Journal Summary for March 5th, 2009

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB273 Placed on General File with AM550 657
LB273 Government, Military and Veterans Affairs AM550 filed 657
LR44 Date of introduction 659
LB121 Wightman priority bill 660
LB184 Louden AM543 filed 660
LR44 Laid over 660
LB483 Natural Resources AM502 adopted 661
LR7 Fulton MO20 prevailed 661
LR7 Resolution withdrawn 661
LR35 Adopted 661
LR35 President/Speaker signed 661
LR36 Adopted 661
LR36 President/Speaker signed 661
LB60 Placed on General File 662
LB82 Notice of hearing for March 12, 2009 662
LB111 Placed on General File 662
LB222 Indefinitely postponed 662
LB225 Indefinitely postponed 662
LB260 Placed on Select File with ER8026 662
LB260 Enrollment and Review ER8026 filed 662
LB265 Notice of hearing for March 12, 2009 662
LB278 Placed on General File 662
LB284 Notice of hearing for March 12, 2009 662
LB323 Indefinitely postponed 662
LB329 Indefinitely postponed 662
LB398 Indefinitely postponed 662
LB483 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 662
LB497 Transportation and Telecommunications priority bill 662
LB560 Indefinitely postponed 662
LB642 Indefinitely postponed 662
LB346 Health and Human Services AM546 adopted 667
LB98 Carlson priority bill 668
LB286 Placed on General File 668
LB415 Indefinitely postponed 668
LB420 Hadley priority bill 668
LB447 Placed on General File 668
LB531 Placed on General File 668
LB547A Date of introduction 668
LB547A Placed on General File 668
LB136 Haar name added 669
LB153 Coash name added 669
LB346 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 669
LB346 Haar name added 669
LB356 Haar name added 669