Journal Summary for May 7th, 2009

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB137 Placed on Final Reading 1349
LB152 Placed on Final Reading 1349
LB299 Placed on Final Reading 1349
LB302 Placed on Final Reading 1349
LB343 Placed on Final Reading 1349
LB432 Placed on Final Reading 1349
LB158 Passed on Final Reading 46-1-2 1350
LB545A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1350
LB54 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1351
LB54 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1351
LB98 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 45-0-4 1351
LB98A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-0-3 1352
LB322 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1353
LB56 Passed on Final Reading 43-3-3 1354
LB162 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1355
LB162 Passed on Final Reading 45-2-2 1355
LB436 Passed on Final Reading 46-0-3 1356
LB549 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1356
LB549 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1357
LB551 Passed on Final Reading 45-0-4 1358
LB92 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1359
LB286 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-0-3 1359
LB495 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1360
LB495 Passed on Final Reading 46-1-2 1360
LB497 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1361
LB497 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1361
LB497A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-0-3 1362
LB653 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 46-0-3 1363
LB54 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB56 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB92 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB98 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB98A President/Speaker signed 1364
LB158 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB162 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB286 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB322 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB402 Avery MO48 Permit consideration of AM1314 filed 1364
LB402 Avery MO48 prevailed 1364
LB402 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1364
LB402 Avery AM1314 adopted 1364
LB402 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1364
LB436 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB463 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1364
LB463 Dierks AM1100 adopted 1364
LB463 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1364
LB495 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB497 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB497A President/Speaker signed 1364
LB549 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB551 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB653 President/Speaker signed 1364
LB195 Enrollment and Review ER8096 adopted 1365
LB195 Gloor AM1221 adopted 1365
LB532 Friend MO28 withdrawn 1365
LB532 Friend AM899 withdrawn 1365
LB532 Price AM1321 adopted 1365
LB532 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1365
LR110 Date of introduction 1365
LR110 Laid over 1365
LB195 Cook AM930 withdrawn 1366
LB195 Cook AM1333 filed 1366
LB195 Cook AM1333 adopted 1366
LB195 Rogert AM1263 withdrawn 1369
LB195 Dubas AM1346 filed 1369
LB195 Dubas AM1346 withdrawn 1369
LB195 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1369
LB232 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1369
LB342 Enrollment and Review ER8104 adopted 1369
LB342 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1369
LB476 Enrollment and Review ER8098 adopted 1369
LB476 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1369
LB476A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1369
LB671 Enrollment and Review ER8097 adopted 1369
LB671 Pirsch AM1336 adopted 1369
LB671 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1369
LB54 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB56 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB63 Ashford AM1337 filed 1370
LB92 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB98 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB98A Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB112 Enrollment and Review ER8117 adopted 1370
LB112 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1370
LB158 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB162 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB286 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB322 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB436 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB495 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB497 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB497A Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB549 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB551 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB653 Presented to Governor on May 07, 2009 1370
LB35 Ashford AM1095 filed 1372
LB35 Ashford AM1287 filed 1372
LB35A Ashford AM1101 filed 1373
LB440 Council AM1233 filed 1373
LB311 Enrollment and Review ER8113 adopted 1378
LB311 Heidemann AM1294 adopted 1378
LB311 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1378
LB312 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1378
LB313 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1378
LB314 Enrollment and Review ER8112 adopted 1378
LB314 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1378
LB315 Enrollment and Review ER8122 adopted 1378
LB315 Giese AM1267 withdrawn 1378
LB315 Heidemann AM1290 adopted 1378
LB315 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1378
LB316 Enrollment and Review ER8115 adopted 1378
LB316 Heidemann AM1289 adopted 1378
LB316 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1378
LB318 Enrollment and Review ER8116 adopted 1378
LB318 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1378
LB27 Placed on Final Reading 1379
LB27A Placed on Final Reading 1379
LB84 Placed on Final Reading with ST9033 1379
LB414 Enrollment and Review ER8114 adopted 1379
LB414 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1379
LB414A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1379
LB456 Enrollment and Review ER8121 adopted 1379
LB456 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1379
LB503 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM1080 adopted 1379
LB503 Council AM1260 lost 1379
LB503 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1379
LB628 Enrollment and Review ER8120 adopted 1379
LB628 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1379
LB629 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1379
LB113 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB131 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB133 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB163 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB175 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB224 Carlson AM1295 filed 1380
LB274 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB339 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB348 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB358 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM783 adopted 1380
LB358 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1380
LB394 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB412 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB434 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB450 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB476A Stuthman FA36 filed 1380
LB528 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB540 Placed on Final Reading 1380
LB155 Judiciary AM1271 adopted 1381
LB155 Pirsch AM1350 filed 1381
LB155 Pirsch AM1350 adopted 1381
LB155 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1382
LB218 Revenue AM712 adopted 1382
LB9 Pahls MO49 Bracket until June 4, 2009 filed 1384
LB160 Lautenbaugh FA35 filed 1384
LB545 Adams AM1327 filed 1384
LB545 Adams AM1357 filed 1384
LB545 Louden AM1347 filed 1385
LB568 Dubas AM1302 filed 1385
LR111 Date of introduction 1385
LB218 Giese AM802 pending 1386
LR111 Laid over 1386