Journal Summary for January 11th, 2008

Document Number Description Journal Page
LB706 Placed on General File 149
LB707 Placed on General File 149
LB708 Referred to Revenue Committee 149
LB709 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 149
LB710 Referred to Revenue Committee 149
LB711 Referred to Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee 149
LB712 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 149
LB713 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 149
LB714 Referred to Revenue Committee 149
LB715 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 149
LB716 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 149
LB717 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 149
LB718 Referred to Revenue Committee 149
LB719 Referred to Education Committee 149
LB720 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 149
LB721 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 149
LB722 Referred to Revenue Committee 149
LB723 Referred to General Affairs Committee 149
LB724 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 149
LB725 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 150
LB726 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 150
LB727 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 150
LB728 Referred to General Affairs Committee 150
LB729 Referred to Agriculture Committee 150
LB730 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 150
LB731 Referred to Education Committee 150
LB732 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB733 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB734 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 150
LB735 Referred to Judiciary Committee 150
LB736 Referred to Judiciary Committee 150
LB737 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB738 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 150
LB739 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB740 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 150
LB741 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 150
LB742 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 150
LB743 Referred to Natural Resources Committee 150
LB744 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB745 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB746 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB747 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB748 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB749 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 150
LB750 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB751 Referred to Agriculture Committee 150
LB752 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB753 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 150
LB754 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB755 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 150
LB756 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 150
LB757 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB758 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB759 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 150
LB760 Referred to General Affairs Committee 150
LB761 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB762 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB763 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB764 Referred to Judiciary Committee 150
LB765 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 150
LB766 Referred to Judiciary Committee 150
LB767 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 150
LB768 Referred to Urban Affairs Committee 150
LB769 Referred to Judiciary Committee 150
LB770 Referred to Revenue Committee 150
LB771 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 150
LB772 Referred to Judiciary Committee 150
LB773 Referred to Judiciary Committee 150
LB774 Referred to Judiciary Committee 151
LB775 Referred to Judiciary Committee 151
LB776 Referred to Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee 151
LB777 Referred to Revenue Committee 151
LB778 Referred to Revenue Committee 151
LB779 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 151
LB780 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 151
LB781 Referred to Judiciary Committee 151
LB782 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 151
LB783 Referred to Revenue Committee 151
LB784 Referred to Revenue Committee 151
LB785 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 151
LB786 Referred to Transportation and Telecommunications Committee 151
LB787 Referred to Judiciary Committee 151
LB788 Referred to Agriculture Committee 151
LB789 Referred to Agriculture Committee 151
LB790 Referred to Agriculture Committee 151
LB791 Referred to Agriculture Committee 151
LB792 Referred to Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee 151
LB793 Referred to Health and Human Services Committee 151
LB794 Referred to Judiciary Committee 151
LB795 Referred to Appropriations Committee 151
LR220CA Referred to Revenue Committee 151
LB269 Burling priority bill 154
LB851 Date of introduction 155
LB852 Date of introduction 155
LB853 Date of introduction 155
LB854 Date of introduction 156
LB855 Date of introduction 156
LB856 Date of introduction 156
LB857 Date of introduction 156
LB858 Date of introduction 156
LB859 Date of introduction 156
LB860 Date of introduction 157
LB861 Date of introduction 157
LB862 Date of introduction 157
LB863 Date of introduction 157
LB864 Date of introduction 157
LB865 Date of introduction 159
LB866 Date of introduction 159
LB867 Date of introduction 159
LB868 Date of introduction 159
LB869 Date of introduction 159
LB870 Date of introduction 160
LB871 Date of introduction 160
LB872 Date of introduction 160
LB873 Date of introduction 160
LB874 Date of introduction 160
LB875 Date of introduction 160
LB876 Date of introduction 160
LB877 Date of introduction 161
LB878 Date of introduction 161
LB879 Date of introduction 161
LB880 Date of introduction 161
LB881 Date of introduction 161
LB882 Date of introduction 162
LB883 Date of introduction 162
LB884 Date of introduction 162
LB885 Date of introduction 162
LB886 Date of introduction 162
LB887 Date of introduction 162
LB888 Date of introduction 162
LB889 Date of introduction 162
LB890 Date of introduction 163
LB891 Date of introduction 163
LB892 Date of introduction 163
LB893 Date of introduction 163
LB894 Date of introduction 163
LB895 Date of introduction 164
LB896 Date of introduction 164
LB897 Date of introduction 164
LB898 Date of introduction 164
LB899 Date of introduction 164
LB900 Date of introduction 165
LR223 Date of introduction 165
LR223 Referred to Reference Committee 166
LR224 Date of introduction 166
LR224 Referred to Reference Committee 167
LR225CA Date of introduction 167
LR225CA Referred to Reference Committee 167
LB395 Johnson AM1530 filed 168
LB480 Johnson AM1534 filed 168
LB740 Fulton MO104 Withdraw LB740 filed 168
LB157 Stuthman AM1539 filed 170
LB501 Rogert name added 172
LB718 Johnson name added 172
LB718 McDonald name added 172
LB738 Pankonin name added 172
LB765 Stuthman name added 172
LR5CA Friend AM1536 filed 172