Document |
Primary Introducer |
Description |
LR230 |
Gloor |
Recognize Ron Bishop for his many achievements in conservation and congratulate him on his retirement |
LR231 |
Gloor |
Recognize Milt Moravek for his many achievements in conservation and congratulate him on his retirement |
LR232 |
Gloor |
Interim study to examine the process of applying for and attaining health care professional licensing when the applicant has a license, education, or credentialing from states and schools outside of Nebraska |
LR233 |
Harms |
Interim study to review federal and state laws on the practice of businesses such as gas stations, hotels, or other businesses, placing holds on credit cards for more than the amount of the purchase |
LR234 |
Harms |
Interim study to examine ways to assist in the development of budget, revenue, and fiscal note projections through comprehensive and targeted economic or demographic evaluations that are conducted in order to enhance policy decision making to ensure a balanced state budget |
LR235 |
Harms |
Interim study to examine the adoption process under the current safe haven law |
LR236 |
Harms |
Interim study to explore methods by which to prevent increases in motor vehicle injuries and fatalities as a result of the increase in the the aging population forecasts |
LR237 |
Campbell |
Interim study to assess the extent to which Nebraska has implemented key provisions of the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 |
LR238 |
Dubas |
Interim study to examine the Access Nebraska system, as well as the separation of the economic assistance programs from the medicaid program |
LR239 |
Howard |
Interim study to examine the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) |
LR240 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine the need for amending the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act relating to payment of PTO benefits when leaving employment |
LR241 |
Campbell |
Interim study to examine the financial impact of, and financing options for, medicaid expansion under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for medical assistance for newly eligible individuals |
LR242 |
Harms |
Interim study to examine the methods of encouraging transition from adult education to postsecondary education for adults |
LR243 |
Gloor |
Interim study to examine the future of emergency medical services in Nebraska |
LR244 |
Mello |
Interim study to examine issues surrounding the Nebraska Public Safety Communication System |
LR245 |
Mello |
Interim study to examine issues relating to recycling |
LR246 |
Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee |
Interim study to conduct a comparison of the school employees and Class V school employees retirement plans |
LR247 |
Nordquist |
Interim study to examine purchase of service credits in public retirement plans |
LR248 |
Nordquist |
Interim study to examine service requirements in the School Employees Retirement Act |
LR249 |
Kolowski |
Congratulate the Millard West High School girls' soccer team for winning the 2013 Class A state championship |
LR250 |
Harr |
Interim study to examine the State of Nebraska's self-insured workers' compensation plan administered by the Dept. of Administrative Services |
LR251 |
Nordquist |
Interim study to examine court fees earmarked to generate revenue for the Nebraska Judges Retirement System |
LR252 |
McGill |
Interim study to examine how amendments to the Local Option Municipal Economic Development Act affect existing economic development plans adopted under the act |
LR253 |
McGill |
Interim study to assess the impact of Nebraska changing to a home rule state in matters of local concern |
LR254 |
Christensen |
Interim study to examine the concept of regulating commingled acres relating to surface water and ground water |
LR255 |
Christensen |
Interim study to examine the concept of moving surface water-only irrigated acres to ground water acres to help compliance with compacts, agreements, and decrees |
LR256 |
Christensen |
Interim study to reexamine the consolidation of the Dept. of Health and Human Services that occurred in 1996 with the enactment of LB1044 |
LR257 |
Nordquist |
Interim study to examine the early childhood learning and development system across the state to determine how to make the current system more effective |
LR258 |
Krist |
Interim study to examine whether alcohol licensee employees should be certified in how to apply pertinent portions of the Nebr. Liquor Control Act |
LR259 |
Nordquist |
Interim study to examine providing for the utilization of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) reserve funds to provide for afterschool programming for children in families that qualify for assistance |
LR260 |
Nordquist |
Interim study to examine existing barriers to the delivery of health care services through telehealth technologies in Nebraska |
LR261 |
Coash |
Interim study to examine barriers to permanent placements for Nebraska children who have been placed out of the home and are wards of the state |
LR262 |
Coash |
Interim study to examine the high rate of placement of Nebraska's Native American children involved in the foster care system |
LR263 |
Coash |
Interim study to examine the economic impact of the film, television, and commercial industry in Nebraska |
LR264 |
Scheer |
Interim study to examine the education data system |
LR265 |
Conrad |
Interim study to examine insurance coverage of amino acid-based elemental formulas |
LR266 |
Conrad |
Interim study to identify ways in which Nebraska may support and increase venture capital investment in the state |
LR267 |
Smith |
Interim study to review the One-Call Notification System Act |
LR268 |
Smith |
Interim study to examine issues surrounding new residential and commercial development in our state's urban areas |
LR269 |
Harr |
Interim study to examine the property tax base structure and compare this structure to those of other states |
LR270 |
Davis |
Interim study to examine identification or creation of methods of keeping elderly Nebraskans safe in their homes where they can receive high quality care and support |
LR271 |
Davis |
Interim study to examine issues, benefits, and costs associated with expanding the brand inspection area to include the entire State of Nebraska |
LR272 |
Bolz |
Interim study to examine issues related to the use of paraeducators to improve and promote student achievement in public elementary schools |
LR273 |
Bolz |
Interim study to identify budgeting strategies to support the array of services needed for Nebraska's aging population in a fiscally responsible manner |
LR274 |
Bolz |
Interim study to maximize opportunities to leverage the new opportunity to build a medicaid management information system that meets the needs of Nebraska |
LR275 |
Bolz |
Interim study to examine issues relating to the behavioral and mental health needs of children in educational settings |
LR276 |
Chambers |
Interim study to examine the communications rate structure for persons receiving calls from incarcerated individuals in county and local correctional facilities |
LR277 |
Ashford |
Interim study to review the current costs associated with correctional and detention facilities in Nebraska |
LR278 |
Ashford |
Interim study to review matters under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee |
LR279 |
Ashford |
Interim study to examine the use of social impact bonds to develop programming for juveniles and adults reentering the community after involvement with the juvenile justice system or the criminal justice system |
LR280 |
Karpisek |
Interim study to examine retail license provisions within the Nebr. Liquor Control Act regarding whether licensees should be permitted to bottle draft beer to be sold for consumption off the premises |
LR281 |
Karpisek |
Interim study to examine the nature of and relationship between catering liquor licenses and special designated liquor licenses within the Nebr. Liquor Control Act |
LR282 |
Karpisek |
Interim study to examine issues regarding the parity in Nebraska School Activities Association activities between private and public high schools |
LR283 |
Karpisek |
Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Committee |
LR284 |
Karpisek |
Interim study to review issues relating to child custody proceedings and parenting time determinations as they pertain to families of divorce |
LR285 |
Lathrop |
Interim study to examine career education program in Nebraska's public schools |
LR286 |
Lathrop |
Interim study to review state law regarding child abuse and neglect in instances when a pregnant woman engages in an activity that causes harm to the fetus |
LR287 |
Lathrop |
Interim study to examine the requirement that counties pay court filing fees and costs when filing criminal charges and civil proceedings in the county, district, and juvenile courts |
LR288 |
Schilz |
Interim study to examine the role and value of animal health professionals and other volunteers in assisting law enforcement in carrying out duties under the Livestock Animal Welfare Act |
LR289 |
Schilz |
Interim study to examine the feasibility of utilizing fence viewer panels as arbitrators or fact finders in resolving division fence disputes |
LR290 |
Schilz |
Interim study to examine the feasibility of designating counties adjacent to the mandatory brand inspection area designated by 54-1109 as brand inspection service areas |
LR291 |
Schilz |
Interim study to examine the means by which to coordinate activities by state livestock animal health authorities with the activities of local livestock cruelty and neglect authorities |
LR292 |
Schilz |
Interim study to examine the levy authority of rural and suburban fire protection districts |
LR293 |
Schilz |
Interim study to examine the prevalence of game processing services performed for compensation by persons not licensed as a food establishment under the Nebraska Pure Food Act |
LR294 |
Schilz |
Interim study to examine a program which would maximize private health insurance so as to cover as many Nebraskans as possible and be implemented to qualify for federal approval and matching funds |
LR295 |
McGill |
Interim study to examine the disparity in income between men and women in the State of Nebraska |
LR296 |
McGill |
Interim study to examine the effectiveness of career academies in Nebraska high schools and the feasibility of expanding career academies to more schools in the state |
LR297 |
McGill |
Interim study to examine the effectiveness of telehealth technology used for behavioral health services in Nebraska |
LR298 |
Mello |
Interim study to examine issues surrounding the efficiency of state programs |
LR299 |
Nordquist |
Interim study to examine the possibility of the State of Nebraska operating and managing all activities associated with motor vehicle licensing and registration for all counties |
LR300 |
Campbell |
Interim study to examine the treatment and services for people dually diagnosed with intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental illness, or behavioral health problems |
LR301 |
Price |
Congratulate Col. Ralph Tosti on his retirement and thank him for his leadership and years of service |
LR302 |
Smith |
Interim study to examine the generation of energy in Nebraska through the use of renewable energy sources and to provide a comparison with other states |
LR303 |
Coash |
Interim study to examine issues relating to brain injuries |
LR304 |
Harr |
Interim study to identify the differences between statutes governing Class V school districts and other school districts |
LR305 |
Harr |
Interim study to examine the governance and efficiency of the State Board of Education |
LR306 |
Mello |
Interim study to examine a practice known as "banning the box," which requires prospective employees to disclose their criminal backgrounds on initial job applications before prospective employees have an interview |
LR307 |
Lautenbaugh |
Interim study to examine the committee and caucus structure of the Legislature |
LR308 |
Wallman |
Congratulate Jeryn Creek for her outstanding performance at the 2013 Class C girls' state track and field meet |
LR309 |
Wallman |
Interim study to examine issues relating to improving the protection of sensitive commercial crops from losses due to the damaging effects of phenoxy herbicide drift |
LR310 |
Wallman |
Congratulate Derek Zimmerman for his outstanding performance at the 2013 Class C boys' state track and field meet |
LR311 |
Wallman |
Congratulate the Norris High School baseball team on winning the 2013 Class B state championship |
LR312 |
Coash |
Interim study to examine issues relating to the child protective services system within the Dept. of Health and Human Services |
LR313 |
McGill |
Interim study to examine comprehensive models of response and treatment for victims of human trafficking |
LR314 |
McGill |
Interim study to examine the use of parent education available within the public schools |
LR315 |
Conrad |
Interim study to examine the development of a new type of corporate entity known as the benefit corporation |
LR316 |
Scheer |
Interim study to examine unfair insurance trade practices |
LR317 |
Conrad |
Interim study to examine how forced overtime on a regular basis as a regular work practice affects Nebraskans working in meatpacking, poultry, food processing, and other factory work |
LR318 |
Mello |
Interim study to examine issues relating to mass transit authorities |
LR319 |
Mello |
Interim study to examine issues relating to Omaha's federally mandated combined sewer overflow project |
LR320 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine statutes and procedures relating to the eminent domain laws for oil pipelines and the authority of local governments to regulate oil pipelines |
LR321 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine statutes and procedures relating to the State of Nebraska's financial responsibility for oil pipelines |
LR322 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine options for stabilization and growth in state funding for schools |
LR323 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine statutes and policies relating to increasing renewable energy development in Nebraska |
LR324 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine and evaluate the statutory requirements on Nebraska's public power districts |
LR325 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine the effectiveness of the school budget limitation and certification of school budget authority included in the state aid formula |
LR326 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine and evaluate net metering in Nebraska |
LR327 |
Haar |
Interim study to examine issues relating to providing storm shelters or safe rooms for residents of mobile home parks |
LR328 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine methods to better protect elderly and other vulnerable Nebraskans from financial exploitation |
LR329 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine ways the state could use tax policy to encourage more small business start-ups especially for businesses utilizing technology and innovation |
LR330 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine ways Nebraska can ensure a future workforce well-skilled in science, technology, engineering, and math education |
LR331 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine stronger penalties for offenders convicted of the crime of sexual assault of a child as well as related deterrents and victim remedies |
LR332 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine ways the state may reduce property taxes |
LR333 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine ways the state may reduce income tax rates |
LR334 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to identify and eliminate waste and fraud in government spending |
LR335 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine whether more fair and appropriate methods of agricultural land valuation can be implemented |
LR336 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to investigate methods to reduce gang violence |
LR337 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to investigate methods to attract investment capital into Nebraska to create more jobs and businesses |
LR338 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine issues relating to the regulation of abortion clinics |
LR339 |
Pirsch |
Interim study to examine methods to increase the export of Nebraska agricultural commodities and other Nebraska products |
LR340 |
Davis |
Interim study to identify the value of property taxes eliminated by all tax-increment financing and other Nebraska business tax incentive programs |
LR341 |
Davis |
Interim study to examine the powers and duties of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency |
LR342 |
Davis |
Interim study to evaluate whether any types of agricultural land are being overvalued relative to their income potential |
LR343 |
Dubas |
Interim study to examine the policy to supplement federal universal service support mechanisms and ensure all Nebraskans have comparable accessibility to telecommunications at affordable prices |
LR344 |
Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee |
Interim study to provide an examination of the availability and adequacy of retirement savings of Nebraska private sector workers |
LR345 |
Christensen |
Interim study to examine whether the Nebr. Ground Water Management and Protection Act should be amended relating to designating or determining the appropriation status of river basins |