Journal Summary for April 12th, 2011

Document Number Description Journal Page
LR145 Adopted 1147
LR145 President/Speaker signed 1147
LR146 Adopted 1147
LR146 President/Speaker signed 1147
LR147 Adopted 1147
LR147 President/Speaker signed 1147
LR148 Adopted 1147
LR148 President/Speaker signed 1147
LB357 Heidemann AM1147 pending 1150
LB600A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1150
LB463 Placed on Select File with ER88 1151
LB463 Enrollment and Review ER88 filed 1151
LB463A Placed on Select File with ER87 1151
LB463A Enrollment and Review ER87 filed 1151
LB500 Placed on Select File 1151
LB698 Carlson AM1002 filed 1151
LB637A Date of introduction 1152
LB637A Placed on General File 1152
LR161 Date of introduction 1152
LR161 Laid over 1152
LB84 Speaker Major Proposal 1153
LB357 Heidemann AM1147 lost 1153
LB397 Speaker Major Proposal 1153
LB95 Campbell MO27 Bracket until January 4, 2012 filed 1154
LB95 Campbell MO27 pending 1154
LB190 Council AM680 filed 1154
LB357 Mello AM1176 filed 1154
LB357 Mello AM1176 pending 1154
LB600A Placed on Select File 1154
LB357 Mello AM1176 withdrawn 1155
LB357 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1155
LR162 Date of introduction 1156
LR162 Laid over 1156
LB216 Placed on General File with AM878 1157
LB216 Transportation and Telecommunications AM878 filed 1157
LB353 Placed on General File 1157
LB70 Enrollment and Review ER70 adopted 1161
LB70 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1161
LB286 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1161
LB477 Enrollment and Review ER71 adopted 1161
LB477 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1161
LB499 Enrollment and Review ER74 adopted 1161
LB499 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1161
LB112 Enrollment and Review ER72 adopted 1162
LB112 Lautenbaugh AM908 withdrawn 1162
LB112 Coash AM1141 adopted 1162
LB112 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1162
LB305 Enrollment and Review ER75 adopted 1162
LB305 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1162
LB385 Mello AM865 withdrawn 1162
LB385 Mello AM1184 filed 1162
LB385 Mello AM1184 adopted 1162
LB407 Enrollment and Review ER61 adopted 1162
LB407 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1162
LB35 Lautenbaugh AM1154 filed 1165
LB35 Lautenbaugh AM1154 adopted 1165
LB385 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1165
LB35 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1166
LB204 Enrollment and Review ER64 adopted 1167
LB204 Karpisek AM1071 withdrawn 1167
LB204 Council AM1177 filed 1167
LB204 Council AM1177 adopted 1167
LB204 Council FA16 filed 1171
LB204 Council FA16 adopted 1171
LB204 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1171
LB204A Enrollment and Review ER63 adopted 1171
LB204A Council AM1053 filed 1171
LB204A Council AM1053 adopted 1171
LB204A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1171
LB156 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1172
LB431 Hadley AM1169 filed 1172
LB431 Hadley AM1169 adopted 1172
LB431 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1172
LB512 Enrollment and Review ER68 adopted 1172
LB512 Lautenbaugh AM1179 filed 1172
LB512 Lautenbaugh AM1179 withdrawn 1172
LB558 Enrollment and Review ER65 adopted 1172
LB558 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1172
LB512 Christensen AM1186 filed 1174
LB512 Christensen AM1186 adopted 1174
LB337 Enrollment and Review ER66 adopted 1176
LB337 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1176
LB512 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1176
LB628 Enrollment and Review ER67 adopted 1176
LB628 Bloomfield AM1049 adopted 1176
LB628 Bloomfield AM1048 lost 1177
LB279 Karpisek AM1173 filed 1178
LB463 Flood AM1174 filed 1178
LB606 Krist AM1032 filed 1178
LB628 Krist AM1073 filed 1178
LB648 Christensen AM1164 filed 1178
LB648 Christensen AM1165 filed 1179
LB648 Christensen AM1166 filed 1179
LB684 Schilz AM1190 filed 1179
LB229 Langemeier AM1188 filed 1180