Introduced Legislation for January 11th, 2024

108th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 7

Document Primary Introducer Description
LB1134 von Gillern Change provisions relating to the accrual of interest on taxes due after an order by the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
LB1135 Dover Prohibit use of right-to-list home sale agreements and change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB1136 Dover Change provisions of the Nebraska Real Estate License Act
LB1137 McKinney Change the tax rate for public safety purposes in municipalities
LB1138 Riepe Provide an exemption from requirements for prescribers issuing prescriptions for controlled substances
LB1139 Cavanaugh, M. Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
LB1140 Erdman Prohibit geologic transport or storage of carbon dioxide and eliminate the Nebraska Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide Act
LB1141 McKinney Change provisions of the Student Discipline Act
LB1142 Wayne Require and restrict certain actions of any animal control facility, animal rescue, animal shelter, or rabies control authority
LB1143 Health and Human Services Committee Eliminate provisions relating to certain health districts
LB1144 Ballard Change provisions relating to care management units for long-term care
LB1145 Bosn Transfer the Division of Parole Supervision to the Department of Correctional Services and change provisions relating to the release of certain prisoners
LB1146 Murman Provide an additional exception to the prohibition on suspending a student in pre-kindergarten through second grade
LB1147 Bostar Provide requirements for separate investment accounts holding assets of index-linked variable annuity contracts
LB1148 Hansen Change requirements relating to insurance coverage of step therapy for certain drugs
LB1149 Day Provide an exemption from the motor vehicle tax for motor vehicles with Gold Star Family plates
LB1150 Brandt Change the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
LB1151 Dover Define the term occupy for purposes of homestead exemptions
LB1152 Brewer Change provisions relating to elections, motor vehicle operators' licenses, and state identification cards
LB1153 Arch Eliminate provisions relating to the Nebraska Sesquicentennial Commission that has terminated
LB1154 McDonnell Appropriate funds to the Department of Health and Human Services
LB1155 McDonnell Appropriate federal funds to the Department of Health and Human Services and state intent relating to appropriations
LB1156 Holdcroft Require registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act for certain solicitation and trafficking offenses
LB1157 McKinney Require hearings regarding juveniles in detention in certain counties and require payment of certain costs by the Office of Probation Administration
LB1158 Bostar Adopt the Medical Debt Relief Act and provide certain income tax consequences
LB1159 Ibach Provide additional offenses for which notification to crime victims is required as prescribed
LB1160 Walz Change provisions relating to the Attracting Excellence to Teaching Program and the Excellence in Teaching Cash Fund
LB1161 Dungan Adopt the Consumer and Employment Arbitration Data Reporting Act
LB1162 Lowe Change provisions relating to fees and mileage for sheriffs and constables
LB1163 Lowe Authorize the operation of all-terrain vehicles and utility-type vehicles between the hours of sunset and sunrise if used for snow removal as prescribed
LB1164 Lowe Change provisions relating to the State Racing and Gaming Commission
LB1165 Lowe Provide requirements for zoning regulations and duplex housing
LB1166 Lowe Provide requirements for zoning regulations and accessory dwelling units
LB1167 DeBoer Change provisions relating to individuals arrested without a warrant
LB1168 DeBoer Adopt the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act
LB1169 Erdman Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to the Nebraska State Historical Society
LB1170 Riepe Change provisions of the Employment Security Law relating to benefit amounts and periods of disqualification for benefits
LB1171 Hardin Change verification requirements for pharmacy technicians
LB1172 von Gillern Change provisions relating to access to health data in certain registries and databases for research purposes
LB1173 Riepe Provide for use of abstracts of death and change a requirement relating to death certificates
LB1174 Hansen Change provisions relating to section lines and vacation or abandonment of public roads
LR278CA Murman Constitutional amendment to change the membership of the State Board of Education