44-4416. Purchasing group; exemption from insurance laws; when.

Any purchasing group meeting the criteria established under the federal Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 shall be exempt from any law of this state relating to the creation of groups for the purchase of insurance or to the prohibition of group purchasing or any law that would discriminate against a purchasing group or its members. In addition, an insurer shall be exempt from any law of this state which prohibits providing or offering to provide to a purchasing group or its members advantages based on their loss and expense experience not afforded to other persons with respect to rates, policy forms, coverages, or other matters. A purchasing group shall be subject to all other applicable laws of this state.

Source:Laws 1987, LB 514, § 16.
44-4417. Purchasing group; notice; requirements; registration fees.

(1) A purchasing group which intends to do business in this state shall, prior to doing business, furnish notice to the director which shall:

(a) Identify the state in which the purchasing group is domiciled;

(b) Identify all other states in which the purchasing group intends to do business;

(c) Specify the lines and classifications of liability insurance which the purchasing group intends to purchase;

(d) Identify the insurance company from which the group intends to purchase its insurance and the domicile of such company;

(e) Specify the method by which and the person or persons, if any, through whom insurance will be offered to its members whose risks are resident or located in this state;

(f) Identify the principal place of business of the group; and

(g) Provide such other information as may be required by the director to verify that the purchasing group is qualified under subdivision (12) of section 44-4403.

(2) A purchasing group which intends to do business in this state shall include an initial registration fee of one hundred dollars at the time it furnishes notice to the director pursuant to subsection (1) of this section. A purchasing group shall pay an additional fee of one hundred dollars to the director on October 1 of each year thereafter so long as such registration continues. The fees required by this subsection shall be payable to the department and shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to the Department of Insurance Cash Fund.

(3) A purchasing group shall, within ten days, notify the director of any changes in the items set forth in subsection (1) of this section.

(4) A purchasing group shall register with and designate the director as its agent solely for the purpose of receiving service of legal documents or process, except that such requirement shall not apply in the case of a purchasing group that:

(a) Was domiciled before April 1, 1986, and is domiciled on and after October 27, 1986, in any state of the United States;

(b) Before October 27, 1986, purchased insurance from an insurance carrier licensed in any state;

(c) Since October 27, 1986, purchased its insurance from an insurance carrier licensed in any state;

(d) Was a purchasing group under the requirements of the federal Product Liability Risk Retention Act of 1981 before October 27, 1986; and

(e) Does not purchase insurance that was not authorized for purposes of an exemption under the federal Product Liability Risk Retention Act of 1981 as in effect before October 27, 1986.

(5) Each purchasing group that is required to give notice pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall also furnish such information as may be required by the director to:

(a) Verify that the entity qualifies as a purchasing group;

(b) Determine where the purchasing group is located; and

(c) Determine appropriate tax treatment.

Source:Laws 1987, LB 514, § 17; Laws 1991, LB 236, § 54; Laws 1994, LB 978, § 30.
44-4418. Purchasing group; purchase of insurance; authorized; when.

(1) A purchasing group shall not purchase insurance from a risk retention group that is not chartered and licensed in a state or from an insurer not admitted in the state in which the purchasing group is located, unless the purchase is effected through a licensed agent or broker acting pursuant to the surplus lines laws, rules, and regulations of such state, except that such licensed agent or broker need not be a resident of this state.

(2) A purchasing group which obtains liability insurance from an insurer not admitted in this state or from a risk retention group shall inform each of the members of the purchasing group which have a risk resident or located in this state that such risk is not protected by an insurance insolvency guaranty fund in this state and that such risk retention group or such insurer may not be subject to all insurance laws, rules, and regulations of this state.

(3) No purchasing group may purchase insurance providing for a deductible or self-insured retention applicable to the group as a whole, but coverage may provide for a deductible or self-insured retention applicable to individual members.

(4) Purchases of insurance by purchasing groups are subject to the same standards regarding aggregate limits which are applicable to all purchases of group insurance.

Source:Laws 1987, LB 514, § 18; Laws 1991, LB 236, § 55.
44-4418.01. Purchasing group; premium taxes.

Premium taxes and taxes on premiums paid for coverage of risks resident or located in this state by a purchasing group or any members of the purchasing group shall be:

(1) Imposed at the same rate and subject to the same interest, fines, and penalties as applicable to premium taxes and taxes on premiums paid for similar coverage from a similar insurance source by other insureds; and

(2) Paid first by such insurance source if an insurer admitted in this state and, if not an insurer admitted in this state, by the surplus lines licensee acting as agent or broker for the purchasing group.

Source:Laws 1991, LB 236, § 56.