workforce training and infrastructure development loans issued, outstanding, repaid, and delinquent, and (s) the value of health coverage provided to employees at qualified locations during the year who are not base-year employees and who are paid the required compensation. The report shall include the estimate of the amount of sales and use tax refunds to be paid and tax credits to be used as were required for the October forecast under section 77-6839.

(4) In estimating the projected future state revenue gains and losses, the report shall detail the methodology utilized, state the economic multipliers and industry multipliers used to determine the amount of economic growth and positive tax revenue, describe the analysis used to determine the percentage of new jobs attributable to the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, and identify limitations that are inherent in the analysis method.

(5) The report shall provide an explanation of the audit and review processes of the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Revenue, as applicable, in approving and rejecting applications or the grant of incentives and in enforcing incentive recapture. The report shall also specify the median period of time between the date of application and the date the agreement is executed for all agreements executed by June 30 of the current year.

(6) The report shall provide information on agreement-specific total incentives used every two years for each agreement. The report shall disclose (a) the identity of the taxpayer, (b) the qualified location or locations, and (c) the total credits used and refunds approved during the immediately preceding two years expressed as a single, aggregated total. The incentive information required to be reported under this subsection shall not be reported for the first year the taxpayer attains the required employment and investment thresholds. The information on first-year incentives used shall be combined with and reported as part of the second year. Thereafter, the information on incentives used for succeeding years shall be reported for each agreement every two years containing information on two years of credits used and refunds approved. The incentives used shall include incentives which have been approved by the director or Tax Commissioner, as applicable, but not necessarily received, during the previous two years.

(7) The report shall include an executive summary which shows aggregate information for all agreements for which the information on incentives used in subsection (6) of this section is reported as follows: (a) The total incentives used by all taxpayers for agreements detailed in subsection (6) of this section during the previous two years; (b) the number of agreements; (c) the new jobs at the qualified location or locations for which credits have been granted; (d) the average compensation paid to employees in the state in the year of application and for the new jobs at the qualified location or locations; and (e) the total investment for which incentives were granted. The executive summary shall summarize the number of states which grant investment tax credits, job tax credits, sales and use tax refunds for qualified investment, and personal property tax exemptions and the investment and employment requirements under which they may be granted.

(8) No information shall be provided in the report or in supplemental information that is protected by state or federal confidentiality laws.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 37; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 22.
77-6838. Rules and regulations.

Except as otherwise stated in the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, the director, with input from the Tax Commissioner, may adopt and promulgate all procedures and rules and regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 38.
77-6839. Tax incentives; estimates required; when; exceed base authority; limit on applications.

(1) The Department of Economic Development and the Department of Revenue shall jointly, on or before the fifteenth day of October and February of every year and the fifteenth day of April in odd-numbered years, make an estimate of the amount of sales and use tax refunds to be paid and tax credits to be used under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act during the fiscal years to be forecast under section 77-27,158. The estimate shall be based on the most recent data available, including pending and approved applications and updates thereof as are required by subdivision (1)(f) of section 77-6828. The estimate shall be forwarded to the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and the Nebraska Economic Forecasting Advisory Board and made a part of the advisory forecast required by section 77-27,158.

(2)(a) In addition to the estimates required under subsection (1) of this section, the Department of Economic Development shall, on or before the fifteenth day of October and February of every year, make an estimate of the amount of sales and use tax refunds to be paid and tax credits to be used under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act for each of the upcoming three calendar years and shall report such estimate to the Governor. The estimate shall be based on the most recent data available, including pending and approved applications and updates thereof as are required by subdivision (1)(f) of section 77-6828. If the estimate for any such calendar year exceeds the base authority:

(i) The Department of Economic Development shall prepare an analysis explaining why the estimate exceeds the base authority. The department shall include such analysis in the report it submits to the Governor under this subsection; and

(ii) The director shall not approve any additional applications under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act that would include refunds or credits in the calendar year in which the base authority is projected to be exceeded. Applications shall be considered in the order in which they are received. Any applications that are not approved because the base authority has been exceeded shall be placed on a wait list in the order in which they were received and shall be given first priority once applications may again be approved. Applications on the wait list retain the same application date and base year as if they had been approved within the time set forth in section 77-6827.

(b) For purposes of this section, base authority means the total amount of refunds and credits that may be approved in any calendar year. Notwithstanding any other provision of the ImagiNE Nebraska Act to the contrary, no refunds may be paid and no credits may be used in any calendar year in excess of the base authority for such calendar year. The base authority shall be equal to twenty-five million dollars for calendar years 2021 and 2022, one hundred million dollars for calendar years 2023 and 2024, and one hundred fifty million dollars for calendar year 2025. Beginning with calendar year 2026 and every three years thereafter, the director shall adjust the base authority to an amount equal to three percent of the actual General Fund net receipts for the most recent fiscal year for which such information is available. Any amount of base authority that is unused in a calendar year shall carry forward to the following calendar year and shall be added to the limit applicable to such following calendar year, except that in no case shall the base authority for any calendar year prior to 2026 exceed four hundred million dollars.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 39; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 23.
77-6840. Employment and wage data information; Department of Labor; duty.

The Department of Labor shall, as requested, provide to the director and the Tax Commissioner the employment and wage data information necessary to meet the responsibilities of the director and Tax Commissioner under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, to the extent the Department of Labor collects such information.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 40.
77-6841. Workforce training and infrastructure development; revolving loan program; legislative findings; Department of Economic Development; duties; ImagiNE Nebraska Revolving Loan Fund; created; use; investment.

(1) The Legislature finds that providing job training is critical to the public purpose of attracting and retaining businesses and that the growth of high-paying jobs in Nebraska is limited by an unmet need for workforce training and infrastructure development. The Legislature further finds that many communities in Nebraska lack the infrastructure, including broadband access, necessary to provide high-paying jobs for residents. The Legislature further finds that workforce training and infrastructure development help businesses and improve the quality of life for workers and communities in Nebraska. Because there is a statewide benefit from workforce training and infrastructure development, the Legislature intends to provide a revolving loan program as a rational means to address these needs.

(2) The Department of Economic Development shall establish and administer a revolving loan program for workforce training and infrastructure development expenses to be incurred by applicants for incentives under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(3) The ImagiNE Nebraska Revolving Loan Fund is hereby created. The fund shall receive money from appropriations from the Legislature, grants, private contributions, repayment of loans, and all other sources. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. It is the intent of the Legislature to transfer five million dollars from the General Fund to the ImagiNE Nebraska Revolving Loan Fund for fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-24 for purposes of carrying out the workforce training and infrastructure development revolving loan program pursuant to the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. It is the intent of the Legislature to appropriate five million dollars for fiscal years 2022-23 and 2023-24 for purposes of carrying out the workforce training and infrastructure development revolving loan program pursuant to the ImagiNE Nebraska Act.

(4) The Department of Economic Development, as part of its comprehensive business development strategy, shall administer the ImagiNE Nebraska Revolving Loan Fund and may loan funds to applicants under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act to secure new, high-paying jobs in Nebraska based on the criteria established in sections 77-6842 and 77-6843. Loans made to applicants under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act and interest on such loans may be repaid using credits earned under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. If that occurs, the Department of Revenue shall certify the credit usage to the State Treasurer, who shall, within thirty days, transfer the amount of the credit used from the General Fund to the ImagiNE Nebraska Revolving Loan Fund.

(5) If a taxpayer with an agreement under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act obtains a loan under this section and fails to attain the required minimum number of new employees, minimum compensation, and minimum required cumulative investment necessary for that taxpayer to earn a credit, the principal and interest of the loan shall be considered an underpayment of tax and may be recovered by the Department of Revenue.

(6) Whether repaid using credits or repaid directly by the recipient of the loan, loans made from the ImagiNE Nebraska Revolving Loan Fund shall be repaid with interest at the rate established in section 45-102.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 41.

Cross References

77-6842. Workforce training loan; application; partnering entities; loan approval; factors considered.

(1) A taxpayer with an application under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act may apply for a workforce training loan by submitting an application to the Department of Economic Development which includes, but is not limited to:

(a) The number of jobs to be created that will require training or the number of existing positions that will be trained;

(b) The nature of the business and the type of jobs to be created that will require training or positions to be trained;

(c) The estimated wage levels of the jobs to be created or positions to be trained; and

(d) A program schedule for the workforce training project.

(2) A taxpayer may partner with a postsecondary educational institution in Nebraska, a private, nonprofit educational organization in Nebraska holding a certificate of exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, a Nebraska educational service unit, or a school district in Nebraska to assist in providing the workforce training. The application shall specify the role of the partnering entity in identifying and training potential job applicants for the applicant business.

(3) The director shall determine whether to approve the taxpayer's application for a workforce training loan under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act based upon the director's determination as to whether the loan will help enable the state to accomplish the purposes stated in section 77-6841. The director shall be governed by and shall take into consideration all of the following factors in making such determination:

(a) The department's comprehensive business development strategy;

(b) The necessity of the loan to assure that the applicant will expand employment in Nebraska;

(c) The number of jobs to be created; and

(d) The expected pay of the jobs to be created.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 42.
77-6843. Infrastructure development loan; application; approval; factors considered.

(1) A taxpayer with an application under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act may apply for an infrastructure development loan by submitting an application to the Department of Economic Development which includes, but is not limited to:

(a) The nature of the business and the type and number of jobs to be created or retained;

(b) The estimated wage levels of the jobs to be created or retained; and

(c) A brief description of the infrastructure need that the loan is intended to fill.

(2) The director shall determine whether to approve the taxpayer's application for an infrastructure development loan under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act based upon the director's determination as to whether the loan will help enable the state to accomplish the purposes stated in section 77-6841. The director shall be governed by and shall take into consideration all of the following factors in making such determination:

(a) The department's comprehensive business development strategy;

(b) The necessity of the loan to assure that the applicant will expand employment in Nebraska;

(c) The number of jobs to be created; and

(d) The expected pay of the jobs to be created.

Source:Laws 2020, LB1107, § 43.