Journal Summary for February 14th, 2018
105th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 27
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Document | Description | Journal Page |
LB948 | Thibodeau priority bill | 642 |
LB745 | Revenue AM1910 filed | 642 |
LR314 | President/Speaker signed | 642 |
LB745 | Placed on General File with AM1910 | 642 |
LB784 | Placed on General File | 649 |
LB1024 | Placed on General File | 649 |
LB760 | Placed on General File | 642 |
LB1091 | Placed on General File | 642 |
LB710 | Placed on Final Reading with ST42 | 649 |
LB757 | Placed on Final Reading with ST41 | 641 |
LB758 | Placed on Final Reading | 641 |
LB744 | Placed on Final Reading | 641 |
LB1115 | Notice of hearing for February 27, 2018 | 646 |
LB1036 | Notice of hearing for February 23, 2018 | 646 |
LB682 | Notice of hearing for February 23, 2018 | 646 |
LB969 | Notice of hearing for February 23, 2018 | 646 |
LB1032 | Notice of hearing for February 23, 2018 | 646 |
LB1027 | Notice of hearing for February 22, 2018 | 646 |
LB1129 | Notice of hearing for February 22, 2018 | 646 |
LB817 | Notice of hearing for February 22, 2018 | 645 |
LB839 | Notice of hearing for February 22, 2018 | 645 |
LB694 | Notice of hearing for February 21, 2018 | 645 |
LB807 | Notice of hearing for February 21, 2018 | 645 |
LB814 | Notice of hearing for February 21, 2018 | 645 |
LB746 | Notice of hearing for February 21, 2018 | 645 |
LB1093 | Notice of hearing for February 21, 2018 | 642 |
LB1001 | Lowe name added | 653 |
LR316 | Laid over | 649 |
LB275 | Hughes MO220 prevailed | 648 |
LB275 | Hughes MO220 Invoke cloture filed | 648 |
LB275 | Hughes AM1638 adopted | 648 |
LB310 | Harr AM1613 withdrawn | 643 |
LB310 | Harr AM1612 withdrawn | 643 |
LB310 | Harr AM1611 withdrawn | 643 |
LB310 | Friesen AM1610 adopted | 643 |
LB829 | Erdman priority bill | 642 |
LB472 | Enrollment and Review ER98 adopted | 642 |
LB480 | Enrollment and Review ER105 adopted | 643 |
LB618 | Enrollment and Review ER102 adopted | 643 |
LB275 | Enrollment and Review ER101 adopted | 643 |
LB486 | Enrollment and Review ER100 adopted | 643 |
LR316 | Date of introduction | 649 |
LB275 | Chambers MO219 Reconsider the motion to recommit to committee filed | 647 |
LB275 | Chambers MO219 failed | 647 |
LB275 | Chambers MO218 Recommit to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee filed | 646 |
LB275 | Chambers MO218 failed | 646 |
LB275 | Chambers MO217 Reconsider the vote to bracket filed | 644 |
LB275 | Chambers MO217 failed | 644 |
LB275 | Chambers MO216 failed | 643 |
LB275 | Chambers MO216 Bracket until April 18, 2018 filed | 643 |
LB1069 | Briese name added | 653 |
LB807 | Brewer AM1863 filed | 650 |
LB275 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 649 |
LB310 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 643 |
LB480 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 643 |
LB618 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 643 |
LB345 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 643 |
LB78 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 643 |
LB486 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 643 |
LB472 | Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment | 642 |
LR314 | Adopted | 642 |