Journal Summary for February 29th, 2024

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB905 Riepe AM2766 filed 847
LB852 Jacobson AM2732 to AM2355 filed 850
LR304 Adopted 852
LR304 President/Speaker signed 852
LR305 Adopted 852
LR305 President/Speaker signed 852
LR306 Adopted 852
LR306 President/Speaker signed 852
LB204A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 853
LB358A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 853
LB829A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 853
LB905A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 853
LB399 Placed on General File with AM2702 856
LB399 Natural Resources AM2702 filed 856
LB867 Placed on General File with AM2767 856
LB867 Natural Resources AM2767 filed 856
LB992A Placed on Final Reading 856
LB1074 Placed on General File with AM2560 856
LB1074 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM2560 filed 856
LB16 Dispensing of reading at large approved 857
LB16 Passed on Final Reading 42-1-6 857
LB16A Passed on Final Reading 42-1-6 858
LB51 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 859
LB83 Dispensing of reading at large approved 860
LB83 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 860
LB102 Dispensing of reading at large approved 860
LB102 Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 861
LB102A Passed on Final Reading 44-0-5 862
LB147 Passed on Final Reading 41-0-8 862
LB152 Dispensing of reading at large approved 863
LB152 Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 863
LB184 Dispensing of reading at large approved 864
LB184 Passed on Final Reading 42-0-7 864
LB190 Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 865
LB303 Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 865
LB307 Passed on Final Reading 30-7-12 866
LB317 Passed on Final Reading 43-0-6 867
LB16 President/Speaker signed 868
LB16A President/Speaker signed 868
LB20A Date of introduction 868
LB20A Placed on General File 868
LB51 President/Speaker signed 868
LB83 President/Speaker signed 868
LB102 President/Speaker signed 868
LB102A President/Speaker signed 868
LB147 President/Speaker signed 868
LB152 President/Speaker signed 868
LB184 President/Speaker signed 868
LB190 President/Speaker signed 868
LB303 President/Speaker signed 868
LB307 President/Speaker signed 868
LB317 President/Speaker signed 868
LB731 Passed on Final Reading 42-0-7 868
LB731 President/Speaker signed 868
LB1288 Raybould AM2695 adopted 869
LB1288 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 869
LB844 Placed on Select File 870
LB856 Placed on Select File 870
LB894 McKinney FA232 filed 870
LB894 McKinney FA232 pending 870
LB914 Placed on General File 870
LB945 Placed on General File 870
LB1202 Placed on General File 870
LB1268 Placed on General File 870
LB1394 Placed on Select File 870
LB1394A Placed on Select File 870
LB16 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB16A Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB51 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB61 Bostelman FA233 filed 871
LB83 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB102 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB102A Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB137 Bosn FA231 filed 871
LB147 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB152 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB184 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB190 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB303 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB307 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB317 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB541 Cavanaugh, J. FA234 filed 871
LB731 Presented to Governor on February 29, 2024 871
LB1087 Jacobson AM2760 filed 871
LB1120 Hardin AM2773 to AM2519 filed 871
LB2 Hunt name added 875
LB16 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB16 Wayne name added 875
LB16A Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB51 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB51 Wayne name added 875
LB83 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB102 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB102A Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB147 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB152 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB184 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB190 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB303 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB307 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB317 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB731 Wishart explanation of vote 875
LB894 Wayne AM2764 to AM2370 filed 875
LB1017 McDonnell AM2769 to AM2683 filed 875
LB52 Wayne name added 876
LB83 Wayne name added 876
LB102 Wayne name added 876
LB130 Wayne name added 876
LB147 Wayne name added 876
LB152 Wayne name added 876
LB184 Dungan name added 876
LB184 Bosn name added 876
LB184 Wayne name added 876
LB190 Wayne name added 876
LB218 Wayne name added 876
LB303 Wayne name added 876
LB307 Wayne name added 876
LB317 Wayne name added 876
LB358 Wayne name added 876
LB600 Wayne name added 876
LB829 Wayne name added 876
LB1166 Conrad name added 876
Appointment(s) Confirmation of Appointments, Various Appointments 853
Appointment(s) Judiciary Committee Report, Various Appointments 870
Appointment(s) Transportation and Telecommunication Committee Report, Patrick Haggerty 857
Report(s) Agency Reports 852
Report(s) Report of Registered Lobbyists 852