Journal Summary for April 13th, 2011

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB698 Christensen MO29 pending 59
LB235 Enrollment and Review ER81 adopted 1183
LB235 Adams AM1182 filed 1183
LB235 Adams AM1182 adopted 1183
LB637A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1183
LB229 Enrollment and Review ER76 adopted 1185
LB229 Langemeier FA13 withdrawn 1185
LB229 Langemeier AM1188 adopted 1185
LB229 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1185
LB235 Krist AM1192 filed 1185
LB235 Krist AM1192 withdrawn 1185
LB235 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1185
LB229A Enrollment and Review ER77 adopted 1186
LB229A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1186
LB628 Bloomfield AM1200 filed 1186
LB628 Bloomfield AM1200 adopted 1186
LB628 Krist AM1073 withdrawn 1186
LB628 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1186
LB309 Coash AM1180 filed 1187
LB524 Enrollment and Review ER53 adopted 1187
LB524 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1187
LR163 Date of introduction 1187
LR163 Laid over 1187
LB35 Placed on Final Reading with ST17 1188
LB525 Lathrop AM1185 filed 1188
LB70 Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB112 Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB204 Placed on Final Reading with ST18 1189
LB204A Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB286 Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB305 Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB357 Placed on Select File with ER89 1189
LB357 Enrollment and Review ER89 filed 1189
LB385 Placed on Final Reading with ST16 1189
LB407 Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB477 Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB499 Placed on Final Reading 1189
LB297 Enrollment and Review ER54 adopted 1190
LB297 Coash AM747 withdrawn 1190
LB297 Dubas AM843 adopted 1190
LB297 Flood AM882 withdrawn 1190
LB637A Placed on Select File 1190
LB156 Placed on Final Reading 1191
LB297 Harr AM1081 withdrawn 1191
LB297 Harr AM1082 withdrawn 1191
LB297 Avery AM1197 filed 1191
LB297 Avery AM1197 withdrawn 1191
LB297 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1191
LB337 Placed on Final Reading 1191
LB431 Placed on Final Reading 1191
LB512 Placed on Final Reading with ST19 1191
LB558 Placed on Final Reading 1191
LB698 Enrollment and Review ER58 adopted 1191
LB698 Langemeier AM907 withdrawn 1191
LB698 Carlson AM1002 pending 1191
LB20 McGill explanation of vote 1192
LB54 Mello AM1187 filed 1192
LB100 McGill explanation of vote 1192
LB329 McGill explanation of vote 1192
LB465 McGill explanation of vote 1192
LB468 McGill explanation of vote 1192
LB535 Christensen AM1066 filed 1192
LB543 McGill explanation of vote 1192
LB698 Carlson AM1002 withdrawn 1194
LB698 Lautenbaugh MO28 Bracket until June 8, 2011 filed 1194
LB698 Lautenbaugh MO28 withdrawn 1194
LB698 Christensen MO29 Indefinitely postpone filed 1194
LB698 Laid over 1194
LB388A Harms AM1196 filed 1195
LB648 Christensen AM1201 filed 1195
LB648 Christensen AM1202 filed 1195
LB600 Campbell AM1208 filed 1196
LB606 Nelson AM1063 filed 1196
LB637 Adams AM1191 filed 1196