Journal Summary for April 29th, 2009

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB246A Placed on General File 1239
LB246A Date of introduction 1239
LB307 Council MO39 Indefinitely postpone filed 1239
LB307 Council MO39 pending 1239
LB307 Laid over 1239
LB342 Health and Human Services AM741 adopted 1239
LB136 Avery MO42 Indefinitely postpone filed 1240
LB136A Avery MO43 Indefinitely postpone filed 1240
LB342 Campbell AM1225 adopted 1240
LB342 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1240
LB346 Gay MO40 Indefinitely postpone filed 1240
LB346A Gay MO41 Indefinitely postpone filed 1240
LB356 Dubas MO44 Indefinitely postpone filed 1240
LB568 Natural Resources AM732 adopted 1240
LB568 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1240
LB356A Dubas MO45 Indefinitely postpone filed 1241
LB545 Adams AM1232 filed 1241
LB601 Nordquist MO46 Indefinitely postpone filed 1241
LB601A Nordquist MO47 Indefinitely postpone filed 1241
LR102 Date of introduction 1244
LB630 Business and Labor AM874 adopted 1245
LB630 Schilz FA27 adopted 1245
LR102 Referred to Executive Board 1245
LB224 Agriculture AM949 pending 1246
LB542 Campbell AM1224 filed 1246
LB630 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1246
LB679 Council AM1245 filed 1247
LR103 Date of introduction 1249
LB237 Enrollment and Review ER8091 adopted 1250
LB237 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1250
LB237A Lathrop AM1246 filed 1250
LB237A Lathrop AM1246 adopted 1250
LR103 Referred to Executive Board 1250
LR104 Date of introduction 1250
LR104 Referred to Executive Board 1250
LB92 Enrollment and Review ER8092 adopted 1251
LB92 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1251
LB97 Enrollment and Review ER8094 adopted 1251
LB97 Stuthman AM1234 adopted 1251
LB97 Flood AM1259 filed 1251
LB97 Flood AM1259 adopted 1251
LB97 Lautenbaugh AM1255 filed 1251
LB97 Lautenbaugh AM1255 adopted 1251
LB237A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1251
LB97 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1252
LB311 Placed on General File with AM886 1252
LB311 Appropriations AM886 filed 1252
LB312 Placed on General File 1252
LB313 Placed on General File with AM887 1252
LB313 Appropriations AM887 filed 1252
LB314 Placed on General File with AM888 1252
LB314 Appropriations AM888 filed 1252
LB315 Placed on General File with AM889 1252
LB315 Appropriations AM889 filed 1252
LB316 Placed on General File with AM890 1252
LB316 Appropriations AM890 filed 1252
LB188 Enrollment and Review ER8063 adopted 1253
LB188 Pankonin AM1063 adopted 1253
LB286 Enrollment and Review ER8059 adopted 1253
LB286 Karpisek AM1029 adopted 1253
LB286 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1253
LB318 Placed on General File 1253
LB402 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1253
LB456 Placed on General File with AM1214 1253
LB456 Appropriations AM1214 filed 1253
LB188 Pankonin AM1153 adopted 1254
LB188 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1254
LB495 Enrollment and Review ER8066 adopted 1254
LB495 Friend AM1025 withdrawn 1254
LB495 Friend AM1211 adopted 1254
LB495 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1254
LB497 Enrollment and Review ER8064 adopted 1254
LB497 Fischer AM1155 withdrawn 1254
LB497 Fischer AM1182 adopted 1254
LB497 Janssen AM1174 withdrawn 1254
LB497 Janssen AM1240 filed 1254
LB497 Janssen AM1240 adopted 1254
LB653 Enrollment and Review ER8095 adopted 1254
LB653 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1254
LB497 Fulton AM1062 lost 1257
LB497 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1258
LB497A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1258
LR105 Date of introduction 1258
LB224 Agriculture AM949 adopted 1259
LB342A Date of introduction 1259
LB342A Placed on General File 1259
LR105 Laid over 1259
LB9 Placed on Select File with ER8099 1260
LB9 Enrollment and Review ER8099 filed 1260
LB224 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1260
LB232 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1260
LB285 Placed on Select File with ER8103 1260
LB285 Enrollment and Review ER8103 filed 1260
LB494 Placed on Select File 1260
LB633 Placed on Select File with ER8102 1260
LB633 Enrollment and Review ER8102 filed 1260
LB160 Placed on Select File with ER8101 1263
LB160 Enrollment and Review ER8101 filed 1263
LB626 Karpisek AM1256 filed 1266