Journal Summary for February 13th, 2008

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB39 Returned by Governor without approval on February 12, 2008 583
LB744 Placed on Select File 584
LB747 Placed on Select File 584
LB750 Placed on Select File 584
LB752 Placed on Select File with ER8162 584
LB752 Enrollment and Review ER8162 filed 584
LB823 Enrollment and Review ER8154 adopted 584
LB823 Schimek AM1735 withdrawn 584
LB823 Schimek AM1786 adopted 584
LB823 Advanced to Enrollment and Review for Engrossment 584
LB856 Placed on Select File 584
LB857 Placed on Select File 584
LB915 Placed on Select File with ER8163 584
LB915 Enrollment and Review ER8163 filed 584
LB1063 Chambers priority bill 584
LB395 Johnson MO00098 withdrawn 585
LB395 Preister AM893 withdrawn 585
LB395 Johnson AM939 withdrawn 585
LB395 Mines AM1087 withdrawn 585
LB395 Johnson AM1530 withdrawn 585
LB395 Returned to Select File for specific amendment 585
LB395 Johnson AM1736 pending 585
LB723 Placed on General File with AM1668 586
LB723 General Affairs AM1668 filed 586
LB821 Placed on General File with AM1868 586
LB821 Business and Labor AM1868 filed 586
LB1058 Placed on General File with AM1866 586
LB1058 General Affairs AM1866 filed 586
LB1089 Indefinitely postponed 586
LB39 Schimek MO128 Becomes law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor filed 589
LB782 Chambers AM1878 filed 589
LB1058 General Affairs priority bill 589
LB1163 Notice of hearing February 27, 2008 (reschedule) 589
LB1163 Notice of hearing February 20, 2008 (cancel) 589
LB1092 Pedersen name added 591
LB1092 Schimek name added 591