Journal Summary for February 24th, 2014

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB191 Placed on Select File with ER138 619
LB191 Enrollment and Review ER138 filed 619
LB751 Placed on General File 619
LB987 Placed on General File 619
LB983A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 620
LB551 Indefinitely postponed 621
LB690 Health and Human Services AM1681 pending 621
LB780 Placed on General File 621
LB901 McGill AM2033 adopted 621
LB901 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 621
LB920A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 621
LB941 Placed on General File with AM2023 621
LB941 Agriculture AM2023 filed 621
LB1028 Placed on General File 621
LR399 Reported to the Legislature for further consideration 621
LB1012 Placed on General File 622
LB1014 Placed on General File 622
LR450 Date of introduction 622
LR450 Laid over 622
LB348 Harr AM1764 filed 623
LB438 Adams AM1934 filed 627
LB699 Coash AM2046 filed 627
LB1057 Schilz name added 628