Journal Summary for April 16th, 2007

Document Number Description Journal Page
LR76 Preister, 5 name added 0
LR76 Date of introduction 0
LR77 Preister, 5 name added 0
LR77 Date of introduction 0
LR78 Preister, 5 name added 0
LR78 Date of introduction 0
LR79 Preister, 5 name added 0
LR79 Date of introduction 0
LR80 Preister, 5 name added 0
LR80 Date of introduction 0
LB73 Heidemann FA00072 Adopted 1181
LB701 Placed on Select File 1181
LB701A Placed on Select File 1181
LB73 Raikes AM1001 Adopted 1182
LB73 Advanced to E and R Initial 1182
LB73A FA00073 Adopted 1182
LB73A Advanced to E and R Initial 1183
LB551 Com AM662 Divided 1183
LB368 Placed on Select File 1184
LB551 Com AM1022 Adopted 1184
LB551 Com AM1023 Adopted 1184
LB623 Placed on General File 1187