Journal Summary for April 30th, 2013

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB44 Placed on Final Reading 1171
LB68 Placed on Final Reading with ST12 1171
LB242 Placed on Final Reading with ST15 1172
LB269 Placed on Final Reading with ST14 1172
LB423 Placed on Final Reading with ST13 1172
LB23 Enrollment and Review ER61 adopted 1173
LB23 Hadley AM1095 withdrawn 1173
LB23 Hadley AM1129 withdrawn 1173
LB23 Hadley AM1181 adopted 1173
LB23 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1173
LB269A Campbell AM1163 adopted 1173
LB269A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1173
LB299 Kolowski AM987 adopted 1173
LB299 Murante AM1135 adopted 1173
LB299 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1173
LB483A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1173
LB3 Enrollment and Review ER63 adopted 1174
LB3 Lathrop AM1067 adopted 1174
LB3 Lathrop AM1128 adopted 1174
LB3 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1174
LB99 Enrollment and Review ER64 adopted 1174
LB99 Mello AM1075 adopted 1174
LB99 Pirsch AM1179 filed 1174
LB99 Pirsch AM1179 adopted 1174
LB99 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1175
LB93A Date of introduction 1176
LB93A Placed on General File 1176
LB507 Health and Human Services AM701 pending 1176
LB507 Conrad AM1173 pending 1176
LB556 Placed on General File with AM991 1177
LB556 Health and Human Services AM991 filed 1177
LB104 Placed on Select File with ER86 1182
LB104 Enrollment and Review ER86 filed 1182
LB140 Placed on Select File with ER89 1182
LB140 Enrollment and Review ER89 filed 1182
LB507 Conrad AM1173 adopted 1182
LB507 Health and Human Services AM701 adopted 1182
LB507 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1182
LB507A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1182
LB366 Placed on Select File with ER87 1183
LB366 Enrollment and Review ER87 filed 1183
LB366A Placed on Select File with ER85 1183
LB366A Enrollment and Review ER85 filed 1183
LB384 Placed on Select File with ER88 1183
LB384 Enrollment and Review ER88 filed 1183
LB23A Placed on Select File 1186
LB242 Mello AM1203 filed 1186
LB384A Placed on Select File 1186
LB553A Placed on Select File 1186
LR165 Date of introduction 1186
LR165 Referred to Executive Board 1186
LR166 Date of introduction 1186
LR166 Referred to Executive Board 1186
LB354 Agriculture AM506 pending 1187
LR167 Date of introduction 1187
LR167 Referred to Executive Board 1187
LB354 Chambers FA68 filed 1188
LB354 Chambers FA68 lost 1188
LB354 Chambers MO58 Reconsider the vote taken on FA68 filed 1188
LB354 Chambers MO58 pending 1188
LB23A Hadley AM1212 filed 1189
LB354 Carlson FA69 filed 1189
LB410 Sullivan AM1205 filed 1189
LB545 Dubas AM1209 filed 1189
LB507 Cook name added 1190
LR168 Date of introduction 1190
LR168 Laid over 1190