24-701. Terms, defined.

For purposes of the Judges Retirement Act, unless the context otherwise requires:

(1)(a) Actuarial equivalence means the equality in value of the aggregate amounts expected to be received under different forms of payment.

(b) For a judge hired prior to July 1, 2017, the determinations are to be based on the 1994 Group Annuity Mortality Table reflecting sex-distinct factors blended using seventy-five percent of the male table and twenty-five percent of the female table. An interest rate of eight percent per annum shall be reflected in making these determinations.

(c) For a judge hired on or after July 1, 2017, or rehired on or after July 1, 2017, after termination of employment and being paid a retirement benefit, the determinations shall be based on a unisex mortality table and an interest rate specified by the board. Both the mortality table and the interest rate shall be recommended by the actuary and approved by the board following an actuarial experience study, a benefit adequacy study, or a plan valuation. The mortality table, interest rate, and actuarial factors in effect on the judge's retirement date will be used to calculate actuarial equivalency of any retirement benefit. Such interest rate may be, but is not required to be, equal to the assumed rate of return;

(2) Beneficiary means a person so designated by a judge in the last designation of beneficiary on file with the board or, if no designated person survives or if no designation is on file, the estate of such judge;

(3) Board means the Public Employees Retirement Board;

(4)(a) Compensation means the statutory salary of a judge or the salary being received by such judge pursuant to law. Compensation does not include compensation for unused sick leave or unused vacation leave converted to cash payments, insurance premiums converted into cash payments, reimbursement for expenses incurred, fringe benefits, per diems, or bonuses for services not actually rendered, including, but not limited to, early retirement inducements, cash awards, and severance pay, except for retroactive salary payments paid pursuant to court order, arbitration, or litigation and grievance settlements. Compensation includes overtime pay, member retirement contributions, and amounts contributed by the member to plans under sections 125 and 457 of the Internal Revenue Code as defined in section 49-801.01 or any other section of the code which defers or excludes such amounts from income.

(b) Compensation in excess of the limitations set forth in section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code as defined in section 49-801.01 shall be disregarded. For an employee who was a member of the retirement system before the first plan year beginning after December 31, 1995, the limitation on compensation shall not be less than the amount which was allowed to be taken into account under the retirement system as in effect on July 1, 1993;

(5) Creditable service means the total number of years served as a judge, including prior service, military service, and current service, computed to the nearest one-twelfth year. For current service prior to the time that the member has contributed the required percentage of salary until the maximum benefit as limited by section 24-710 has been earned, creditable service does not include current service for which member contributions are not made or are withdrawn and not repaid;

(6) Current benefit means the initial benefit increased by all adjustments made pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act;

(7)(a) Current service means the period of service (i) any judge of the Supreme Court or judge of the district court serves in such capacity from and after January 3, 1957, (ii)(A) any judge of the Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court served in such capacity from and after September 20, 1957, and prior to July 17, 1986, and (B) any judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court serves in such capacity on and after July 17, 1986, (iii) any county judge serves in such capacity from and after January 5, 1961, (iv) any judge of a separate juvenile court serves in such capacity, (v) any judge of the municipal court served in such capacity subsequent to October 23, 1967, and prior to July 1, 1985, (vi) any judge of the county court or associate county judge serves in such capacity subsequent to January 4, 1973, (vii) any clerk magistrate, who was an associate county judge and a member of the fund at the time of appointment as a clerk magistrate, serves in such capacity from and after July 1, 1986, and (viii) any judge of the Court of Appeals serves in such capacity on or after September 6, 1991.

(b) Current service shall not be deemed to be interrupted by (i) temporary or seasonal suspension of service that does not terminate the employee's employment, (ii) leave of absence authorized by the employer for a period not exceeding twelve months, (iii) leave of absence because of disability, or (iv) military service, when properly authorized by the board. Current service does not include any period of disability for which disability retirement benefits are received under section 24-709;

(8) Final average compensation for a judge who becomes a member prior to July 1, 2015, means the average monthly compensation for the three twelve-month periods of service as a judge in which compensation was the greatest or, in the event of a judge serving less than three twelve-month periods, the average monthly compensation for such judge's period of service. Final average compensation for a judge who becomes a member on and after July 1, 2015, means the average monthly compensation for the five twelve-month periods of service as a judge in which compensation was the greatest or, in the event of a judge serving less than five twelve-month periods, the average monthly compensation for such judge's period of service;

(9) Fund means the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges;

(10) Future member means a judge who first served as a judge on or after December 25, 1969, or means a judge who first served as a judge prior to December 25, 1969, who elects to become a future member on or before June 30, 1970, as provided in section 24-710.01;

(11) Hire date or date of hire means the first day of compensated service subject to retirement contributions;

(12) Initial benefit means the retirement benefit calculated at the time of retirement;

(13) Judge means and includes (a) all duly elected or appointed Chief Justices or judges of the Supreme Court and judges of the district courts of Nebraska who serve in such capacity on and after January 3, 1957, (b)(i) all duly appointed judges of the Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court who served in such capacity on and after September 20, 1957, and prior to July 17, 1986, and (ii) judges of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court who serve in such capacity on and after July 17, 1986, (c) judges of separate juvenile courts, (d) judges of the county courts of the respective counties who serve in such capacity on and after January 5, 1961, (e) judges of the county court and clerk magistrates who were associate county judges and members of the fund at the time of their appointment as clerk magistrates, (f) judges of municipal courts established by Chapter 26, article 1, who served in such capacity on and after October 23, 1967, and prior to July 1, 1985, and (g) judges of the Court of Appeals;

(14) Member means a judge eligible to participate in the retirement system established under the Judges Retirement Act;

(15) Normal form annuity means a series of equal monthly payments payable at the end of each calendar month during the life of a retired judge as provided in sections 24-707 and 24-710, except as provided in section 42-1107. The first payment shall include all amounts accrued since the effective date of the award of the annuity. The last payment shall be at the end of the calendar month in which such judge dies. If at the time of death the amount of annuity payments such judge has received is less than contributions to the fund made by such judge, plus regular interest, the difference shall be paid to the beneficiary or estate;

(16) Normal retirement date means the first day of the month following attainment of age sixty-five;

(17) Original member means a judge who first served as a judge prior to December 25, 1969, who does not elect to become a future member pursuant to section 24-710.01, and who was retired on or before December 31, 1992;

(18) Plan year means the twelve-month period beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30 of the following year;

(19) Prior service means all the periods of time any person has served as a (a) judge of the Supreme Court or judge of the district court prior to January 3, 1957, (b) judge of the county court prior to January 5, 1961, (c) judge of the Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court prior to September 20, 1957, (d) judge of the separate juvenile court, or (e) judge of the municipal court prior to October 23, 1967;

(20) Regular interest means interest fixed at a rate equal to the daily treasury yield curve for one-year treasury securities, as published by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, that applies on July 1 of each year, which may be credited monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually as the board may direct;

(21) Required beginning date means, for purposes of the deferral of distributions and the commencement of mandatory distributions pursuant to section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations issued thereunder, April 1 of the year following the calendar year in which a member:

(a)(i) Terminated employment with the State of Nebraska; and

(ii)(A) Attained at least seventy and one-half years of age for a member who attained seventy and one-half years of age on or before December 31, 2019;

(B) Attained at least seventy-two years of age for a member who attained seventy and one-half years of age on or after January 1, 2020, and prior to January 1, 2023;

(C) Attained at least seventy-three years of age for a member who attained seventy-two years of age after December 31, 2022, and seventy-three years of age prior to January 1, 2033; or

(D) Attained at least seventy-five years of age for a member who attained seventy-four years of age after December 31, 2032; or

(b)(i) Terminated employment with the State of Nebraska; and

(ii) Otherwise reached the date specified by section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations issued thereunder;

(22) Retirement application means the form approved and provided by the retirement system for acceptance of a member's request for either regular or disability retirement;

(23) Retirement date means (a) the first day of the month following the date upon which a member's request for retirement is received on a retirement application if the member is eligible for retirement and has terminated employment or (b) the first day of the month following termination of employment if the member is eligible for retirement and has filed an application but has not yet terminated employment;

(24) Retirement system or system means the Nebraska Judges Retirement System as provided in the Judges Retirement Act;

(25) Surviving spouse means (a) the spouse married to the member on the date of the member's death or (b) the spouse or former spouse of the member if survivorship rights are provided under a qualified domestic relations order filed with the board pursuant to the Spousal Pension Rights Act. The spouse or former spouse shall supersede the spouse married to the member on the date of the member's death as provided under a qualified domestic relations order. If the benefits payable to the spouse or former spouse under the qualified domestic relations order are less than the value of benefits entitled to the surviving spouse, the spouse married to the member on the date of the member's death shall be the surviving spouse for the balance of the benefits; and

(26) Termination of employment occurs on the date on which the State Court Administrator's office determines that the judge's employer-employee relationship with the State of Nebraska is dissolved. The State Court Administrator's office shall notify the board of the date on which such a termination has occurred. Termination of employment does not include ceasing employment as a judge if the judge returns to regular employment as a judge or is employed on a regular basis by another agency of the State of Nebraska and there are less than one hundred twenty days between the date when the judge's employer-employee relationship ceased and the date when the employer-employee relationship recommences. It is the responsibility of the employer that is involved in the termination of employment to notify the board of such change in employment and provide the board with such information as the board deems necessary. If the board determines that termination of employment has not occurred and a retirement benefit has been paid to a member of the retirement system pursuant to section 24-710, the board shall require the member who has received such benefit to repay the benefit to the retirement system.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 1, p. 244; Laws 1957, c. 78, § 1, p. 315; Laws 1957, c. 79, § 1, p. 318; Laws 1959, c. 95, § 1, p. 409; Laws 1959, c. 189, § 13, p. 687; Laws 1965, c. 115, § 1, p. 440; Laws 1969, c. 178, § 1, p. 759; Laws 1971, LB 987, § 4; Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 120; Laws 1973, LB 226, § 10; Laws 1974, LB 905, § 3; Laws 1983, LB 223, § 1; Laws 1984, LB 13, § 32; Laws 1984, LB 750, § 1; Laws 1986, LB 92, § 1;Laws 1986, LB 311, § 9; Laws 1986, LB 351, § 1; Laws 1986, LB 529, § 17; Laws 1986, LB 811, § 12; Laws 1989, LB 506, § 2; Laws 1991, LB 549, § 15; Laws 1991, LB 732, § 36; Laws 1992, LB 682, § 1; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 12; Laws 1996, LB 700, § 1; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 11; Laws 1996, LB 1076, § 8; Laws 1996, LB 1273, § 19; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 9; Laws 1999, LB 674, § 1; Laws 2000, LB 1192, § 4; Laws 2001, LB 408, § 6; Laws 2003, LB 451, § 14; Laws 2011, LB6, § 1; Laws 2012, LB916, § 14; Laws 2013, LB263, § 10; Laws 2015, LB468, § 1; Laws 2016, LB790, § 2; Laws 2017, LB415, § 18; Laws 2020, LB1054, § 5; Laws 2021, LB17, § 1; Laws 2023, LB103, § 5.

Cross References


24-701.01. Act, how cited.

Sections 24-701 to 24-714 shall be known and may be cited as the Judges Retirement Act.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 847, § 12; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 10; Laws 1998, LB 532, § 1; Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 36; Laws 2001, LB 408, § 7; Laws 2002, LB 407, § 11; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 10; Laws 2010, LB950, § 8; Laws 2011, LB509, § 9; Laws 2015, LB468, § 2.
24-701.02. Changes to act; operative; when.

Any changes made to the Judges Retirement Act affecting retirement benefits shall be so interpreted as to effectuate their general purpose to provide, in the public interest, adequate retirement benefits for judges and to permit a change in such retirement benefits as soon as the same may become operative under the Constitution of Nebraska.

Source:Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 9.
24-702. Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges; Nebraska Judges Retirement Act Expense Fund; created; use.

(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges which shall be administered by the board and to which shall be credited all money appropriated or transferred by law thereto. The fund is hereby appropriated and made available to the board for the uses and purposes prescribed by the provisions of the Judges Retirement Act.

(2) The employer contribution to the fund shall consist of the amounts remitted pursuant to subsection (3) of section 24-703.

(3) The Nebraska Judges Retirement Act Expense Fund is created. The fund shall be credited with money from the retirement system assets and income sufficient to pay the pro rata share of administrative expenses incurred as directed by the board for the proper administration of the Judges Retirement Act and necessary in connection with the administration and operation of the retirement system.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 2, p. 245; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 13; Laws 2001, LB 408, § 8; Laws 2002, LB 407, § 12; Laws 2005, LB 364, § 6.
24-703. Judges; contributions; deductions; fees taxed as costs; payment; late fees; funding of retirement system; actuarial valuation; transfer of funds; adjustments.

(1) Each original member shall contribute monthly four percent of his or her monthly compensation to the fund until the maximum benefit as limited in subsection (1) of section 24-710 has been earned. It shall be the duty of the Director of Administrative Services in accordance with subsection (7) of this section to make a deduction of four percent on the monthly payroll of each original member who is a judge of the Supreme Court, a judge of the Court of Appeals, a judge of the district court, a judge of a separate juvenile court, a judge of the county court, a clerk magistrate of the county court who was an associate county judge and a member of the fund at the time of his or her appointment as a clerk magistrate, or a judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court showing the amount to be deducted and its credit to the fund. The Director of Administrative Services and the State Treasurer shall credit the four percent as shown on the payroll and the amounts received from the various counties to the fund and remit the same to the director in charge of the judges retirement system who shall keep an accurate record of the contributions of each judge.

(2)(a) In addition to the contribution required under subdivision (c) of this subsection, beginning on July 1, 2004, each future member who became a member prior to July 1, 2015, and who has not elected to make contributions and receive benefits as provided in section 24-703.03 shall contribute monthly six percent of his or her monthly compensation to the fund until the maximum benefit as limited in subsection (2) of section 24-710 has been earned. After the maximum benefit as limited in subsection (2) of section 24-710 has been earned, such future member shall make no further contributions to the fund, except that (i) any time the maximum benefit is changed, a future member who has previously earned the maximum benefit as it existed prior to the change shall contribute monthly six percent of his or her monthly compensation to the fund until the maximum benefit as changed and as limited in subsection (2) of section 24-710 has been earned and (ii) such future member shall continue to make the contribution required under subdivision (c) of this subsection.

(b) In addition to the contribution required under subdivision (c) of this subsection, beginning on July 1, 2004, a judge who became a member prior to July 1, 2015, and who first serves as a judge on or after July 1, 2004, or a future member who became a member prior to July 1, 2015, and who elects to make contributions and receive benefits as provided in section 24-703.03 shall contribute monthly eight percent of his or her monthly compensation to the fund until the maximum benefit as limited by subsection (2) of section 24-710 has been earned. In addition to the contribution required under subdivision (c) of this subsection, after the maximum benefit as limited in subsection (2) of section 24-710 has been earned, such judge or future member shall contribute monthly four percent of his or her monthly compensation to the fund for the remainder of his or her active service.

(c) Beginning on July 1, 2009, a member or judge described in subdivisions (a) and (b) of this subsection shall contribute monthly an additional one percent of his or her monthly compensation to the fund.

(d) Beginning on July 1, 2015, a judge who first serves as a judge on or after such date shall contribute monthly ten percent of his or her monthly compensation to the fund.

(e) It shall be the duty of the Director of Administrative Services to make a deduction on the monthly payroll of each such future member who is a judge of the Supreme Court, a judge of the Court of Appeals, a judge of the district court, a judge of a separate juvenile court, a judge of the county court, a clerk magistrate of the county court who was an associate county judge and a member of the fund at the time of his or her appointment as a clerk magistrate, or a judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court showing the amount to be deducted and its credit to the fund. This shall be done each month. The Director of Administrative Services and the State Treasurer shall credit the amount as shown on the payroll and the amounts received from the various counties to the fund and remit the same to the director in charge of the judges retirement system who shall keep an accurate record of the contributions of each judge.

(3)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges fee of six dollars through June 30, 2021, eight dollars beginning July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, nine dollars beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, ten dollars beginning July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, eleven dollars beginning July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, and twelve dollars beginning July 1, 2025, shall be taxed as costs in each (i) civil cause of action, criminal cause of action, traffic misdemeanor or infraction, and city or village ordinance violation filed in the district courts, the county courts, and the separate juvenile courts, (ii) filing in the district court of an order, award, or judgment of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court or any judge thereof pursuant to section 48-188, (iii) appeal or other proceeding filed in the Court of Appeals, and (iv) original action, appeal, or other proceeding filed in the Supreme Court. In county courts a sum shall be charged which is equal to ten percent of each fee provided by sections 33-125, 33-126.02, 33-126.03, and 33-126.06, rounded to the nearest even dollar. No judges retirement fee shall be charged for filing a report pursuant to sections 33-126.02 and 33-126.06.

(b) The fee increases described in subdivision (a) of this subsection shall not be taxed as a cost in any criminal cause of action, traffic misdemeanor or infraction, or city or village ordinance violation filed in the district court or the county court. The fee on such criminal causes of action, traffic misdemeanors or infractions, or city or village ordinance violations shall remain six dollars on and after July 1, 2021.

(c) When collected by the clerk of the district or county court, such fees shall be remitted to the State Treasurer within ten days after the close of each calendar month for credit to the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges. In addition, information regarding collection of court fees shall be submitted to the director in charge of the judges retirement system by the State Court Administrator within ten days after the close of each calendar month.

(d) The board may charge a late administrative processing fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars if the information is not timely received or the money is delinquent. In addition, the board may charge a late fee of thirty-eight thousandths of one percent of the amount required to be submitted pursuant to this section for each day such amount has not been received. Such late fees shall be remitted to the director who shall promptly thereafter remit such fees to the State Treasurer for credit to the fund.

(e) No Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges fee which is uncollectible for any reason shall be waived by a county judge as provided in section 29-2709.

(4) All expenditures from the fund shall be authorized by voucher in the manner prescribed in section 24-713. The fund shall be used for the payment of all annuities and other benefits to members and their beneficiaries and for the expenses of administration.

(5)(a) Prior to July 1, 2021:

(i) Beginning July 1, 2013, and each fiscal year thereafter, the board shall cause an annual actuarial valuation to be performed that will value the plan assets for the year and ascertain the contributions required for such fiscal year. The actuary for the board shall perform an actuarial valuation of the system on the basis of actuarial assumptions recommended by the actuary, approved by the board, and kept on file with the board using the entry age actuarial cost method. Under this method, the actuarially required funding rate is equal to the normal cost rate, plus the contribution rate necessary to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability on a level percentage of salary basis. The normal cost under this method shall be determined for each individual member on a level percentage of salary basis. The normal cost amount is then summed for all members;

(ii) Beginning July 1, 2006, any existing unfunded liabilities shall be reinitialized and amortized over a thirty-year period, and during each subsequent actuarial valuation through June 30, 2021, changes in the unfunded actuarial accrued liability due to changes in benefits, actuarial assumptions, the asset valuation method, or actuarial gains or losses shall be measured and amortized over a thirty-year period beginning on the valuation date of such change;

(iii) If the unfunded actuarial accrued liability under the entry age actuarial cost method is zero or less than zero on an actuarial valuation date, then all prior unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities shall be considered fully funded and the unfunded actuarial accrued liability shall be reinitialized and amortized over a thirty-year period as of the actuarial valuation date; and

(iv) If the actuarially required contribution rate exceeds the rate of all contributions required pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act, there shall be a supplemental appropriation sufficient to pay for the differences between the actuarially required contribution rate and the rate of all contributions required pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act.

(b) Beginning July 1, 2021, and each fiscal year thereafter:

(i) The board shall cause an annual actuarial valuation to be performed that will value the plan assets for the year and ascertain the contributions required for such fiscal year. The actuary for the board shall perform an actuarial valuation of the system on the basis of actuarial assumptions recommended by the actuary, approved by the board, and kept on file with the board using the entry age actuarial cost method. Under such method, the actuarially required funding rate is equal to the normal cost rate, plus the contribution rate necessary to amortize the unfunded actuarial accrued liability on a level percentage of salary basis. The normal cost under such method shall be determined for each individual member on a level percentage of salary basis. The normal cost amount is then summed for all members;

(ii) Any changes in the unfunded actuarial accrued liability due to changes in benefits, actuarial assumptions, the asset valuation method, or actuarial gains or losses shall be measured and amortized over a twenty-five-year period beginning on the valuation date of such change;

(iii) If the unfunded actuarial accrued liability under the entry age actuarial cost method is zero or less than zero on an actuarial valuation date, then all prior unfunded actuarial accrued liabilities shall be considered fully funded and the unfunded actuarial accrued liability shall be reinitialized and amortized over a twenty-five-year period as of the actuarial valuation date; and

(iv) If the actuarially required contribution rate exceeds the rate of all contributions required pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act, there shall be a supplemental appropriation sufficient to pay for the differences between the actuarially required contribution rate and the rate of all contributions required pursuant to the act.

(c) Upon the recommendation of the actuary to the board, and after the board notifies the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature, the board may combine or offset certain amortization bases to reduce future volatility of the actuarial contribution rate. Such notification to the committee shall be in writing and include, at a minimum, the actuary's projection of the contributions to fund the plan if the combination or offset were not implemented, the actuary's projection of the contributions to fund the plan if the combination or offset were implemented, and the actuary's explanation of why the combination or offset is in the best interests of the plan at the proposed time.

(d) For purposes of this subsection, the rate of all contributions required pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act includes (i) member contributions, (ii) state contributions pursuant to subsection (6) of this section which shall be considered as a contribution for the plan year ending the prior June 30, (iii) court fees as provided in subsection (3) of this section, and (iv) all fees pursuant to sections 25-2804, 33-103, 33-103.01, 33-106.02, 33-123, 33-124, 33-125, 33-126.02, 33-126.03, and 33-126.06, as directed to be remitted to the fund.

(6)(a) In addition to the contributions otherwise required by this section, beginning July 1, 2023, and on July 1 of each year thereafter, or as soon thereafter as administratively possible, the State Treasurer shall transfer from the General Fund to the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges an amount equal to five percent of the total annual compensation of all members of the retirement system except as otherwise provided in this subsection and as such rate shall be adjusted or terminated by the Legislature. No adjustment may cause the total contribution rate established in this subsection to exceed five percent. For purposes of this subsection, (i) total annual compensation is based on the total member compensation reported in the most recent annual actuarial valuation report for the retirement system produced for the board pursuant to section 84-1503 and (ii) the contribution described in this subsection shall be considered as a contribution for the plan year ending the prior June 30.

(b) If the funded ratio on the actuarial value of assets is at or above one hundred percent for two consecutive years as reported in the annual actuarial valuation report, the actuary shall assess whether the percentage of the state contribution rate should be adjusted based on projected annual actuarial valuation report results including the funded ratio, actuarial contribution, and expected revenue sources using several assumed investment return scenarios that the actuary deems to be reasonable, and shall make a recommendation to the board as part of the annual actuarial valuation report.

(c) If the state contribution rate has been adjusted to less than five percent and the funded ratio on the actuarial value of assets is below one hundred percent for two consecutive years as reported in the annual actuarial valuation report, the actuary shall assess whether the percentage of the state contribution rate should be adjusted based on projected annual actuarial valuation report results including the funded ratio, actuarial contribution, and expected revenue sources using several assumed investment return scenarios that the actuary deems to be reasonable, and shall make a recommendation to the board as part of the annual actuarial valuation report.

(d) If an annual actuarial valuation report includes a recommendation from the actuary to adjust the contribution rate as described in subdivision (b) or (c) of this subsection, the board shall provide written notice electronically to the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature, to the Governor, and to the Supreme Court of such recommendation within seven business days after voting to approve an annual actuarial valuation report. The notice shall include the actuary's recommendation and analysis regarding such adjustment.

(e) Following receipt of the actuary's recommendation and analysis pursuant to this subsection, the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature shall determine the amount of any adjustment of the contribution rate and, if necessary, shall propose any such adjustment to the Legislature.

(7) The state or county shall pick up the member contributions required by this section for all compensation paid on or after January 1, 1985, and the contributions so picked up shall be treated as employer contributions pursuant to section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code in determining federal tax treatment under the code and shall not be included as gross income of the member until such time as they are distributed or made available. The contributions, although designated as member contributions, shall be paid by the state or county in lieu of member contributions. The state or county shall pay these member contributions from the same source of funds which is used in paying earnings to the member. The state or county shall pick up these contributions by a compensation deduction through a reduction in the compensation of the member. Member contributions picked up shall be treated for all purposes of the Judges Retirement Act in the same manner and to the extent as member contributions made prior to the date picked up.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 3, p. 246; Laws 1957, c. 79, § 2, p. 321; Laws 1959, c. 95, § 2, p. 411; Laws 1959, c. 189, § 14, p. 689; Laws 1963, c. 137, § 1, p. 513; Laws 1965, c. 115, § 2, p. 442; Laws 1965, c. 116, § 2, p. 446; Laws 1967, c. 140, § 1, p. 428; Laws 1969, c. 178, § 2, p. 957; Laws 1971, LB 987, § 5; Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 121; Laws 1972, LB 1471, § 1; Laws 1973, LB 226, § 11; Laws 1974, LB 228, § 1; Laws 1977, LB 344, § 2; Laws 1977, LB 467, § 1; Laws 1981, LB 459, § 3; Laws 1984, LB 13, § 33; Laws 1984, LB 218, § 2; Laws 1986, LB 92, § 2; Laws 1986, LB 529, § 18; Laws 1989, LB 233, § 1; Laws 1989, LB 506, § 3; Laws 1991, LB 549, § 16; Laws 1991, LB 732, § 37; Laws 1992, LB 672, § 31; Laws 1992, LB 682, § 2; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 14; Laws 1995, LB 574, § 34; Laws 2001, LB 408, § 9; Laws 2002, LB 407, § 13; Laws 2003, LB 320, § 1; Laws 2003, LB 760, § 4; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 11; Laws 2005, LB 348, § 2; Laws 2005, LB 364, § 7; Laws 2006, LB 1019, § 5; Laws 2009, LB414, § 2; Laws 2013, LB263, § 11; Laws 2013, LB306, § 2; Laws 2013, LB553, § 1; Laws 2015, LB468, § 3; Laws 2021, LB17, § 2.


24-703.01. Participation in retirement system; requirements.

No judge shall be authorized to participate in the retirement system provided for in the Judges Retirement Act unless the judge is a United States citizen or is lawfully present in the United States. The court and the judge shall maintain at least one of the following documents which shall be unexpired, if applicable to the particular document, to demonstrate United States citizenship or lawful presence in the United States as of the judge's date of hire and produce any such document so maintained upon request of the board or the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems:

(1) A state-issued driver's license;

(2) A state-issued identification card;

(3) A certified copy of a birth certificate or delayed birth certificate issued in any state, territory, or possession of the United States;

(4) A Consular Report of Birth Abroad issued by the United States Department of State;

(5) A United States passport;

(6) A foreign passport with a United States visa;

(7) A United States Certificate of Naturalization;

(8) A United States Certificate of Citizenship;

(9) A tribal certificate of Native American blood or similar document;

(10) A United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Document, Form I-766;

(11) A United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551; or

(12) Any other document issued by the United States Department of Homeland Security or the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services granting employment authorization in the United States and approved by the board.

Source:Laws 2010, LB950, § 9; Laws 2024, LB198, § 5.
Effective Date: March 19, 2024
24-703.02. Repealed. Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 85.
24-703.03. Elections authorized.

Any future member who has not previously retired prior to July 1, 2004, may elect to make contributions as provided in subdivision (2)(b) of section 24-703 and receive benefits as described in sections 24-707.01 and 24-708. Such election shall be made by written notice delivered to the board not later than ninety days after July 1, 2004.

Source:Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 8.
24-704. Administration of system; Public Employees Retirement Board, Auditor of Public Accounts, and Nebraska Investment Council; duties; employer education program.

(1) The general administration of the retirement system for judges provided for in the Judges Retirement Act, except the investment of funds, is hereby vested in the board. The Auditor of Public Accounts shall make an annual audit of the retirement system and electronically file an annual report of its condition with the Clerk of the Legislature. Each member of the Legislature shall receive an electronic copy of the annual report by making a request for such report to the Auditor of Public Accounts. The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the Judges Retirement Act.

(2)(a) The board shall employ a director and such assistants and employees as may be necessary to efficiently discharge the duties imposed by the act. The director shall keep a record of all acts and proceedings taken by the board.

(b) The director shall keep a complete record of all members with respect to name, current address, age, contributions, length of service, compensation, and any other facts as may be necessary in the administration of the act. The information in the records shall be provided by the State Court Administrator in an accurate and verifiable form, as specified by the director. The director shall, from time to time, carry out testing procedures pursuant to section 84-1512 to verify the accuracy of such information. For the purpose of obtaining such facts and information, the director shall have access to the records of the various state departments and agencies and the holder of the records shall comply with a request by the director for access by providing such facts and information to the director in a timely manner. A certified copy of a birth certificate or delayed birth certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the age of the person named in the certificate.

(c) The director shall develop and implement an employer education program using principles generally accepted by public employee retirement systems so that all employers have the knowledge and information necessary to prepare and file reports as the board requires.

(3) Information necessary to determine membership in the retirement system shall be provided by the State Court Administrator.

(4) Any funds of the retirement system available for investment shall be invested by the Nebraska Investment Council pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act. Payment for investment services by the council shall be charged directly against the gross investment returns of the funds. Charges so incurred shall not be a part of the board's annual budget request. The amounts of payment for such services, as of December 31 of each year, shall be reported not later than March 31 of the following year to the council, the board, and the Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee of the Legislature. The report submitted to the committee shall be submitted electronically. The state investment officer shall sell any such securities upon request from the director so as to provide money for the payment of benefits or annuities.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 4, p. 246; Laws 1971, LB 987, § 6; Laws 1979, LB 322, § 6; Laws 1986, LB 311, § 10; Laws 1991, LB 549, § 17; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 15; Laws 1994, LB 1066, § 18; Laws 1995, LB 369, § 4; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 13; Laws 2000, LB 1192, § 5; Laws 2005, LB 503, § 4; Laws 2012, LB782, § 24; Laws 2018, LB1005, § 13.

Cross References

24-704.01. Board; power to adjust contributions and benefits; overpayment of benefits; investigatory powers; subpoenas.

(1)(a) If the board determines that the retirement system has previously received contributions or distributed benefits which for any reason are not in accordance with the Judges Retirement Act, the board shall refund contributions, require additional contributions, adjust benefits, or require repayment of benefits paid. In the event of an overpayment of a benefit, the board may, in addition to other remedies, offset future benefit payments by the amount of the prior overpayment, together with regular interest thereon. In the event of an underpayment of a benefit, the board shall immediately make payment equal to the deficit amount plus regular interest.

(b) The board shall have the power, through the director of the Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems or the director's designee, to make a thorough investigation of any overpayment of a benefit, when in the judgment of the retirement system such investigation is necessary, including, but not limited to, circumstances in which benefit payments are made after the death of a member or beneficiary and the retirement system is not made aware of such member's or beneficiary's death. In connection with any such investigation, the board, through the director or the director's designee, shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, records, and documents, whether in hardcopy, electronic form, or otherwise, and issue subpoenas for such purposes. Such subpoenas shall be served in the same manner and have the same effect as subpoenas from district courts.

(2) The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations implementing this section, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) The procedures for refunding contributions, adjusting future contributions or benefit payments, and requiring additional contributions or repayment of benefits; (b) the process for a member, member's beneficiary, employee, or employer to dispute an adjustment of contributions or benefits; and (c) notice provided to all affected persons. All notices shall be sent prior to an adjustment and shall describe the process for disputing an adjustment of contributions or benefits.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 1076, § 10; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 12; Laws 2015, LB40, § 6; Laws 2018, LB1005, § 14.
24-705. Technical and administrative employees; actuary; report; expenses.

The board shall have the power to secure and employ the services of such technical and administrative employees as are necessary to carry out the Judges Retirement Act. Pursuant to subdivision (2)(e) of section 84-1503, the board shall have an annual report prepared by a member of the American Academy of Actuaries showing a complete valuation of the present and prospective assets and liabilities of the fund created by the act. Such valuation shall be on the basis of actuarial assumptions recommended by the actuary, approved by the board, and kept on file with the board. The report shall further include a prospectus of the amount of the appropriation that will be required from the Legislature for the succeeding year. This report shall be furnished electronically to the Clerk of the Legislature at each regular session. Each member of the Legislature shall receive an electronic copy of such report by making a request for it to the director. The employees of the board shall be paid at such rates as the board shall approve. All administrative expenses shall be paid from the retirement fund.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 5, p. 247; Laws 1971, LB 987, § 7; Laws 1979, LB 322, § 7; Laws 1981, LB 462, § 3; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 18; Laws 1995, LB 502, § 1; Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 37; Laws 2012, LB782, § 25.
24-706. Termination of employment; return of contributions, when; rejoining system.

(1) Upon termination of employment, any member whose service is terminated prior to age sixty-five for any cause other than death or disability may, upon request to the board:

(a) Have returned to him or her the total amount of contributions which he or she has made to the fund, plus regular interest, and the return of such contributions to such judge shall preclude such judge from any benefits under the Judges Retirement Act unless and until such judge again serves in such capacity and repays his or her withdrawals pursuant to section 24-706.01. If the member chooses not to repay such withdrawals with interest, the member shall enter the retirement system as a new member with no prior rights; or

(b) Leave his or her contributions in the fund and receive a retirement annuity as provided in sections 24-708 and 24-710.

(2) Any member whose service is terminated at or subsequent to age sixty-five shall be considered as beginning normal retirement and annuity payments shall begin as provided in section 24-710.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 6, p. 247; Laws 1959, c. 95, § 3, p. 412; Laws 1969, c. 178, § 3, p. 765; Laws 1974, LB 905, § 4; Laws 1975, LB 42, § 1; Laws 1986, LB 92, § 3; Laws 1989, LB 506, § 4; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 19; Laws 1996, LB 1076, § 9; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 11; Laws 1999, LB 703, § 5; Laws 2000, LB 1192, § 6; Laws 2001, LB 408, § 10.
24-706.01. Termination of employment prior to eligibility to retire; rejoining system; effect.

A member who terminates employment prior to becoming eligible to retire and again serves as a judge may elect to repay part or all of the amount he or she had withdrawn as a refund pursuant to section 24-706 plus the interest that would have accrued on such amount. Payment shall commence prior to termination of employment, shall not be extended more than five years after the date the member elects to repay his or her refund, and shall be completed prior to termination of employment. Prior service and rights shall be restored in proportion to the amounts repaid, and the prior service and rights of the member shall be fully restored only if he or she repays all accumulated withdrawals plus interest which would have accrued on that amount.

Source:Laws 2001, LB 408, § 11.
24-707. Death of judge; benefits spouse entitled to receive; contributions paid to beneficiary; when; direct transfer to retirement plan; death while performing qualified military service; additional death benefit.

(1) In the event of the death of a judge prior to retirement, if such judge shall have had five or more years of creditable service, the surviving spouse of such judge shall at his or her option, exercised within twelve months after the date of death, be immediately entitled to receive an annuity which shall be equal to the amount that would have accrued to the member had he or she elected to have the retirement annuity paid as a one-hundred-percent joint and survivor annuity payable as long as either the member or the member's spouse should survive and had the member retired (a) on the date of death if his or her age at death is sixty-five years or more or (b) at age sixty-five years if his or her age at death is less than sixty-five years. If such option is not exercised by such surviving spouse within twelve months after the judge's death, if there is no surviving spouse, or if the judge has not served for five years, then the beneficiary, or the estate if the judge has not filed a statement with the board naming a beneficiary, shall be paid a lump sum equal to all contributions to the fund made by such judge plus regular interest.

(2) In the event of the death of a judge subsequent to retirement, if such judge has not filed a statement of intent with the board to elect to receive any other form of annuity which may be provided for by section 24-710 or elected to make contributions and receive benefits as provided in section 24-703.03, the amount of annuities such judge has received under the provisions of the Judges Retirement Act shall be computed and, if such amount shall be less than the contributions to the fund made by such judge, plus regular interest, the difference shall be paid to the beneficiary or estate.

(3) Benefits to which the surviving spouse, beneficiary, or estate of a judge shall be entitled shall commence immediately upon the death of such judge.

(4) A lump-sum death benefit paid to the member's beneficiary, other than the member's estate, that is an eligible distribution may be distributed in the form of a direct transfer to a retirement plan eligible to receive such transfer under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

(5) For any member whose death occurs on or after January 1, 2007, while performing qualified military service as defined in section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code, the member's beneficiary shall be entitled to any additional death benefit that would have been provided, other than the accrual of any benefit relating to the period of qualified military service. The additional death benefit shall be determined as if the member had returned to employment with the State of Nebraska and such employment had terminated on the date of the member's death.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 7, p. 248; Laws 1973, LB 478, § 1; Laws 1974, LB 905, § 5; Laws 1975, LB 298, § 1; Laws 1977, LB 344, § 4; Laws 1983, LB 223, § 2; Laws 1986, LB 92, 4; Laws 1989, LB 506, § 5; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 20; Laws 1996, LB 1273, § 20; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 12; Laws 2000, LB 1192, § 7; Laws 2003, LB 451, § 15; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 13; Laws 2007, LB508, § 1; Laws 2012, LB916, § 15.
24-707.01. Surviving spouse; benefits; applicable, when.

(1) This section only applies to a judge who first served as a judge on or after July 1, 2004, and to a future member who elects to make contributions and receive benefits as provided in section 24-703.03.

(2) In the event of the death of a judge subsequent to retirement, his or her surviving spouse, if any, shall be entitled to receive, if the surviving spouse was born not more than five years subsequent to the birth of the deceased judge, a monthly benefit payable for life equal to fifty percent of the monthly benefit the retired judge was entitled to receive under the normal form of payment. Such benefit to the surviving spouse shall be provided without actuarial reduction or other assessment to the retired judge in determining his or her benefits. The entire cost of such a benefit shall be assumed by the fund. This benefit value may be applied on an actuarially equivalent basis to any joint and survivor benefit elected by a retiring judge with the surviving spouse as named beneficiary.

(3) In the event that the spouse of a retiring judge was born more than five years subsequent to the birth of the judge, such benefit to the judge described under subsection (2) of this section shall be reduced by the actuarial cost of providing a benefit to the surviving spouse equal to fifty percent of the benefit the retired judge was entitled to receive. The reduction to the retired judge's benefit shall be limited to that portion of the actuarial cost that exceeds the actuarial cost if the spouse was born five years subsequent to the judge. In the event of the death of a retired judge as described by this subsection, his or her surviving spouse shall receive a monthly benefit payable for life equal to fifty percent of the monthly benefit received by the deceased judge.

(4) This section shall not prevent a retiring judge from contracting to provide a larger percentage of benefit for a surviving spouse under other applicable statutes.

Source:Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 7.
24-708. Retirement of judge; when; deferment of payment; board; duties.

(1) Except as provided in section 24-721, a judge may retire upon reaching the age of sixty-five years and upon making application to the board. Upon retiring each such judge shall receive retirement annuities as provided in section 24-710.

(2) Except as provided in section 24-721, a judge may retire upon reaching the age of fifty-five years and elect to receive a reduced monthly retirement income in lieu of a deferred vested annuity. The judge may request that the reduced monthly retirement income commence at any date, beginning on the first day of the month following the actual retirement date and ending on the normal retirement date. The amount of the reduced monthly retirement income shall be calculated based on the length of creditable service and average compensation at the actual retirement date. When a judge has elected to receive a reduced monthly retirement income to commence at the age of sixty-four years, the monthly payments shall be reduced by three percent. When a judge has elected to receive a reduced monthly retirement income to commence at the age of sixty-three years, the monthly payments shall be reduced by six percent. When a judge has elected to receive a reduced monthly retirement income to commence at the age of sixty-two years, the monthly payments shall be reduced by nine percent. When a judge has elected to receive a reduced monthly retirement income to commence prior to the age of sixty-two years, the monthly payments shall be further reduced to an amount that is actuarially equivalent to the amount payable at the age of sixty-two years.

(3) Payment of any benefit provided under the Judges Retirement Act shall not be deferred later than the required beginning date.

(4) The effective date of retirement payments shall be the first day of the month following (a) the date a member qualifies for retirement as provided in this section or (b) the date upon which a member's request for retirement is received on an application form provided by the retirement system, whichever is later. An application may be filed no more than one hundred twenty days in advance of qualifying for retirement.

(5) The board shall make reasonable efforts to locate the member or the member's beneficiary and distribute benefits by the required beginning date. If the board is unable to make such a distribution, the benefit shall be distributed pursuant to the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and no amounts may be applied to increase the benefits any member would otherwise receive under the Judges Retirement Act.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 8, p. 248; Laws 1957, c. 78, § 2, p. 317; Laws 1957, c. 79, § 3, p. 322; Laws 1965, c. 115, § 3, p. 444; Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 123; Laws 1973, LB 353, § 1; Laws 1984, LB 750, § 2; Laws 1986, LB 311, § 11; Laws 1987, LB 296, § 2; Laws 1989, LB 506, § 6; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 21; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 13; Laws 2003, LB 320, § 2; Laws 2003, LB 451, § 16; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 14; Laws 2008, LB1147, § 5; Laws 2017, LB415, § 19; Laws 2020, LB1054, § 6.

Cross References

24-708.01. Retired member; reemployment; how treated.

For a member who retired under section 24-708 and becomes employed full-time or part-time as a judge in the state after his or her retirement date, the retired member shall continue receiving retirement benefits, shall be treated as a new judge for all purposes of the Judges Retirement Act, and shall receive service credit only for service commencing from the date of reemployment. Retired judges who are assigned to temporary duty as provided in sections 24-729 to 24-733 shall not become contributing active members in the retirement system and shall not receive any service credits.

Source:Laws 1997, LB 624, § 14.
24-709. Judge; physically or mentally disabled; retirement; Commission on Judicial Qualifications; application; examination; benefits.

Any judge, except a clerk magistrate, who has become physically or mentally disabled, which disability seriously interferes with the performance of his or her duties and which disability is determined to be permanent or reasonably likely to become permanent, may, upon being found so disabled by the Commission on Judicial Qualifications, retire or be retired, and upon such retirement he or she shall be entitled to receive the retirement annuity as provided in section 24-710. Any judge, or the guardian of any judge, so permanently disabled desiring to so retire, shall file an application for such retirement with the commission, which application shall be in such form and contain such information as such commission shall require. Such commission may require such judge to be examined by a physician appointed by the commission and may require such other evidence and proof of disability as it deems necessary to reach a determination as to whether such judge is so permanently disabled. If the commission determines that any such judge is so permanently disabled, it shall promptly notify the judge and the Public Employees Retirement Board and thereupon such judge shall be placed on retirement by the board and receive the retirement annuity each month as is provided in section 24-710.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 9, p. 248; Laws 1971, LB 987, § 8; Laws 1983, LB 223, § 3; Laws 1986, LB 529, § 19.
24-709.01. Judicial retirement proceedings before Commission on Judicial Qualifications; confidential.

All documents filed with and proceedings before the Commission on Judicial Qualifications pursuant to sections 24-709 and 24-712 shall be confidential.

Source:Laws 1981, LB 475, § 12; Laws 2000, LB 1192, § 8.
24-709.02. Certain clerk magistrates; disabled; retirement; Public Employees Retirement Board; application; examination; benefits.

(1) Clerk magistrates who were associate county judges and members of the fund at the time of their appointment as clerk magistrates shall have questions of disability decided by the Public Employees Retirement Board. Any such clerk magistrate may be retired as a result of disability either upon his or her own application or upon the application of an employer or any person acting in his or her behalf. Upon such retirement he or she shall be entitled to receive the retirement annuity as provided in section 24-710. Before any such clerk magistrate may be retired, a medical examination shall be made at the expense of the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges, which examination shall be conducted by a disinterested physician legally authorized to practice medicine under the laws of the state in which he or she practices, such physician to be selected by the board, and the physician shall certify to the board that the clerk magistrate is physically or mentally incapable of further performing his or her duties and should be retired. The application for disability retirement shall be made within one year of termination of employment.

(2) The board may require any such disability beneficiary who has not attained the age of sixty-five to undergo a medical examination at the expense of the board once each year. Should any disability beneficiary refuse to undergo such an examination, his or her disability retirement benefit may be discontinued by the board.

Source:Laws 1983, LB 223, § 5; Laws 1986, LB 529, § 20; Laws 1997, LB 623, § 9.
24-710. Judges; retirement annuity; amount; how computed; cost-of-living adjustment.

(1) The retirement annuity of a judge who is an original member, who has not made the election provided for in section 24-710.01, and who retires under section 24-708 or 24-709 shall be computed as follows: Each such judge shall be entitled to receive an annuity, each monthly payment of which shall be in an amount equal to three and one-third percent of his or her final average compensation as such judge, multiplied by the number of his or her years of creditable service. The amount stated in this section shall be supplemental to any benefits received by such judge under the Nebraska and federal old age and survivors' insurance acts at the date of retirement, but the monthly combined benefits received thereunder and by the Judges Retirement Act shall not exceed sixty-five percent of the final average compensation such judge was receiving when he or she last served as such judge. The amount of retirement annuity of a judge who retires under section 24-708 or 24-709 shall not be less than twenty-five dollars per month if he or she has four years or more of service credit.

(2) The retirement annuity of a judge who is a future member and who retires after July 1, 1986, under section 24-708 or 24-709 shall be computed as follows: Each such judge shall be entitled to receive an annuity, each monthly payment of which shall be in an amount equal to three and one-half percent of his or her final average compensation as such judge, multiplied by the number of his or her years of creditable service, except that prior to an actuarial factor adjustment for purposes of calculating an optional form of annuity benefits under subsection (3) of this section, the monthly benefits received under this subsection shall not exceed seventy percent of the final average compensation such judge was receiving when he or she last served as such judge.

(3) Except as provided in section 42-1107, any member may, when filing an application as provided by the retirement system, elect to receive, in lieu of the normal form annuity benefits to which the member or his or her beneficiary may otherwise be entitled under the Judges Retirement Act, an optional form of annuity benefits which the board may by rules and regulations provide, the value of which, determined by accepted actuarial methods and on the basis of actuarial assumptions recommended by the actuary, approved by the board, and kept on file in the office of the director, is equal to the value of the benefit replaced. The board may (a) adopt and promulgate appropriate rules and regulations to establish joint and survivorship annuities, with and without reduction on the death of the first annuitant, and such other forms of annuities as may in its judgment be appropriate and establishing benefits as provided in sections 24-707 and 24-707.01, (b) prescribe appropriate forms for making the election by the members, and (c) provide for the necessary actuarial services to make the required valuations.

(4) A one-time cost-of-living adjustment shall be made for each retired judge and each surviving beneficiary who is receiving a retirement annuity as provided for in this section. The annuity shall be adjusted by the increase in the cost of living or wage levels between the effective date of retirement and June 30, 1992, except that such increases shall not exceed three percent per year of retirement and the total increase shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars per month.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 10, p. 249; Laws 1957, c. 79, § 4, p. 323; Laws 1959, c. 95, § 4, p. 413; Laws 1965, c. 116, § 3, p. 448; Laws 1965, c. 117, § 1, p. 489; Laws 1969, c. 178, § 4, p. 766; Laws 1973, LB 478, § 2; Laws 1974, LB 740, § 1; Laws 1975, LB 49, § 1; Laws 1977, LB 467, § 2; Laws 1977, LB 344, § 5; Laws 1981, LB 459, § 4; Laws 1981, LB 462, § 4; Laws 1986, LB 92, § 5; Laws 1986, LB 311, § 13; Laws 1989, LB 506, § 7; Laws 1991, LB 549, § 18; Laws 1992, LB 672, § 32; Laws 1992, LB 682, § 3; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 22; Laws 1996, LB 1273, § 21; Laws 1997, LB 624, § 15; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 15; Laws 2011, LB509, § 11; Laws 2018, LB1005, § 15; Laws 2021, LB17, § 3.
24-710.01. Judges; alternative contribution rate and retirement benefit; election; notice.

Any original member, as defined in section 24-701, who has not previously retired, may elect to make contributions and receive benefits pursuant to subsection (2) of section 24-703 and subsection (2) of section 24-710, instead of those provided by subsection (1) of section 24-703 and subsection (1) of section 24-710. Such election shall be by written notice delivered to the board not later than November 1, 1981. Such member shall thereafter be considered a future member.

Source:Laws 1977, LB 344, § 1; Laws 1981, LB 459, § 5; Laws 1986, LB 92, § 6; Laws 2016, LB790, § 3; Laws 2017, LB415, § 20; Laws 2023, LB103, § 6.
24-710.02. Retirement benefits; exemption from legal process; exception.

All annuities or benefits which any person shall be entitled to receive under the Judges Retirement Act shall not be subject to garnishment, attachment, levy, the operation of bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or any other process of law whatsoever and shall not be assignable except to the extent that such annuities or benefits are subject to a qualified domestic relations order under the Spousal Pension Rights Act.

Source:Laws 1986, LB 311, § 12; Laws 1989, LB 506, § 8; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 23; Laws 1995, LB 574, § 37; Laws 1996, LB 1273, § 22; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 16; Laws 2012, LB916, § 16; Laws 2015, LB40, § 7.

Cross References

24-710.03. Judges; purchase of service credit; application of section.

Any future member who has served as a judge for eighteen years but less than twenty years prior to July 15, 1992, and who has, prior to such date, contributed and earned the maximum benefit pursuant to subsection (2) of section 24-710 may purchase up to two years of service credit in order to qualify for the maximum benefit in effect after July 15, 1992. Service credit may only be purchased for actual time served as a judge. The amount to be paid shall not exceed the amount the member would have paid into the system based on the compensation and two years of service immediately following the year in which the member reached the maximum benefit in effect prior to July 15, 1992, plus the interest on that amount which would have accrued under the retirement system provided by the Judges Retirement Act. Any payment made pursuant to this section by a member to qualify for the maximum benefit in effect after July 15, 1992, shall be received by the retirement system office by December 31, 1993. Any such payment shall be made in a single lump sum.

This section shall not apply to any member who retires prior to July 15, 1992.

Source:Laws 1992, LB 682, § 4; Laws 1993, LB 363, § 1; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 24; Laws 1996, LB 847, § 17.
24-710.04. Reemployment; military service; credit; effect; applicability.

(1) Any judge who returns to service as a judge for the State of Nebraska pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq., shall be treated as not having incurred a break in service by reason of the judge's period of military service. Such military service shall be credited for purposes of determining the nonforfeitability of the member's accrued benefits and the accrual of benefits under the plan.

(2) The state shall be liable for funding any obligation of the plan to provide benefits based upon such period of military service. To satisfy the liability, the State Court Administrator shall pay to the retirement system an amount equal to:

(a) The sum of the judge's contributions that would have been paid during such period of military service; and

(b) Any actuarial costs necessary to fund the obligation of the plan to provide benefits based upon such period of military service. For the purposes of determining the amount of such liability and obligation of the plan, earnings and forfeitures, gains and losses, regular interest, or interest credits that would have accrued on the judge's contributions that are paid by the State Court Administrator pursuant to this section shall not be included.

(3) The amount required in subsection (2) of this section shall be paid to the retirement system as soon as reasonably practicable following the date the judge returns to service as a judge for the State of Nebraska, but must be paid within eighteen months of the date the board notifies the State Court Administrator of the amount due. If the State Court Administrator fails to pay the required amount within such eighteen-month period, then the State Court Administrator is also responsible for any actuarial costs and interest on actuarial costs that accrue from eighteen months after the date the State Court Administrator is notified by the board until the date the amount is paid.

(4) The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out this section, including, but not limited to, rules and regulations on:

(a) How and when the judge and State Court Administrator must notify the retirement system of a period of military service;

(b) The acceptable methods of payment;

(c) Determining the service and compensation upon which the contributions must be made;

(d) Accelerating the payment from the State Court Administrator due to unforeseen circumstances that occur before payment is made pursuant to this section, including, but not limited to, the judge's termination or retirement or the court's reorganization, consolidation, or merger; and

(e) The documentation required to substantiate that the judge returned to service as a judge for the State of Nebraska pursuant to 38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq.

(5) This section applies to military service that falls within the definition of uniformed services under 38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq., and includes (a) preparation periods prior to military service, (b) periods during military service, (c) periods of rest and recovery authorized by 38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq., after military service, (d) periods of federal military service, and (e) periods during active service of the state provided pursuant to sections 55-101 to 55-181.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 847, § 14; Laws 2017, LB415, § 21; Laws 2023, LB103, § 7.
24-710.05. Direct rollover; terms, defined; distributee; powers; board; powers.

(1) For purposes of this section and section 24-710.06:

(a) Direct rollover means a payment by the retirement system to the eligible retirement plan or plans specified by the distributee;

(b) Distributee means the member, the member's surviving spouse, or the member's former spouse who is an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order as defined in section 414(p) of the Internal Revenue Code;

(c) Eligible retirement plan means (i) an individual retirement account described in section 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, (ii) an individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b) of the code, except for an endowment contract, (iii) a qualified plan described in section 401(a) of the code, (iv) an annuity plan described in section 403(a) or 403(b) of the code, (v) except for purposes of section 24-710.06, an individual retirement plan described in section 408A of the code, and (vi) a plan described in section 457(b) of the code and maintained by a governmental employer. For eligible rollover distributions to a surviving spouse, an eligible retirement plan means subdivisions (1)(c)(i) through (vi) of this section; and

(d) Eligible rollover distribution means any distribution to a distributee of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee in the plan, except such term shall not include any distribution which is one of a series of substantially equal periodic payments, not less frequently than annually, made for the life of the distributee or joint lives of the distributee and the distributee's beneficiary or for the specified period of ten years or more and shall not include any distribution to the extent such distribution is required under section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(2) For distributions made to a distributee on or after January 1, 1993, a distributee may elect to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee.

(3) A member's surviving spouse or former spouse who is an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order and, on or after July 1, 2010, any designated beneficiary of a member who is not a surviving spouse or former spouse who is entitled to receive an eligible rollover distribution from the retirement system may, in accordance with such rules, regulations, and limitations as may be established by the board, elect to have such distribution made in the form of a direct transfer to a retirement plan eligible to receive such transfer under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

(4) An eligible rollover distribution on behalf of a designated beneficiary of a member who is not a surviving spouse or former spouse of the member may be transferred to an individual retirement account or annuity described in section 408(a) or section 408(b) of the Internal Revenue Code that is established for the purpose of receiving the distribution on behalf of the designated beneficiary and that will be treated as an inherited individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity described in section 408(d)(3)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(5) The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for direct rollover procedures which are consistent with section 401(a)(31) of the Internal Revenue Code and which include, but are not limited to, the form and time of direct rollover distributions.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 847, § 15; Laws 2002, LB 407, § 14; Laws 2012, LB916, § 17; Laws 2018, LB1005, § 16.
24-710.06. Retirement system; accept payments and rollovers; limitations; board; powers.

(1) The retirement system may accept cash rollover contributions from a member who is making payment pursuant to section 24-706 if the contributions do not exceed the amount of payment required for the service credits purchased by the member pursuant to such section and the contributions represent (a) all or any portion of the balance of the member's interest in a qualified plan under section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code or (b) the interest of the member from an individual retirement account or an individual retirement annuity, the entire amount of which is attributable to a qualified total distribution, as defined in the Internal Revenue Code, from a qualified plan under section 401(a) of the code and qualified as a tax-free rollover amount. The member's interest under subdivision (a) or (b) of this subsection must be transferred to the retirement system within sixty days from the date of the distribution from the qualified plan, individual retirement account, or individual retirement annuity.

(2) Cash transferred to the retirement system as a rollover contribution shall be deposited as other payments for service credits.

(3) Under the same conditions as provided in subsection (1) of this section, the retirement system may accept eligible rollover distributions from (a) an annuity contract described in section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, (b) a plan described in section 457(b) of the code which is maintained by a state, a political subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision of a state, or (c) the portion of a distribution from an individual retirement account or annuity described in section 408(a) or 408(b) of the code that is eligible to be rolled over and would otherwise be includable in gross income. Amounts accepted pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited as all other payments under this section.

(4) The retirement system may accept direct rollover distributions made from a qualified plan pursuant to section 401(a)(31) of the Internal Revenue Code. The direct rollover distribution shall be deposited as all other payments under this section.

(5) The board may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations defining procedures for acceptance of rollovers which are consistent with sections 401(a)(31) and 402 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 847, § 16; Laws 2002, LB 407, § 15; Laws 2018, LB1005, § 17.
24-710.07. Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 509, § 55.
24-710.08. Repealed. Laws 1999, LB 674, § 12.
24-710.09. Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 509, § 55.
24-710.10. Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 509, § 55.
24-710.11. Repealed. Laws 2011, LB 509, § 55.
24-710.12. Retirement system; accept transfers; limitations; how treated.

The retirement system may accept as payment for withdrawn amounts made pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer from (1) an eligible tax-sheltered annuity plan as described in section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code or (2) an eligible deferred compensation plan as described in section 457(b) of the code on behalf of a member who is making payments for such amounts. The amount transferred shall not exceed the amount withdrawn and such transferred amount shall qualify as a purchase of permissive service credit by the member as defined in section 415 of the code.

Source:Laws 2002, LB 407, § 16.
24-710.13. Judges who became members prior to July 1, 2015; annual benefit adjustment; cost-of-living adjustment calculation method.

On July 1 of each year, for judges who became members prior to July 1, 2015:

(1) The board shall determine the number of retired members or beneficiaries in the retirement system who became members prior to July 1, 2015, and an annual benefit adjustment shall be made by the board for each retired member or beneficiary under one of the cost-of-living adjustment calculation methods found in subdivision (2), (3), or (4) of this section. Each retired member or beneficiary, if eligible, shall receive an annual benefit adjustment under the cost-of-living adjustment calculation method that provides the retired member or beneficiary the greatest annual benefit adjustment increase. No retired member or beneficiary shall receive an annual benefit adjustment under more than one of the cost-of-living adjustment calculation methods provided in this section;

(2) The current benefit paid to a retired member or beneficiary under this subdivision shall be adjusted so that the purchasing power of the benefit being paid is not less than seventy-five percent of the purchasing power of the initial benefit. The purchasing power of the initial benefit in any year following the year in which the initial benefit commenced shall be calculated by dividing the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers factor on June 30 of the current year by the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers factor on June 30 of the year in which the benefit commenced. The result shall be multiplied by the product that results when the amount of the initial benefit is multiplied by seventy-five percent. In any year in which applying the adjustment provided in subdivision (3) of this section results in a benefit which would be less than seventy-five percent of the purchasing power of the initial benefit as calculated in this subdivision, the adjustment shall instead be equal to the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers factor from the prior year to the current year;

(3) The current benefit paid to a retired member or beneficiary under this subdivision shall be increased annually by the lesser of (a) the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers for the period between June 30 of the prior year to June 30 of the present year or (b) two and one-half percent;

(4)(a) The current benefit paid to a retired member or beneficiary under this subdivision shall be calculated by multiplying the retired member's or beneficiary's total monthly benefit by the lesser of (i) the cumulative change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers from the last adjustment of the total monthly benefit of each retired member or beneficiary through June 30 of the year for which the annual benefit adjustment is being calculated or (ii) an amount equal to three percent per annum compounded for the period from the last adjustment of the total monthly benefit of each retired member or beneficiary through June 30 of the year for which the annual benefit adjustment is being calculated.

(b) In order for a retired member or beneficiary to receive the cost-of-living adjustment calculation method provided in this subdivision, the retired member or beneficiary shall be (i) a retired member or beneficiary who has been receiving a retirement benefit for at least five years if the member had at least twenty-five years of creditable service, (ii) a member who has been receiving a disability retirement benefit for at least five years pursuant to section 24-709, or (iii) a beneficiary who has been receiving a death benefit pursuant to section 24-707 or 24-707.01 for at least five years, if the member's or beneficiary's monthly accrual rate is less than or equal to the minimum accrual rate as determined by this subdivision.

(c) The monthly accrual rate under this subdivision is the retired member's or beneficiary's total monthly benefit divided by the number of years of creditable service earned by the retired or deceased member.

(d) The total monthly benefit under this subdivision is the total benefit received by a retired member or beneficiary pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act and previous adjustments made pursuant to this section or any other provision of the act that grants a benefit or cost-of-living increase, but the total monthly benefit shall not include sums received by an eligible retired member or eligible beneficiary from federal sources.

(e) The board shall annually adjust the minimum accrual rate to reflect the cumulative percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers from the last adjustment of the minimum accrual rate;

(5) On July 1 of each year, each retired member or beneficiary shall receive the sum of the annual benefit adjustment and such retiree's total monthly benefit less withholding, which sum shall be the retired member's or beneficiary's adjusted total monthly benefit. Each retired member or beneficiary shall receive the adjusted total monthly benefit until the expiration of the annuity option selected by the member or until the retired member or beneficiary again qualifies for the annual benefit adjustment, whichever occurs first;

(6) The annual benefit adjustment pursuant to this section shall not cause a current benefit to be reduced, and a retired member or beneficiary shall never receive less than the adjusted total monthly benefit until the annuity option selected by the member expires; and

(7) The board shall adjust the annual benefit adjustment provided in this section so that the cost-of-living adjustment provided to the retired member or beneficiary at the time of the annual benefit adjustment does not exceed the change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers for the period between June 30 of the prior year to June 30 of the present year. If the consumer price index used in this section is discontinued or replaced, a substitute index published by the United States Department of Labor shall be selected by the board which shall be a reasonable representative measurement of the cost-of-living for retired employees.

Source:Laws 2011, LB509, § 10; Laws 2013, LB263, § 12; Laws 2013, LB306, § 3; Laws 2015, LB468, § 4.
24-710.14. Judges who became members on or after July 1, 2015; annual benefit adjustment.

On July 1 of each year, for judges who became members on or after July 1, 2015:

(1) The board shall determine the number of retired members or beneficiaries in the retirement system who became members on or after July 1, 2015, and an annual benefit adjustment shall be made by the board for each retired member or beneficiary. The benefit paid to a retired member or beneficiary under this section shall be increased annually by the lesser of (a) the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers for the period between June 30 of the prior year to June 30 of the present year or (b) one percent. If the consumer price index used in this section is discontinued or replaced, a substitute index published by the United States Department of Labor shall be selected by the board which shall be a reasonable representative measurement of the cost-of-living for retired employees;

(2) Each retired member or beneficiary shall receive the sum of the annual benefit adjustment and such retiree's total monthly benefit less withholding, which sum shall be the retired member's or beneficiary's adjusted total monthly benefit. Each retired member or beneficiary shall receive the adjusted total monthly benefit until the expiration of the annuity option selected by the member or until the retired member or beneficiary again qualifies for the annual benefit adjustment, whichever occurs first; and

(3) The annual benefit adjustment pursuant to this section shall not cause a current benefit to be reduced, and a retired member or beneficiary shall never receive less than the adjusted total monthly benefit until the annuity option selected by the member expires.

Source:Laws 2015, LB468, § 5.
24-710.15. Judges who became members on and after July 1, 2015; cost-of-living payment.

(1) Beginning July 1, 2015, for judges who become members on and after July 1, 2015, if the annual valuation made by the actuary, as approved by the board, indicates that the system is fully funded and has sufficient actuarial surplus to provide for a supplemental lump-sum cost-of-living payment, the board may, in its discretion, elect to pay a maximum one and one-half percent supplemental lump-sum cost-of-living payment to each retired member or beneficiary based on the retired member's or beneficiary's total monthly benefit through June 30 of the year for which the supplemental lump-sum cost-of-living payment is being calculated. The supplemental lump-sum cost-of-living payment shall be paid within sixty days after the board's decision. In no event shall the board declare a supplemental lump-sum cost-of-living payment if such payment would cause the plan to be less than fully funded.

(2) For purposes of this section, fully funded means the unfunded actuarial accrued liability, based on the lesser of the actuarial value and the market value, under the entry age actuarial cost method is less than zero on the most recent actuarial valuation date.

(3) Any decision or determination by the board to declare or not declare a cost-of-living payment or as to whether the annual valuation indicates a sufficient actuarial surplus to provide for a cost-of-living payment shall be made in the sole, absolute, and final discretion of the board and shall not be subject to challenge by any member or beneficiary. In no event shall the Legislature be constrained or limited in amending the system notwithstanding the effect of any such change upon the actuarial surplus of the system and the ability of the board to declare future cost-of-living payments.

Source:Laws 2015, LB468, § 6; Laws 2017, LB415, § 22.
24-711. Retired judge; statement of facts; contents; false or fraudulent actions; prohibited acts; penalty; denial of benefits.

(1) Any judge who retires under the provisions of section 24-708 or 24-709, or his or her guardian, shall give to the board a statement of facts which shall include an accurate record of all service claimed by such judge, his or her compensation when he or she last served as a judge, the amount of contributions he or she has made to the fund, the amount of benefits he or she is receiving or shall be entitled to receive under the Nebraska and federal old-age and survivors insurance acts, designation of beneficiary, and any other information the board may request. The board shall determine the accuracy of all pertinent facts claimed and may call a hearing to determine any or all matters necessary in order to determine the amount of the annuity to which such judge is entitled. After obtaining all facts it deems necessary, the board shall render its decision as to the amount of the annuity, if any, to which such judge shall be entitled.

(2) Any person who, knowing it to be false or fraudulent, presents or causes to be presented a false or fraudulent claim or benefit application, any false or fraudulent proof in support of such a claim or benefit, or false or fraudulent information which would affect a future claim or benefit application to be paid under the retirement system for the purpose of defrauding or attempting to defraud the retirement system shall be guilty of a Class II misdemeanor. The retirement board shall deny any benefits that it determines are based on false or fraudulent information and shall have a cause of action against the member to recover any benefits already paid on the basis of such information.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 11, p. 249; Laws 1991, LB 549, § 19; Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 38.
24-712. Annuity payments; continuation; physical examinations, when; cost.

Annuity payments to a judge, who has retired under the provisions of section 24-708, shall continue until the end of the month in which such judge shall die. The last annuity payment and any other payments to which such judge shall be entitled and which have not been paid at the time of his or her death shall be paid to his or her beneficiary. A judge who is receiving annuity payments, under the provisions of section 24-709, shall continue to receive such annuities as long as he or she is permanently disabled, and if such judge shall die while so disabled, payment of annuities shall be terminated in the same manner as provided for a judge who dies subsequent to his or her retirement. Any judge, who is receiving annuities under the provisions of section 24-709, may be required by the commission to submit to a reexamination at any time. Any such judge shall have the right to a reexamination, upon an application to the commission, but not more often than once every six months. A physician appointed by the commission shall make such examinations and report his or her findings to the commission which shall make a determination. If the commission shall find that the permanent disability no longer exists, it shall so notify the judge and the board shall discontinue annuity payments to such judge unless the judge has in the meantime qualified for retirement by reason of his or her age. If any judge refuses to submit to such reexamination, the commission shall immediately terminate all annuity payments to such judge. Costs incurred by the commission for the services of a physician, as authorized by the provisions of section 24-709 and this section, shall be paid by the commission out of money from the fund.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 12, p. 250; Laws 1971, LB 987, § 9; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 25.

Cross References

24-713. State Treasurer; duties; warrants.

The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds and securities of the retirement system and may deposit the funds and securities in any financial institution approved by the Nebraska Investment Council. The Director of Administrative Services is directed to draw warrants on the State Treasurer against the fund for authorized expenditures upon duly itemized vouchers signed by a person authorized by the retirement board. The State Treasurer shall transmit monthly to the board a detailed statement showing all credits to and disbursements from the funds in his or her custody belonging to the retirement system.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 13, p. 250; Laws 1969, c. 178, § 5, p. 767; Laws 1997, LB 623, § 10.
24-713.01. Limitation of actions.

Every claim and demand under the Judges Retirement Act and against the retirement system or the board shall be forever barred unless the action is brought within two years of the time at which the claim accrued.

Source:Laws 1996, LB 1076, § 11; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 19.
24-713.02. Retirement system contributions, property, and rights; how treated.

All contributions to the retirement system, all property and rights purchased with the contributions, and all investment income attributable to the contributions, property, or rights shall be held in trust by the State of Nebraska for the exclusive benefit of members and their beneficiaries and shall only be used to pay benefits to such persons and to pay administrative expenses according to the provisions of the Judges Retirement Act.

Source:Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 39.
24-713.03. Termination of system or contributions; effect.

Upon termination or partial termination of the retirement system or upon complete discontinuance of contributions under the retirement system, the rights of all affected members to benefits accrued to the date of such termination, partial termination, or discontinuance, to the extent funded as of such date, shall be nonforfeitable.

Source:Laws 1998, LB 1191, § 40.
24-714. Retirement of judge; effect; filling of vacancy.

When the Chief Justice or a judge of the Supreme Court, a judge of the Court of Appeals, a judge of the district court, or a judge of the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court becomes retired under the Judges Retirement Act, he or she shall be relieved of further active duties on the court. The Governor may fill the vacancy caused by such retirement the same as when a vacancy exists on that court for any other reason. When a judge of the county court or judge of a separate juvenile court becomes retired under the provisions of such sections, he or she shall also be relieved of further active duties and a vacancy shall be deemed to exist, which vacancy shall be filled as provided by law.

Source:Laws 1955, c. 83, § 14, p. 251; Laws 1957, c. 78, § 3, p. 317; Laws 1957, c. 79, § 5, p. 323; Laws 1959, c. 189, § 15, p. 691; Laws 1965, c. 115, § 4, p. 444; Laws 1984, LB 13, § 34; Laws 1991, LB 732, § 38; Laws 1994, LB 833, § 26; Laws 2004, LB 1097, § 20.
24-715. Commission on Judicial Qualifications; created; members; appointment.

Pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, there is hereby created a Commission on Judicial Qualifications consisting of: (1) Three judges, including one district court judge, one county court judge, and one judge of any other court inferior to the Supreme Court as now exists or may hereafter be created by law, all of whom shall be appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; (2) three members of the Nebraska State Bar Association who shall have practiced law in this state for at least ten years and who shall be appointed by the Executive Council of the Nebraska State Bar Association; (3) three citizens, none of whom shall be a Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or a judge of any court, active or retired, nor a member of the Nebraska State Bar Association, and who shall be appointed by the Governor; and (4) the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who shall serve as its chairperson.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 1, p. 430; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 1.


24-716. Commission; members; term; vacancy.

The term of office of each member of the Commission on Judicial Qualifications, except the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, shall be four years. The term of the Chief Justice shall be permanent. In the event of a vacancy, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment in the same manner as the original members are appointed and the individuals so appointed shall serve for the balance of the original term. Any member of the commission shall be eligible for reappointment for an additional term without regard to the number of years that such individual has served as a member of the commission.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 2, p. 431; Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 124; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 2.
24-717. Commission; organization; officers.

The Commission on Judicial Qualifications shall annually select a vice-chairperson from its own members and a secretary who may or may not be a member of the commission and who shall keep minutes of all meetings of the commission. Such vice-chairperson and secretary shall each serve for one year or until a successor is selected.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 3, p. 431; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 3.
24-718. Commission; compensation; expenses.

Members of the Commission on Judicial Qualifications shall serve without compensation but they shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred by them in connection with their duties as members of the commission as provided in sections 81-1174 to 81-1177 for state employees.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 4, p. 431; Laws 1981, LB 204, § 36.
24-719. Commission; meetings; quorum; annual report.

(1) Meetings of the Commission on Judicial Qualifications shall be held at least annually at Lincoln, Nebraska, or at such other place or places within the State of Nebraska and at such time as the commission may determine. A majority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum. No action of the commission shall be valid unless concurred in by a majority of its members. The date of the annual meeting of the commission shall be fixed by resolution of the commission and special meetings of the commission may be called at any time by the chairperson or vice-chairperson of the commission or by the Supreme Court or at the written request of any two members of the commission.

(2) To the extent permitted by the Constitution of Nebraska, the commission shall prepare and make available to the public an annual report outlining the activities of the commission in the previous year. The report shall include, but not be limited to:

(a) The total number of meetings held by the commission;

(b) The total number of complaints filed with the commission;

(c) The total number of complaints dismissed by the commission;

(d) The total number of public reprimands issued by the commission;

(e) The total number of formal complaints filed by the commission; and

(f) The costs incurred by the commission which shall include:

(i) Expenses paid to commission members pursuant to section 24-718;

(ii) Expenses paid to special masters appointed by the commission; and

(iii) Expenses paid to special investigators hired by the commission.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 5, p. 431; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 4; Laws 2005, LB 754, § 1.
24-720. Commission; complaints and requests; form.

Complaints and requests to the Commission on Judicial Qualifications shall be in writing directed to the commission or to any member of the commission. No specified form of complaint or request shall be required.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 6, p. 432; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 5.
24-721. Commission; complaint or request filed by citizen; investigation; proceedings; rights of judge or justice; special master; commission; recommendations; rules.

Any citizen of the State of Nebraska shall have the right at all times to complain to the Commission on Judicial Qualifications with reference to the acts, activities, or qualifications of any Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or judge of any of the courts of the State of Nebraska or to request that the commission consider the qualifications of any Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or judge of any of the courts of the State of Nebraska. Upon receipt of any such complaint or request, the commission shall make such investigation as it determines to be necessary. The commission shall have the right to subpoena witnesses; to hold hearings; to require the Justice or judge to submit to physical or mental examination by medical experts; to appoint special masters to conduct hearings; to make independent investigations, either by members of the commission or by special investigators employed by the commission; to hold confidential prehearing proceedings with the person or persons filing the complaint or request, or with his or her or their agents or attorneys; and to hold confidential prehearing proceedings with the judge or Justice involved in the complaint or request. If the commission finds probable cause for the existence of any of the grounds for disciplinary action or retirement specified in section 24-722, it shall reprimand the Justice or judge or order a formal open hearing to be held before it concerning the reprimand, discipline, censure, suspension, removal, or retirement of such Justice or judge. Any reprimand shall be public and shall be announced in a fashion similar to that of a published opinion of the Supreme Court. A judge who receives official notice of a complaint or request pursuant to this section shall not be allowed to retire pursuant to the Judges Retirement Act until the matter is resolved by the commission or the Supreme Court, if the commission recommends action by the court. If a hearing is ordered, the commission shall advise the judge or Justice involved, in writing, of the specific charges which have been made and supported, substantiated, or revealed by the independent investigation of the commission. The judge or Justice shall be given reasonable time in which to formally answer such charges in writing and the matter shall then be set for formal open hearing, at which time the commission shall cause the testimony and the documentary evidence relating to the charges to be produced and recorded in such manner as the commission shall determine to be advisable, giving the judge or Justice involved and his or her attorney a full opportunity to question and cross-examine the witnesses and evidence so produced. The judge or Justice shall have an opportunity to produce at such hearing, testimony, evidence, and documents relating to the charges involved; thereafter any rebuttal evidence may be produced. In the alternative or in addition, the commission may request the Supreme Court to appoint one or more special masters who shall be judges of courts of record to hold a formal open hearing to take evidence in any such matter, and to report to the commission. Whenever any person shall refuse to testify or to produce books, papers, or other evidence when required to do so in any hearing held before the Commission on Judicial Qualifications or before a special master or masters appointed under the provisions of this section for the reason that the testimony or evidence required of him or her may tend to incriminate him or her or subject him or her to a forfeiture or penalty, he or she may nevertheless be compelled to testify or produce such evidence by order of the Commission on Judicial Qualifications or special master or masters on motion of counsel to the commission. No person who testifies or produces evidence in obedience to the command of the commission or special master or masters in such case shall be liable to any forfeiture or penalty for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing concerning or arising from that as to which he or she may so testify or produce evidence, nor shall such testimony or evidence be used directly or indirectly in any proceedings against him or her, except that no person shall be exempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury or contempt committed in so testifying. The requirement to testify or produce evidence shall not apply when such person proves the real and substantial danger of a prosecution against him or her in another jurisdiction based on the admissions to be made by him or her in this state. The commission or special master or masters shall have power to punish for contempt for any action specified in section 25-2121. If, after formal open hearing, or after considering the record and report of the masters, the commission finds that the charges are established by clear and convincing evidence, it shall recommend to the Supreme Court that the Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge involved shall be reprimanded, disciplined, censured, suspended without pay for a definite period of time not to exceed six months, removed, or retired as the case may be. All hearings before the commission and all proceedings before masters and before the Supreme Court shall be conducted in accordance with rules promulgated or to be promulgated by the Supreme Court.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 7, p. 432; Laws 1976, LB 640, § 1; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 6; Laws 2003, LB 320, § 3; Laws 2005, LB 754, § 2.

Cross References

24-722. Justice or judge; discipline or removal; grounds.

A Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or judge of any court of this state may be reprimanded, disciplined, censured, suspended without pay for a definite period of time not to exceed six months, or removed from office for (1) willful misconduct in office, (2) willful disregard of or failure to perform his or her duties, (3) habitual intemperance, (4) conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude, (5) disbarment as a member of the legal profession licensed to practice law in the State of Nebraska, or (6) conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice that brings the judicial office into disrepute, or he or she may be retired for physical or mental disability seriously interfering with the performance of his or her duties if such disability is determined to be permanent or reasonably likely to become permanent.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 8, p. 433; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 7.


24-723. Supreme Court; record of proceedings; review; order; retirement, removal, or suspension; effect.

The Supreme Court shall review the record of the proceedings and in its discretion may permit the introduction of additional evidence. The Supreme Court shall make such determination as it finds just and proper, and may order the reprimand, discipline, censure, suspension without pay for a definite period of time not to exceed six months, removal, or retirement of such Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge, or may wholly reject the recommendation. Upon an order for retirement, the Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge shall thereby be retired with the same rights and privileges as if he or she had retired pursuant to statute. Upon an order for removal, the Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge shall be removed from office, his or her salary shall cease from the date of such order, and he or she shall be ineligible for judicial office. Upon an order for suspension, the Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge shall draw no salary and shall perform no judicial functions during the period of suspension. Suspension shall not create a vacancy in the office of Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 9, p. 433; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 8.
24-723.01. Justice or judge; disqualification without loss of salary; Supreme Court order; when.

Upon order of the Supreme Court, a Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge shall be disqualified from acting as a Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge, without loss of salary, while there is pending (1) an indictment or information charging him or her in the United States with a crime punishable as a felony under Nebraska or federal law or (2) a recommendation to the Supreme Court by the Commission on Judicial Qualifications for his or her removal or retirement.

Source:Laws 1981, LB 475, § 9.
24-723.02. Justice or judge; removal or suspension by Supreme Court; grounds.

In addition to the procedure set forth in sections 24-721 to 24-723, on recommendation of the Commission on Judicial Qualifications or on its own motion, the Supreme Court (1) shall remove a Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge from office when in any court in the United States such Justice or judge pleads guilty or no contest to a crime punishable as a felony under Nebraska or federal law, and (2) may suspend a Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge from office without salary when in any court in the United States such Justice or judge is found guilty of a crime punishable as a felony under Nebraska or federal law or any other crime that involves moral turpitude. If his or her conviction is reversed, suspension shall terminate and he or she shall be paid his or her salary for the period of suspension. If he or she is suspended and his or her conviction becomes final the Supreme Court shall remove him or her from office.

Source:Laws 1981, LB 475, § 10.
24-724. Commission; executive secretary; personnel; employ; Attorney General; counsel; special counsel.

The Commission on Judicial Qualifications shall have the authority to employ an executive secretary, investigators, medical experts, and such other employees and experts as the commission in its discretion determines to be necessary to carry out its functions and purposes. The office of the Attorney General shall provide counsel to the commission but the commission may employ special counsel in any proceeding if determined by the commission to be advisable.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 10, p. 434.
24-725. Commission; budget; submit.

The Commission on Judicial Qualifications shall submit its budget estimate in the manner and form and at the times required by law of all departments, offices, and institutions of the state government requesting appropriations.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 11, p. 434.
24-726. Proceedings prior to formal hearing; confidential.

All papers filed with and proceedings before the Commission on Judicial Qualifications or masters appointed by the Supreme Court pursuant to section 24-721 prior to any formal open hearing shall be confidential. The filing of papers with and the testimony given before the commission or masters or the Supreme Court shall be deemed a privileged communication.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 12, p. 434; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 11.
24-727. Supreme Court; procedure; rule; adopt.

The Supreme Court shall by rule provide for procedure under sections 24-709, 24-712, and 24-715 to 24-728 before the Commission on Judicial Qualifications, the masters, and the Supreme Court.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 13, p. 434; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 13.
24-728. Judge or justice; own discipline, removal, or retirement; participation prohibited.

No Justice or judge of the Supreme Court or other judge shall participate, as a member of the Commission on Judicial Qualifications, or as a master, or as a member of the Supreme Court, in any proceedings involving his or her own reprimand, discipline, censure, suspension, removal, or retirement.

Source:Laws 1967, c. 141, § 14, p. 434; Laws 1981, LB 475, § 14.
24-729. Judges; retired; assignment; when; retired judge, defined.

The Supreme Court of Nebraska is empowered, with the consent of the retired judge, (1) to assign judges of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and district court who are now retired or who may be retired hereafter to (a) sit in any court in the state to relieve congested trial dockets or to prevent the trial docket of such court from becoming congested or (b) sit for the judge of any court who may be incapacitated or absent for any reason whatsoever and (2) to assign any judge of the separate juvenile court, county court, or Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court who is now retired or who may be retired hereafter to (a) sit in any court having the same jurisdiction as one in which any such judge may have previously served to relieve congested trial dockets or to prevent the trial docket of any such court from becoming congested or (b) sit for the judge of any such court who may be incapacitated or absent for any reason. Any judge who has retired on account of disability may not be so assigned.

For purposes of sections 24-729 to 24-733, retired judge shall include a judge who, before, on, or after March 31, 1993, has retired upon the attainment of age fifty-five and has elected to defer the commencement of his or her retirement annuity to a later date.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 832, § 1; Laws 1976, LB 296, § 1; Laws 1979, LB 240, § 1; Laws 1991, LB 732, § 39; Laws 1993, LB 363, § 2; Laws 2018, LB193, § 5.


24-730. Retired judge; temporary duty; compensation.

A retired judge holding court pursuant to sections 24-729 to 24-733 shall receive, in addition to his or her retirement benefits, for each day of temporary duty an amount established by the Supreme Court. In addition, a retired judge who consents to serve a minimum number of temporary duty days annually, as established by the Supreme Court, and is appointed by the Supreme Court for such extended service, may also receive a stipend or an adjusted stipend calculated from the number of days of temporary duty performed by the judge in such annual period in relation to an annual base amount established by the Supreme Court.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 832, § 2; Laws 1983, LB 268, § 1; Laws 2008, LB1014, § 5; Laws 2010, LB727, § 1.
24-731. Retired judge; temporary duty; expenses.

A retired judge on temporary duty shall be reimbursed for his or her expenses at the same rate as provided in sections 81-1174 to 81-1177 for state employees but shall submit a request for payment or reimbursement in the manner provided in section 24-733.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 832, § 3; Laws 1981, LB 204, § 37; Laws 1988, LB 864, § 3.
24-732. Retired judge; temporary duty; not contribute to retirement fund; retirement benefits not affected.

A retired judge on temporary duty shall not be required to contribute to the Nebraska Retirement Fund for Judges, and the retirement benefits of such a retired judge shall neither be increased nor decreased on account of his temporary duty.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 832, § 4.
24-733. Retired judge; temporary duty; request for compensation and expenses.

Within fifteen days following completion of a temporary duty assignment, the retired judge shall submit to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, on forms provided by the Chief Justice, a request for payment or reimbursement for services rendered and expenses incurred during such temporary duty assignment. Upon receipt of such request, the Chief Justice shall endorse on the request that the services were performed and expenses incurred pursuant to an assignment of the Supreme Court of Nebraska and file such request with the proper authority for payment.

Source:Laws 1974, LB 832, § 5; Laws 1979, LB 240, § 2; Laws 1984, LB 13, § 35; Laws 1988, LB 864, § 4.
24-734. Judges; powers; enumerated.

(1) A judge of any court established under the laws of the State of Nebraska shall, in any case in which that judge is authorized to act, have power to exercise the powers conferred upon the judge and court, and specifically to:

(a) Upon the stipulation of the parties to an action, hear and determine any matter, including the trial of an equity case or case at law in which a jury has been waived;

(b) Hear and determine pretrial and posttrial matters in civil cases not involving testimony of witnesses by oral examination;

(c) With the consent of the defendant, receive pleas of guilty and pass sentences in criminal cases;

(d) With the consent of the defendant, hear and determine pretrial and posttrial matters in criminal cases;

(e) Hear and determine cases brought by petition in error or appeal not involving testimony of witnesses by oral examination;

(f) Hear and determine any matter in juvenile cases with the consent of the guardian ad litem or attorney for the minor, the other parties to the proceedings, and the attorneys for those parties, if any; and

(g) Without notice, make any order and perform any act which may lawfully be made or performed by him or her ex parte in any action or proceeding which is on file in any district of this state.

(2) A judgment or order made pursuant to this section shall be deemed effective when the judgment is entered in accordance with the provisions of subsection (3) of section 25-1301.

(3) The judge, in his or her discretion, may in any proceeding authorized by the provisions of this section not involving testimony of witnesses by oral examination, use telephonic, videoconferencing, or similar methods to conduct such proceedings. The court may require the parties to make reimbursement for any charges incurred.

(4) In any criminal case, with the consent of the parties, a judge may permit any witness who is to be examined by oral examination to appear by telephonic, videoconferencing, or similar methods, with any costs thereof to be taxed as costs.

(5)(a) Unless an objection under subdivision (5)(c) of this section is sustained, in any civil case, a judge shall, for good cause shown, permit any witness who is to be examined by oral examination to appear by telephonic, videoconferencing, or similar methods.

(b) Unless the court orders otherwise for good cause shown, all costs of testimony taken by telephone, videoconferencing, or similar methods shall be provided and paid by the requesting party and may not be charged to any other party. A court may find that there is good cause to allow the testimony of a witness to be taken by telephonic, videoconferencing or similar methods if:

(i) The witness is otherwise unavailable to appear because of age, infirmity, or illness;

(ii) The personal appearance of the witness cannot be secured by subpoena or other reasonable means;

(iii) A personal appearance would be an undue burden or expense to a party or witness; or

(iv) There are any other circumstances that constitute good cause for allowing the testimony of the witness to be taken by telephonic, videoconferencing, or similar methods.

(c) A party may object to examination by telephonic, videoconferencing, or similar methods under subdivision (5)(a) of this section on grounds of unreliability or unfairness. The objecting party has the burden of proving unreliability or unfairness by a preponderance of the evidence.

(d) Nothing in this section shall prohibit an award of expenses, including attorney fees, pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. of Discovery 6-337.

(6) The enumeration of the powers in subsections (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section shall not be construed to deny the right of a party to trial by jury in the county in which the action was first filed if such right otherwise exists.

(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt proceedings under this section from the provisions of the Guidelines for Use by Nebraska Courts in Determining When and Under What Conditions a Hearing Before Such Court May Be Closed in Whole or in Part to the Public, adopted by the Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska September 8, 1980, and any amendments to those provisions.

Source:Laws 1879, § 39, p. 90; Laws 1913, c. 209, § 1, p. 635; R.S.1913, § 1176; Laws 1921, c. 177, § 1, p. 676; C.S.1922, § 1099; C.S.1929, § 27-317; R.S.1943, § 24-317; Laws 1953, c. 64, § 1, p. 208; Laws 1965, c. 111, § 1, p. 435; R.S.1943, (1979), § 24-317; Laws 1983, LB 272, § 1; Laws 1999, LB 43, § 1; Laws 2013, LB103, § 1; Laws 2020, LB912, § 10.


24-735. Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 181, § 5.
24-736. Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 181, § 5.
24-737. Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 181, § 5.
24-738. Repealed. Laws 1991, LB 181, § 5.
24-739. Disqualification of judge; grounds.

A judge shall be disqualified from acting as such in the county court, district court, Court of Appeals, or Supreme Court, except by mutual consent of the parties, which mutual consent is in writing and made part of the record, in the following situations:

(1) In any case in which (a) he or she is a party or interested, (b) he or she is related to either party by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth degree, (c) any attorney in any cause pending in the county court or district court is related to the judge in the degree of parent, child, sibling, or in-law or is the copartner of an attorney related to the judge in the degree of parent, child, or sibling, or (d) he or she has been attorney for either party in the action or proceeding; and

(2) When the judge was in copartnership, at the time of his or her election or appointment, in the law business with a practicing attorney in the district in which the judge was elected or appointed, the copartnership continued in the practice of law in the district and occupied the same office or rooms which were occupied by the copartnership at the time of his or her election or appointment, and the judge continues to occupy the same office or rooms with his or her ex-copartner, in all proceedings or litigation in which the ex-copartner is retained or interested, so long as the judge occupies the same office or room with his or her ex-copartner.

Source:Laws 1879, § 37, p. 89; Laws 1907, c. 42, § 1, p. 180; R.S.1913, § 1174; Laws 1915, c. 22, § 1, p. 83; C.S.1922, § 1097; Laws 1923, c. 107, § 1, p. 265; C.S.1929, § 27-315; Laws 1935, c. 56, § 1, p. 186; C.S.Supp.,1941, § 27-315; R.S.1943, § 24-315; Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 119; Laws 1979, LB 80, § 82; R.S.1943, (1985), § 24-315; Laws 1991, LB 732, § 40.

Cross References


24-740. Probate; disqualification of judge.

No judge of probate shall act in any case or matter where he is next of kin to the deceased, nor where he is legatee or devisee under a will, nor where he is named as executor or trustee in a will, or is one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, nor where he is related to any party in interest in any case before him, by consanguinity or affinity, or has such an interest therein as would exclude him from acting as a juror in such case or matter, nor where he has acted as attorney or counsel in any case or matter before him.

Source:G.S.1873, c. 14, § 3, p. 264; R.S.1913, § 1206; C.S.1922, § 1129; C.S.1929, § 27-503; R.S.1943, § 24-503; Laws 1972, LB 1032, § 52; R.S.1943, (1985), § 24-552.
24-741. Judges; when ineligible as candidates for other offices.

No judge shall be eligible as a candidate for any office except a judicial office during the time he or she is serving as a judge.

Source:Laws 1911, c. 37, § 1, p. 204; R.S.1913, § 1139; C.S.1922, § 1068; C.S.1929, § 27-203; R.S.1943, § 24-203; R.S.1943, (1989), § 24-203; Laws 1991, LB 732, § 31.