Journal Summary for May 8th, 2009

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB263 Placed on Select File with ER8123 1387
LB263 Enrollment and Review ER8123 filed 1387
LB626 Placed on Select File with ER8124 1387
LB626 Enrollment and Review ER8124 filed 1387
LB392 Placed on Select File with ER8125 1388
LB392 Enrollment and Review ER8125 filed 1388
LB561 Placed on Select File with ER8126 1388
LB561 Enrollment and Review ER8126 filed 1388
LB545A Placed on Select File with ER8127 1390
LB545A Enrollment and Review ER8127 filed 1390
LB60 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB94 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB129 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB208 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB209 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB278 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB389 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB422 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB445 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB447 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB488 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB498 Placed on Final Reading with ST9035 1391
LB501 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB531 Placed on Final Reading 1391
LB97A Enrollment and Review ER8119 adopted 1392
LB97A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1392
LB188 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1392
LB188 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1392
LB246A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1392
LB342A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1392
LB671A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1392
LB9 Enrollment and Review ER8099 adopted 1393
LB187 Enrollment and Review ER8109 adopted 1393
LB187 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1393
LB188 President/Speaker signed 1393
LB9 Pahls MO49 withdrawn 1394
LB9 Adams AM1217 adopted 1394
LB9 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1394
LB494 Wightman AM1244 adopted 1394
LB63 Howard AM1360 filed 1395
LB188 Presented to Governor on May 08, 2009 1395
LB494 Cornett AM1203 reoffered 1395
LB494 Cornett AM1203 adopted 1395
LB494 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1395
LR112 Date of introduction 1395
LR112 Referred to Executive Board 1395
LB160 Gay AM1361 filed 1397
LB633 Mello AM1331 filed 1397
LB181 Placed on General File with AM1282 1398
LB181 Transportation and Telecommunications AM1282 filed 1398
LB542 Campbell AM1224 pending 1398
LB224 Carlson AM1365 filed 1400
LB94 Pirsch name added 1401
LB218 Giese AM802 lost 1401
LB218 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1401
LB218A Cornett AM1033 adopted 1401
LB218A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1401
LB241 Dierks AM1362 filed 1401
LB447 Pirsch name added 1401