77-27,142. Incorporated municipalities; sales and use tax; authorized; election.

(1) Any incorporated municipality other than a city of the metropolitan class by ordinance of its governing body is hereby authorized to impose a sales and use tax of one-half percent, one percent, one and one-half percent, one and three-quarters percent, or two percent upon the same transactions that are sourced under the provisions of sections 77-2703.01 to 77-2703.04 within such incorporated municipality on which the State of Nebraska is authorized to impose a tax pursuant to the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, as amended from time to time. Any city of the metropolitan class by ordinance of its governing body is hereby authorized to impose a sales and use tax of one-half percent, one percent, or one and one-half percent upon the same transactions that are sourced under the provisions of sections 77-2703.01 to 77-2703.04 within such city of the metropolitan class on which the State of Nebraska is authorized to impose a tax pursuant to the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, as amended from time to time. No sales and use tax shall be imposed pursuant to this section until an election has been held and a majority of the qualified electors have approved such tax pursuant to sections 77-27,142.01 and 77-27,142.02.

(2)(a) Any incorporated municipality that proposes to impose a municipal sales and use tax at a rate greater than one and one-half percent or increase a municipal sales and use tax to a rate greater than one and one-half percent shall submit the question of such tax or increase at a primary or general election held within the incorporated municipality. The question shall be submitted upon an affirmative vote by at least seventy percent of all of the members of the governing body of the incorporated municipality.

(b) Any rate greater than one and one-half percent shall be used as follows:

(i) In a city of the primary class, up to fifteen percent of the proceeds from the rate in excess of one and one-half percent may be used for non-public infrastructure projects of an interlocal agreement or joint public agency agreement with another political subdivision within the municipality or the county in which the municipality is located, and the remaining proceeds shall be used for public infrastructure projects or voter-approved infrastructure related to an economic development program as defined in section 18-2705; and

(ii) In any incorporated municipality other than a city of the primary class, the proceeds from the rate in excess of one and one-half percent shall be used for public infrastructure projects or voter-approved infrastructure related to an economic development program as defined in section 18-2705.

For purposes of this section, public infrastructure project means and includes, but is not limited to, any of the following projects, or any combination thereof: Public highways and bridges and municipal roads, streets, bridges, and sidewalks; solid waste management facilities; wastewater, storm water, and water treatment works and systems, water distribution facilities, and water resources projects, including, but not limited to, pumping stations, transmission lines, and mains and their appurtenances; hazardous waste disposal systems; resource recovery systems; airports; port facilities; buildings and capital equipment used in the operation of municipal government; convention and tourism facilities; redevelopment projects as defined in section 18-2103; mass transit and other transportation systems, including parking facilities; and equipment necessary for the provision of municipal services.

(c) Any rate greater than one and one-half percent shall terminate no more than ten years after its effective date or, if bonds are issued and the local option sales and use tax revenue is pledged for payment of such bonds, upon payment of such bonds and any refunding bonds, whichever date is later, except as provided in subdivision (2)(d) of this section.

(d) If a portion of the rate greater than one and one-half percent is stated in the ballot question as being imposed for the purpose of the interlocal agreement or joint public agency agreement described in subdivision (2)(b)(i) or subsection (3) of this section, and such portion is at least one-eighth percent, there shall be no termination date for the rate representing such portion rounded to the next higher one-quarter or one-half percent.

(e) For fiscal years beginning prior to July 1, 2025, sections 13-518 to 13-522 apply to the revenue from any such tax or increase.

(3)(a) No municipal sales and use tax shall be imposed at a rate greater than one and one-half percent or increased to a rate greater than one and one-half percent unless the municipality is a party to an interlocal agreement pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act or a joint public agency agreement pursuant to the Joint Public Agency Act with a political subdivision within the municipality or the county in which the municipality is located creating a separate legal or administrative entity relating to a public infrastructure project.

(b) Except as provided in subdivision (2)(b)(i) of this section, such interlocal agreement or joint public agency agreement shall contain provisions, including benchmarks, relating to the long-term development of unified governance of public infrastructure projects with respect to the parties. The Legislature may provide additional requirements for such agreements, including benchmarks, but such additional requirements shall not apply to any debt outstanding at the time the Legislature enacts such additional requirements. The separate legal or administrative entity created shall not be one that was in existence for one calendar year preceding the submission of the question of such tax or increase at a primary or general election held within the incorporated municipality.

(c) Any other public agency as defined in section 13-803 may be a party to such interlocal cooperation agreement or joint public agency agreement.

(d) A municipality is not required to use all of the additional revenue generated by a sales and use tax imposed at a rate greater than one and one-half percent or increased to a rate greater than one and one-half percent under this subsection for the purposes of the interlocal cooperation agreement or joint public agency agreement set forth in this subsection.

(4) The provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section do not apply to the first one and one-half percent of a sales and use tax imposed by a municipality.

(5) Notwithstanding any provision of any municipal charter, any incorporated municipality or interlocal agency or joint public agency pursuant to an agreement as provided in subsection (3) of this section may issue bonds in one or more series for any municipal purpose and pay the principal of and interest on any such bonds by pledging receipts from the increase in the municipal sales and use taxes authorized by such municipality. Any municipality which has or may issue bonds under this section may dedicate a portion of its property tax levy authority as provided in section 77-3442 to meet debt service obligations under the bonds. For purposes of this subsection, bond means any evidence of indebtedness, including, but not limited to, bonds, notes including notes issued pending long-term financing arrangements, warrants, debentures, obligations under a loan agreement or a lease-purchase agreement, or any similar instrument or obligation.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 629, § 1, p. 2530; Laws 1978, LB 394, § 1; Laws 1978, LB 902, § 1; Laws 1979, LB 365, § 1; Laws 1981, LB 40, § 1; Laws 1985, LB 116, § 1; Laws 1986, LB 890, § 1; Laws 2003, LB 282, § 80; Laws 2012, LB357, § 1; Laws 2013, LB104, § 1; Laws 2024, First Spec. Sess., LB34, § 24.
Effective Date: August 21, 2024

Cross References


77-27,142.01. Incorporated municipalities; sales and use tax; modification; election required, when.

(1) The governing body of any incorporated municipality may submit the question of changing any terms and conditions of a sales and use tax previously authorized under section 77-27,142. Except as otherwise provided by section 77-27,142, the question of modification shall be submitted to the voters at any primary or general election or at a special election if the governing body submits a certified copy of the resolution proposing modification to the election commissioner or county clerk within the time prior to the primary, general, or special election prescribed in section 77-27,142.02.

(2) If the change imposes a sales and use tax at a rate greater than one and one-half percent or increases the sales and use tax to a rate greater than one and one-half percent, the question shall include, but not be limited to:

(a) The percentage increase of one-quarter percent or one-half percent in the sales and use tax rate;

(b) A list of reductions or elimination of other taxes or fees, if any;

(c) A description of the projects to be funded, in whole or in part, from the revenue collected, along with any savings or efficiencies resulting from the projects;

(d) The year or years within which the revenue will be collected and, if bonds will be issued with some or all of the revenue pledged for payment of such bonds, a statement that the revenue will be collected until the payment in full of such bonds and any refunding bonds; and

(e)(i) The percentage of revenue collected to be used for the purposes of the interlocal agreement or joint public agency agreement as provided in subdivision (2)(b)(i) or subsection (3) of section 77-27,142; (ii) a statement of the overall purpose of the agreement which is the long-term development of unified governance of public infrastructure projects, if applicable; and (iii) the name of any other political subdivision which is a party to the agreement.

This subsection does not apply to the first one and one-half percent of a sales and use tax imposed by a municipality.

Source:Laws 1978, LB 394, § 2; Laws 1997, LB 182A, § 7; Laws 2009, LB501, § 4; Laws 2012, LB357, § 2; Laws 2013, LB104, § 2.
77-27,142.02. Incorporated municipalities; sales and use tax; election; question; effect.

Except as otherwise provided by subsection (2) of section 77-27,142, the power granted by section 77-27,142 shall not be exercised unless and until the question has been submitted at a primary, general, or special election held within the incorporated municipality and in which all qualified electors shall be entitled to vote on such question. The officials of the incorporated municipality shall order the submission of the question by submitting a certified copy of the resolution proposing the tax to the election commissioner or county clerk by March 1 for a primary election, by September 1 for a general election, or at least fifty days before a special election. Except as otherwise provided by subsection (2) of section 77-27,142.01, the question may include any terms and conditions set forth in the resolution proposing the tax, such as a termination date or the specific project or program for which the revenue received from such tax will be allocated, and shall include the following language: Shall the governing body of the incorporated municipality impose a sales and use tax upon the same transactions within such municipality on which the State of Nebraska is authorized to impose a tax? If a majority of the votes cast upon such question shall be in favor of such tax, then the governing body of such incorporated municipality shall be empowered as provided by section 77-27,142 and shall forthwith proceed to impose a tax pursuant to the Local Option Revenue Act. If a majority of those voting on the question shall be opposed to such tax, then the governing body of the incorporated municipality shall not impose such a tax.

Source:Laws 1978, LB 394, § 3; Laws 1985, LB 116, § 2; Laws 1986, LB 890, § 2; Laws 2009, LB501, § 5; Laws 2012, LB357, § 3.
77-27,142.03. Incorporated municipality; sales and use tax; petition to submit question.

(1) If the qualified electors of any municipality, equal in number to at least ten percent of the votes cast at the last preceding municipal election, petition the governing body to submit the question at least seventy-five days before the next primary, general, or special election, the governing body shall submit the question at the next primary, general, or special election.

(2) The question of imposing a sales and use tax which has been submitted to the electors and failed shall not be submitted to the electors of an incorporated municipality again until twenty-three months after such failure.

Source:Laws 1978, LB 394, § 4; Laws 1986, LB 890, § 3; Laws 1994, LB 1175, § 3; Laws 2009, LB501, § 6.


77-27,142.04. Incorporated municipality; sales and use tax; election; notice.

The governing body shall give notice of the submission of the question of imposing the sales and use tax upon the same transactions within such municipality on which the State of Nebraska is authorized to impose a tax, not more than thirty days nor less than ten days previous to the election, by publication one time in one or more newspapers published in or of general circulation in the municipality in which such question is to be submitted. Such notice shall be in addition to any other notice required under the general election laws of this state.

Source:Laws 1978, LB 394, § 5.
77-27,142.05. Incorporated municipality; sales and use tax; previously authorized; continuation without election.

Any incorporated municipality which had, prior to January 1, 1978, authorized a sales and use tax pursuant to section 77-27,142 may continue the tax without submitting the question of continuing such tax to a vote of the qualified electors.

Source:Laws 1978, LB 394, § 6.
77-27,143. Municipalities; sales and use tax laws; administration; termination; databases; required.

(1) The administration of all sales and use taxes adopted under the Local Option Revenue Act shall be by the Tax Commissioner who may prescribe forms and adopt and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations in conformity with the act for the making of returns and for the ascertainment, assessment, and collection of taxes imposed under such act. The incorporated municipality shall furnish a certified copy of the adopting or repealing ordinance to the Tax Commissioner in accordance with such rules and regulations as he or she may adopt and promulgate. For ordinances passed after October 1, 1969, the effective date shall be the first day of the next calendar quarter which is at least one hundred twenty days following receipt by the Tax Commissioner of the certified copy of the ordinance. The Tax Commissioner shall provide at least sixty days' notice of the change in tax to retailers. Notice shall be provided to retailers within the municipality. Notice to retailers may be provided through the website of the Department of Revenue or by other electronic means.

(2) For ordinances containing a termination date and passed after October 1, 1986, the termination date shall be the first day of a calendar quarter. The incorporated municipality shall furnish a certified statement to the Tax Commissioner no more than one hundred eighty days and at least one hundred twenty days prior to the termination date that the termination date stated in the ordinance is still valid. If the certified statement is not furnished within the prescribed time, the tax shall remain in effect, and the Tax Commissioner shall continue to collect the tax until the first day of the calendar quarter which is at least one hundred twenty days after receipt of the certified statement notwithstanding the termination date stated in the ordinance. The Tax Commissioner shall provide at least sixty days' notice of the termination of the tax to retailers. Notice shall be provided to retailers within the municipality. Notice to retailers may be provided through the website of the department or by other electronic means.

(3) For sales and use tax purposes only, local jurisdiction boundary changes apply only on the first day of a calendar quarter after a minimum of one hundred twenty days' notice to the Tax Commissioner and sixty days' notice to sellers.

(4) The state shall provide and maintain a database that describes boundary changes for all local taxing jurisdictions. This database shall include a description of any change and the effective date of the change for sales and use tax purposes.

(5) The state shall provide and maintain a database of all sales and use tax rates for all of the local jurisdictions levying taxes within the state. For the identification of counties, cities, and villages, codes corresponding to the rates shall be provided according to Federal Information Processing Standards as developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

(6) The state shall provide and maintain a database that assigns each five-digit and nine-digit zip code within the state to the proper tax rates and jurisdictions. For purposes of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement, the database shall apply the lowest combined tax rate imposed in the zip code area if the area includes more than one tax rate in any level of taxing jurisdictions. If a nine-digit zip code designation is not available for a street address or if a seller is unable to determine the nine-digit zip code designation applicable to a purchase after exercising due diligence to determine the designation, the seller or certified service provider may apply the rate for the five-digit zip code area. For purposes of this section, there is a rebuttable presumption that a seller or certified service provider has exercised due diligence if the seller has attempted to determine the nine-digit zip code designation by utilizing software approved by the governing board that makes this designation from the street address and the five-digit zip code applicable to a purchase.

(7) For purposes of the streamlined sales and use tax agreement, the state may provide address-based boundary database records for assigning taxing jurisdictions and their associated rates which shall be in addition to the requirements of subsection (6) of this section. The database records shall be in the same approved format as the database records pursuant to subsection (6) of this section and shall meet the requirements developed pursuant to the federal Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. 119(a), as such act existed on January 1, 2003. The governing board may allow a member state to require sellers that register under the agreement to use an address-based boundary database provided by that member state. If any member state develops an address-based boundary database pursuant to the agreement, a seller or certified service provider may use those database records in place of the five-digit and nine-digit zip code database records provided for in subsection (6) of this section. If a seller or certified service provider is unable to determine the applicable rate and jurisdiction using an address-based boundary database after exercising due diligence, the seller or certified service provider may apply the nine-digit zip code designation applicable to a purchase. If a nine-digit zip code designation is not available for a street address or if a seller or certified service provider is unable to determine the nine-digit zip code designation applicable to a purchase after exercising due diligence to determine the designation, the seller or certified service provider may apply the rate for the five-digit zip code area. For the purposes of this section, there is a rebuttable presumption that a seller or certified service provider has exercised due diligence if the seller or certified service provider has attempted to determine the tax rate and jurisdiction by utilizing software approved by the governing board that makes this assignment from the address and zip code information applicable to the purchase.

(8) The state may certify vendor-provided address-based boundary databases for assigning tax rates and jurisdictions. The databases shall be in the same approved format as the database records pursuant to subsection (7) of this section and shall meet the requirements developed pursuant to the federal Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 U.S.C. 119(a) as such act existed on January 1, 2003. If a state certifies a vendor-provided address-based boundary database, a seller or certified service provider may use that database in place of the database provided for in subsection (6) or (7) of this section. Vendors providing address-based boundary databases may request certification of their databases from the governing board. Certification by the governing board does not replace the requirement that the databases be certified by the states individually.

(9) Pursuant to the streamlined sales and use tax agreement, the state shall relieve retailers and certified service providers using databases pursuant to subsection (6) or (7) of this section from liability to the state and local jurisdictions for having charged and collected the incorrect amount of sales or use tax resulting from the retailer or certified service provider relying on erroneous data provided by a member state on tax rates, boundaries, or taxing jurisdiction assignments. After providing adequate notice determined by the governing board, a member state that provides an address-based boundary database for assigning taxing jurisdictions pursuant to subsection (7) or (8) of this section may cease providing liability relief for errors resulting from the reliance on the database provided by the member state under the provisions of subsection (6) of this section. If a seller demonstrates that requiring the use of the address-based boundary database would create an undue hardship, the state and the governing board may extend the relief of liability to such seller for a designated period of time.

(10) The databases provided for in this section shall be in a downloadable format approved by the governing board pursuant to the streamlined sales and use tax agreement. The databases may be directly provided by the state or provided by a vendor as designated by the state. A database provided by a vendor as designated by a state shall be applicable to and subject to all provisions of this section. The databases shall be provided at no cost to the user of the database. The provisions of subsections (6) and (7) of this section do not apply when the purchased product is received by the purchaser at the business location of the seller.

(11) A seller that did not have a requirement to register in this state prior to registering pursuant to the agreement or a certified service provider shall not be required to collect sales or use taxes for a state until the first day of the calendar quarter commencing more than sixty days after the state has provided the databases required by this section.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 629, § 2, p. 2530; Laws 1969, c. 683, § 8, p. 2644; Laws 1986, LB 890, § 4; Laws 2003, LB 282, § 81; Laws 2003, LB 381, § 4; Laws 2005, LB 274, § 277; Laws 2006, LB 887, § 5; Laws 2011, LB211, § 7.


77-27,144. Municipalities; sales and use tax; Tax Commissioner; collection; distribution; refunds; notice; deductions; qualifying business; duty to provide information.

(1) The Tax Commissioner shall collect the tax imposed by any incorporated municipality concurrently with collection of a state tax in the same manner as the state tax is collected. The Tax Commissioner shall remit monthly the proceeds of the tax to the incorporated municipalities levying the tax, after deducting the amount of refunds made and three percent of the remainder to be credited to the Municipal Equalization Fund.

(2)(a) Deductions for a refund made pursuant to section 77-4105, 77-4106, 77-5725, or 77-5726 and owed by a city of the first class, city of the second class, or village shall be delayed for one year after the refund has been made to the taxpayer. The Department of Revenue shall notify the municipality liable for a refund exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars of the pending refund, the amount of the refund, and the month in which the deduction will be made or begin, except that if the amount of a refund claimed under section 77-4105, 77-4106, 77-5725, or 77-5726 exceeds twenty-five percent of the municipality's total sales and use tax receipts, net of any refunds or sales tax collection fees, for the municipality's prior fiscal year, the department shall deduct the refund over the period of one year in equal monthly amounts beginning after the one-year notification period required by this subdivision.

(b) Deductions for a refund made pursuant to section 77-4105, 77-4106, 77-5725, or 77-5726 and owed by a city of the metropolitan class or city of the primary class shall be made as follows:

(i) During calendar year 2023, such deductions shall be made in accordance with subsection (1) of this section; and

(ii) During calendar year 2024 and each calendar year thereafter, such deductions shall be made based on estimated amounts as described in this subdivision. On or before March 1, 2023, and on or before March 1 of each year thereafter, the Department of Revenue shall notify each city of the metropolitan class and city of the primary class of the total amount of such refunds that are estimated to be paid during the following calendar year. Such estimated amount shall be used to establish the total amount to be deducted in the following calendar year. The department shall deduct such amount over the following calendar year in twelve equal monthly amounts. Beginning with the notification sent in calendar year 2025, the notification shall include any adjustment needed for the prior calendar year to account for any difference between the estimated amount deducted in such prior calendar year and the actual amount of refunds paid in such year.

(3) Deductions for a refund made pursuant to the ImagiNE Nebraska Act shall be delayed as provided in this subsection after the refund has been made to the taxpayer. The Department of Revenue shall notify each municipality liable for a refund exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars of the pending refund and the amount of the refund claimed under the ImagiNE Nebraska Act. The notification shall be made by March 1 of each year beginning in 2021 and shall be used to establish the refund amount for the following calendar year. The notification shall include any excess or underpayment from the prior calendar year. The department shall deduct the refund over a period of one year in equal monthly amounts beginning in January following the notification. This subsection applies to total annual refunds exceeding one million dollars or twenty-five percent of the municipality's total sales and use tax receipts for the prior fiscal year, whichever is the lesser amount.

(4) Deductions for a refund made pursuant to the Urban Redevelopment Act shall be delayed as provided in this subsection after the refund has been made to the taxpayer. The Department of Revenue shall notify each municipality liable for a refund exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars of the pending refund and the amount of the refund claimed under the Urban Redevelopment Act. The notification shall be made by March 1 of each year beginning in 2022 and shall be used to establish the refund amount for the following calendar year. The notification shall include any excess or underpayment from the prior calendar year. The department shall deduct the refund over a period of one year in equal monthly amounts beginning in January following the notification. This subsection applies to total annual refunds exceeding one million dollars or twenty-five percent of the municipality's total sales and use tax receipts for the prior fiscal year, whichever is the lesser amount.

(5) The Tax Commissioner shall keep full and accurate records of all money received and distributed under the provisions of the Local Option Revenue Act. When proceeds of a tax levy are received but the identity of the incorporated municipality which levied the tax is unknown and is not identified within six months after receipt, the amount shall be credited to the Municipal Equalization Fund. The municipality may request the names and addresses of the retailers which have collected the tax as provided in subsection (13) of section 77-2711 and may certify an individual to request and review confidential sales and use tax returns and sales and use tax return information as provided in subsection (14) of section 77-2711.

(6)(a) Every qualifying business that has filed an application to receive tax incentives under the Employment and Investment Growth Act, the Nebraska Advantage Act, the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, or the Urban Redevelopment Act shall, with respect to such acts, provide annually to each municipality, in aggregate data, the maximum amount the qualifying business is eligible to receive in the current year in refunds of local sales and use taxes of the municipality and exemptions for the previous year, and the estimate of annual refunds of local sales and use taxes of the municipality and exemptions such business intends to claim in each future year. Such information shall be kept confidential by the municipality unless publicly disclosed previously by the taxpayer or by the State of Nebraska.

(b) For purposes of this subsection, municipality means a municipality that has adopted the local option sales and use tax under the Local Option Revenue Act and to which the qualifying business has paid such sales and use tax.

(c) The qualifying business shall provide the information to the municipality on or before June 30 of each year.

(d) Any amounts held by a municipality to make sales and use tax refunds under the Employment and Investment Growth Act, the Nebraska Advantage Act, the ImagiNE Nebraska Act, and the Urban Redevelopment Act shall not count toward any budgeted restricted funds limitation as provided in section 13-519 or toward any cash reserve limitation as provided in section 13-504 and shall be excluded from the limitations of the Property Tax Growth Limitation Act.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 629, § 3, p. 2530; Laws 1971, LB 53, § 10; Laws 1976, LB 868, § 2; Laws 1996, LB 1177, § 19; Laws 1998, LB 1104, § 13; Laws 2007, LB94, § 2; Laws 2012, LB209, § 2; Laws 2014, LB867, § 16; Laws 2014, LB1067, § 1; Laws 2020, LB1107, § 134; Laws 2021, LB544, § 33; Laws 2022, LB1150, § 3; Laws 2024, First Spec. Sess., LB34, § 25.
Effective Date: August 21, 2024

Cross References

77-27,145. Municipalities; sales and use tax; claims; remedies.

Upon any claim of illegal assessment and collection, the taxpayer shall have the same remedies provided for claims of illegal assessment and collection of the state tax, it being the intention of the Legislature that the provisions of law which apply to the recovery of state taxes illegally assessed and collected apply to the recovery of taxes illegally assessed and collected under the authority of sections 77-27,142 to 77-27,148.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 629, § 4, p. 2530.
77-27,146. Municipalities; sales and use tax; disposition.

The proceeds of the tax levied by an incorporated municipality under the authority of sections 77-27,142 to 77-27,148 shall be distributed to the incorporated municipality for deposit in its general fund.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 629, § 5, p. 2531.
77-27,147. Municipalities; sales and use tax; laws governing; source of transactions.

All relevant provisions of the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, as amended from time to time, and not inconsistent with the Local Option Revenue Act, shall govern transactions, proceedings, and activities pursuant to any tax imposed under the Local Option Revenue Act.

For purposes of the Local Option Revenue Act, all retail sales, rentals, and leases, as defined and described in the Nebraska Revenue Act of 1967, shall be sourced according to the provisions of sections 77-2703.01 to 77-2703.04.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 629, § 6, p. 2531; Laws 1969, c. 683, § 9, p. 2644; Laws 1986, LB 1027, § 210; Laws 1992, LB 871, § 64; Laws 1994, LB 123, § 25; Laws 1994, LB 994, § 2; Laws 1994, LB 1207, § 17; Laws 1995, LB 17, § 2; Laws 2002, LB 947, § 5; Laws 2003, LB 282, § 82.

Cross References

77-27,148. Act, how cited.

Sections 77-27,142 to 77-27,148 may be cited as the Local Option Revenue Act.

Source:Laws 1969, c. 629, § 8, p. 2531.