Journal Summary for April 5th, 2013

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB44 Lautenbaugh AM874 filed 912
LB153 Enrollment and Review ER29 adopted 912
LB153 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 912
LB153A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 912
LB266 Chambers MO29 pending 912
LB429 Kintner AM720 withdrawn 912
LB429 Crawford AM925 adopted 912
LB429 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 912
LB362 Coash AM850 filed 913
LB530 Enrollment and Review ER30 adopted 913
LB530 Dubas AM739 adopted 913
LB530 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 913
LB530A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 913
LB216 Health and Human Services AM502 adopted 915
LB55 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 916
LB216 McGill AM879 adopted 916
LB216 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 916
LB265 Health and Human Services AM415 adopted 916
LB265 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 916
LB495 Education AM804 adopted 916
LB495 Sullivan AM921 adopted 916
LB495 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 916
LR126 Date of introduction 916
LR126 Laid over 916
LR127 Date of introduction 917
LR127 Laid over 917
LR128 Date of introduction 918
LR128 Laid over 918
LR129 Date of introduction 918
LR129 Laid over 918
LR130 Date of introduction 919
LR130 Laid over 919
LR131 Date of introduction 919
LR131 Laid over 919
LR132 Date of introduction 920
LR132 Laid over 920
LR133 Date of introduction 921
LR133 Laid over 921
LR134 Date of introduction 921
LR134 Laid over 921
LR135 Date of introduction 922
LR135 Laid over 922
LR136 Date of introduction 922
LR136 Laid over 922
LR137 Date of introduction 923
LR137 Laid over 923
LB568A Date of introduction 924
LB568A Placed on General File 924
LR138 Date of introduction 924
LR138 Laid over 924