Journal Summary for February 19th, 2014

Document Number Description Journal Page
LR445 Date of introduction 561
LR445 Laid over 561
LB811 Notice of hearing for February 26, 2014 562
LB1027 Notice of hearing for February 26, 2014 562
LB1035 Notice of hearing for February 26, 2014 562
LB1049 Notice of hearing for February 26, 2014 562
LB1110 Notice of hearing for February 26, 2014 562
LB660 Corrected Health and Human Services AM1985 filed 563
LB838 Placed on Final Reading 563
LB1000 Notice of hearing for February 27, 2014 563
LB1032 Notice of hearing for February 27, 2014 563
LB1062 Notice of hearing for February 27, 2014 563
LB1108 Notice of hearing for February 27, 2014 563
LB1109 Notice of hearing for February 27, 2014 563
LB526 Placed on General File with AM1619 565
LB526 Health and Human Services AM1619 filed 565
LB916 Placed on General File with AM1916 570
LB916 Health and Human Services AM1916 filed 570
LB782 Placed on General File 574
LB918 Placed on General File 574
LB923 Placed on General File with AM1977 574
LB923 Education AM1977 filed 574
LB1103 Placed on General File 574
LB438A Placed on Select File 575
LB276 Kolowski priority bill 576
LB976 Executive Board priority bill 576
LB1016 Executive Board priority bill 576
LB1067 Garrett priority bill 576