Introduced Legislation for January 16th, 2014

103rd Legislature, 2nd Regular Session - Day 7

Document Primary Introducer Description
LB933 McGill Change provisions and define and redefine terms relating to labor trafficking and sex trafficking
LB934 McGill Establish the position of Coordinator of Human Trafficking Prevention and provide duties
LB935 Gloor Require legislative approval to move state services
LB936 Bolz Create and provide duties for the State Ward Permanency Pilot Project
LB937 Karpisek Change quorum requirements for county boards of supervisors
LB938 Janssen Provide an income tax credit to individuals who pay a federal health insurance penalty
LB939 Wallman Create the offense of false presentation of proof of financial responsibility under the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act
LB940 Schilz Create the Water Sustainability Fund and transfer cash reserve funds
LB941 Schilz Provide for a dairy growth study
LB942 Schilz Change provisions relating to packers under the Competitive Livestock Markets Act
LB943 Nordquist Change the minimum wage rate
LB944 Bolz State intent relating to funding for early childhood services
LB945 Davis Provide procedures for aid to political subdivisions from the Governor's Emergency Program
LB946 Murante Change provisions relating to bond elections, county surveyor elections, school board elections, administration and conduct of elections, vacancies, presidential electors, and threshold amounts under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
LB947 Lathrop Change the minimum wage for persons compensated by way of gratuities
LB948 Karpisek Change catering license fees under the Nebraska Liquor Control Act
LB949 Business and Labor Committee Approve claims against the state
LB950 Business and Labor Committee Deny claims against the state
LB951 Lautenbaugh Change lump-sum settlement provisions under the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Act
LB952 Lautenbaugh Adopt the Working to Improve Nebraska Schools Act
LB953 Howard Adopt the Health Information Initiative Act and provide funding
LB954 Dubas Change rotating or flashing light provisions for certain vehicles
LB955 Dubas Adopt the Paid Family Medical Leave Act
LB956 Conrad Increase the earned income tax credit
LB957 Christensen Require certain oil and gas exploration findings to be a public record
LB958 Cook Provide for appointment of a student achievement coordinator
LB959 Carlson Provide a permit application exemption for certain water storage reservoirs
LB960 Carlson Change inheritance tax rates
LB961 Cook Provide for a fire fighting compact, change workers' compensation provisions and require coverage for volunteer firefighters, change provisions of the Nebraska Hospital-Medical Liability Act, the Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act, and the Employment Security Law
LB962 Brasch Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of attachment, execution, or sale
LB963 Brasch Change provisions relating to personal property exemptions in cases of forced sale on execution
LB964 Brasch Extend a homestead exemption for claimants under sixty-five years of age and not married
LB965 Haar Change public policy provisions and findings required by the Nebraska Power Review Board relating to the provision of electric service
LB966 Davis Change provisions relating to the averaging adjustment in the state aid to schools formula
LB967 Education Committee Change provisions relating to accountant licensing examination accreditation, education funding, compensation of members of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, education regulation, teaching, early childhood education programs, distance education programs, and postsecondary institutions
LB968 Scheer Provide additional powers for certain sanitary and improvement districts
LB969 Sullivan Change a limitation on appropriations for special education programs and support services
LB970 Lautenbaugh Provide that certain votes of public officials are public record
LB971 Kolowski Change and eliminate provisions relating to stacking of insurance coverage
LR408 Schilz Congratulate Melvin Meierhenry on his 83rd birthday
LR409 Carlson Recognize August 26, 2014, as Lineworker Appreciation Day in Nebraska
LR410 Carlson Extend sympathy to the family of Ron Bishop
LR411CA Karpisek Authorize municipalities and counties to exercise powers in matters of local concern and to eliminate home rule charters
LR412 Hansen Recognize November 2014 as Nebraska Caregivers Month