Journal Summary for March 15th, 2011

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB239 Placed on General File with AM727 865
LB239 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM727 filed 865
LR118 Date of introduction 865
LR118 Laid over 865
LB333 Approved by Governor on March 15, 2011 866
LB546 Krist AM748 filed 866
LB544 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 867
LR119 Date of introduction 867
LR119 Laid over 867
LR120 Date of introduction 867
LR120 Laid over 867
LB100 Judiciary AM165 adopted 868
LB100 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 868
LB230 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM365 adopted 868
LB230 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 868
LB389A Placed on Select File 868
LB524 Placed on Select File with ER53 868
LB524 Enrollment and Review ER53 filed 868
LB41 Coash AM737 filed 871
LB297 Placed on Select File with ER54 871
LB297 Enrollment and Review ER54 filed 871
LR121 Date of introduction 872
LR121 Laid over 872
LB387 Hadley AM636 pending 873
LB387 Harr AM804 filed 873
LB387 Harr AM804 pending 873
LR121 Speaker's announcement 873
LB54 Placed on General File 874
LB473 Placed on General File with AM782 874
LB473 Agriculture AM782 filed 874
LR101 Adopted 874
LR101 President/Speaker signed 874
LR103 Adopted 874
LR103 President/Speaker signed 874
LR104 Adopted 874
LR104 President/Speaker signed 874
LR121 Referred to Education Committee 875
LR122 Date of introduction 875
LR122 Laid over 875
LR123 Date of introduction 876
LR123 Laid over 876
LR123 Speaker's announcement 876
LB329 Hadley AM781 filed 877
LB95 Janssen AM753 filed 879
LB100 Pirsch name added 880
LB315 Langemeier name added 880
LB329 Mello name added 880
LB387 Utter AM805 filed 880