Journal Summary for February 26th, 2009

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB260 Rogert priority bill 567
LR37 Date of introduction 567
LR37 Laid over 568
LR38 Date of introduction 568
LR38 Laid over 568
LB168 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB177 Banking, Commerce and Insurance AM123 adopted 569
LB177 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB207 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB219 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB219A Flood AM369 adopted 569
LB377 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 569
LB680 Date of introduction 569
LB110 Transportation and Telecommunications AM181 pending 570
LB219A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 570
LB267 Notice of hearing for March 09, 2009 570
LB406 Notice of hearing for March 05, 2009 570
LB457 Notice of hearing for March 05, 2009 570
LB481 Notice of hearing for March 05, 2009 570
LB557 Notice of hearing for March 09, 2009 570
LB594 Notice of hearing for March 05, 2009 570
LB675 Notice of hearing for March 05, 2009 570
LB676 Notice of hearing for March 05, 2009 570
LR26 Notice of hearing for March 05, 2009 570
LB260 Placed on General File with AM456 571
LB260 Judiciary AM456 filed 571
LB110 Nordquist AM276 filed 575
LB110 Nordquist AM276 lost 575
LB110 Transportation and Telecommunications AM181 adopted 576
LB110 Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 576
LB110A Advanced to Enrollment and Review Initial 576
LB261 Transportation and Telecommunications AM182 pending 576
LB261 Fischer AM323 filed 576
LB261 Fischer AM323 pending 576
LB167 Avery AM489 filed 577
LB172 Placed on General File with AM333 577
LB172 Health and Human Services AM333 filed 577
LB184 Langemeier MO18 Recommit to Natural Resources Committee filed 577
LB432 Nelson AM501 filed 577
LB458 Placed on General File 577
LB668 Gay MO17 Withdraw bill filed 577
LB153 Hansen name added 578
LB184 Fischer name withdrawn 578
LB356 McGill name added 578
LB507 McCoy name added 578
LB680 Referred to Appropriations Committee 578