77-3601. Act, how cited.

Sections 77-3601 to 77-3607 shall be known and may be cited as the School Readiness Tax Credit Act.

Source:Laws 2016, LB889, § 1.
77-3602. Legislative findings.

The Legislature finds that the benefits of quality child care and early childhood education are indisputable and that a striking connection exists between children’s learning experiences well before kindergarten and their later school success.

Source:Laws 2016, LB889, § 2.
77-3603. Terms, defined.

For purposes of the School Readiness Tax Credit Act:

(1) Child means an individual who is five years of age or less;

(2) Child care and education provider means a person who owns or operates an eligible program;

(3) Department means the Department of Revenue;

(4) Eligible program means an applicable child care and early childhood education program as defined in section 71-1954 that has applied to participate in the quality rating and improvement system developed under the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act and has been assigned a quality scale rating;

(5) Eligible staff member means an individual who is employed with, or who is a self-employed individual providing child care and early childhood education for, an eligible program for at least six months of the taxable year and who is listed in the Nebraska Early Childhood Professional Record System and classified as provided in subsection (4) of section 71-1962. Eligible staff member does not include certificated teaching and administrative staff employed by programs established pursuant to section 79-1104; and

(6) Quality scale rating means the rating of an eligible program under the Step Up to Quality Child Care Act which is expressed in terms of steps, with step one being the lowest rating and step five being the highest rating.

Source:Laws 2016, LB889, § 3; Laws 2020, LB266, § 2.

Cross References

77-3604. Child care and education provider; income tax credit; application; contents; approval; distribution.

(1) A child care and education provider whose eligible program provides services to children who participate in the child care subsidy program established pursuant to section 68-1202 may apply to the department to receive a nonrefundable tax credit against the income tax imposed by the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967.

(2) The nonrefundable credit provided in this section shall be an amount equal to the average monthly number of children described in subsection (1) of this section who are attending the child care and education provider's eligible program, multiplied by an amount based upon the quality scale rating of such eligible program as follows:

Quality Scale Rating of Eligible Program Tax Credit Per Child Attending
Eligible Program
Step Five $1,200
Step Four $1,000
Step Three $800
Step Two $600
Step One $400

(3) A child care and education provider shall apply for the credit provided in this section by submitting an application to the department with the following information:

(a) The number of children described in subsection (1) of this section who attended the child care and education provider's eligible program during each month of the most recently completed taxable year;

(b) Documentation to show the quality scale rating of the child care and education provider's eligible program; and

(c) Any other documentation required by the department.

(4) Subject to subsection (5) of this section, if the department determines that the child care and education provider qualifies for tax credits under this section, it shall approve the application and certify the amount of credits approved to the child care and education provider.

(5) The department shall consider applications in the order in which they are received and may approve tax credits under this section in any taxable year until the aggregate limit allowed under subsection (1) of section 77-3606 has been reached.

(6) If the child care and education provider is (a) a partnership, (b) a limited liability company, (c) a corporation having an election in effect under subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or (d) an estate or trust, the tax credit provided in this section may be distributed in the same manner and proportion as the partner, member, shareholder, or beneficiary reports the partnership, limited liability company, subchapter S corporation, estate, or trust income.

(7) The credit provided in this section shall be available for taxable years beginning or deemed to begin on or after January 1, 2024, under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Source:Laws 2016, LB889, § 4; Laws 2020, LB266, § 3; Laws 2023, LB754, § 17.

Cross References

77-3605. Eligible staff member; income tax credit; application; contents; approval.

(1) An eligible staff member may apply to the department to receive a refundable tax credit against the income tax imposed by the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967. The amount of the credit shall be based on the eligible staff member's classification under subsection (4) of section 71-1962 as follows:

Eligible Staff Member's Classification Tax Credit
Level Five $3,500
Level Four $3,200
Level Three $2,900
Level Two $2,600
Level One $2,300

(2) An eligible staff member shall apply for the credit provided in this section by submitting an application to the department with the following information:

(a) The eligible staff member's name and place of employment;

(b) An attestation form provided by the Nebraska Early Childhood Professional Record System verifying the level at which the eligible staff member is classified under subsection (4) of section 71-1962; and

(c) Any other documentation required by the department.

(3) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, if the department determines that the eligible staff member qualifies for tax credits under this section, it shall approve the application and certify the amount of credits approved to the eligible staff member.

(4) The department shall consider applications in the order in which they are received and may approve tax credits under this section in any taxable year until the aggregate limit allowed under subsection (1) of section 77-3606 has been reached.

(5) The credit provided in this section shall be available for taxable years beginning or deemed to begin on or after January 1, 2024, under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(6) For taxable years beginning or deemed to begin on or after January 1, 2025, under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the Tax Commissioner shall adjust the credit amounts provided for in subsection (1) of this section by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as prepared by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for the twelve-month period ending on August 31 of the year preceding the taxable year.

Source:Laws 2016, LB889, § 5; Laws 2023, LB754, § 18.

Cross References

77-3606. Department; limit on credits; claiming credit; procedure; fraud or misrepresentation; disallowance of credit.

(1) The department may approve tax credits under the School Readiness Tax Credit Act each taxable year until the total amount of credits approved for the taxable year reaches seven million five hundred thousand dollars.

(2) A child care and education provider shall claim any tax credits granted under the act by attaching the tax credit certification received from the department under section 77-3604 to the child care and education provider's tax return. An eligible staff member shall claim any tax credits granted under the act by attaching the tax credit certification received from the department under section 77-3605 to the eligible staff member's tax return.

(3) If the department finds that a person has obtained a credit by fraud or misrepresentation, the credits shall be disallowed and the taxpayer's state income tax for such taxable year shall be increased by the amount necessary to recapture the credit.

(4) Credits granted to a taxpayer, but later disallowed, may be recovered by the department within three years from the end of the year in which the credit was claimed.

Source:Laws 2016, LB889, § 6; Laws 2023, LB754, § 19.
77-3607. Rules and regulations.

The department may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the School Readiness Tax Credit Act.

Source:Laws 2016, LB889, § 7.