Journal Summary for April 17th, 2009

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB476A Placed on General File 1095
LB476A Date of introduction 1095
LB27A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1096
LB111 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1096
LB463A Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 1096
LB497A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1096
LB121 Passed on Final Reading 42-6-1 1097
LB121 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1097
LB121A Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1098
LB164 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1099
LB164 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1099
LB202 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1100
LB202 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1100
LB202A Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1101
LB206 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 47-0-2 1102
LB292 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1102
LB292 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1102
LB292A Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1103
LB300 Passed on Final Reading 47-0-2 1104
LB328 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1105
LB328 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1105
LB328A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 48-0-1 1106
LB340 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1106
LB355 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1107
LB355 Failed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 28-21-0 1107
LB355 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause Stricken 27-22-0 1108
LB361 Passed on Final Reading 48-0-1 1108
LB396 Passed on Final Reading 48-1-0 1109
LB449 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1110
LB458 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1110
LB111 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB121 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB121A President/Speaker signed 1111
LB164 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB202 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB202A President/Speaker signed 1111
LB206 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB292 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB292A President/Speaker signed 1111
LB300 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB328 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB328A President/Speaker signed 1111
LB340 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB361 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB396 President/Speaker signed 1111
LB477 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1111
LB477 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1111
LB511 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1112
LB517 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1113
LB547 Dispensing of reading at large approved 1113
LB547 Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1113
LB547A Passed on Final Reading with Emergency Clause 49-0-0 1114
LB620 Passed on Final Reading 49-0-0 1115
LB54 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1116
LB54 Langemeier AM1099 filed 1116
LB158 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 1116
LB158 Flood AM1006 adopted 1116
LB158 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1116
LB449 President/Speaker signed 1116
LB458 President/Speaker signed 1116
LB477 President/Speaker signed 1116
LB511 President/Speaker signed 1116
LB517 President/Speaker signed 1116
LB547 President/Speaker signed 1116
LB547A President/Speaker signed 1116
LB620 President/Speaker signed 1116
LB54 Langemeier AM1099 adopted 1119
LB54 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Reengrossment 1119
LB97 Flood AM1094 filed 1120
LB355 Correctly Enrolled 1125
LB355 President/Speaker signed 1125
LB385 Pahls MO32 failed 1125
LB113 Placed on Select File with ER8071 1126
LB113 Enrollment and Review ER8071 filed 1126
LB131 Placed on Select File with ER8075 1126
LB131 Enrollment and Review ER8075 filed 1126
LB133 Placed on Select File 1126
LB163 Placed on Select File 1126
LB348 Placed on Select File with ER8072 1126
LB348 Enrollment and Review ER8072 filed 1126
LB434 Placed on Select File 1126
LB27 Placed on Select File with ER8074 1127
LB27 Enrollment and Review ER8074 filed 1127
LB94 Placed on Select File with ER8076 1127
LB94 Enrollment and Review ER8076 filed 1127
LB111 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB121 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB121A Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB129 Placed on Select File 1127
LB164 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB175 Placed on Select File 1127
LB202 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB202A Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB206 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB208 Placed on Select File 1127
LB274 Placed on Select File 1127
LB292 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB292A Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB300 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB328 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB328A Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB339 Placed on Select File 1127
LB340 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB355 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB361 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB396 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB412 Placed on Select File 1127
LB449 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB450 Placed on Select File 1127
LB458 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB477 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB511 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB517 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB528 Placed on Select File with ER8073 1127
LB528 Enrollment and Review ER8073 filed 1127
LB540 Placed on Select File 1127
LB547 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB547A Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB620 Presented to Governor on April 17, 2009 1127
LB35A Ashford AM1087 filed 1128
LB129 Dubas AM1102 filed 1128
LB237 Judiciary AM870 adopted 1128
LB237 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1128
LB92 Transportation and Telecommunications AM305 adopted 1129
LB92 Howard AM328 adopted 1129
LB92 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1129
LB237A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 1129