Introduced Legislation for May 27th, 2009

101st Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 85

Document Primary Introducer Description
LR251 Stuthman Congratulate the Columbus Scotus Central Catholic High School girls' track team for winning the 2009 Class B state championship
LR252 Stuthman Congratulate the Lindsay Holy Family High School girls' track team for winning the 2009 Class D state championship
LR253 Pirsch Recognize Dennis Pavlik for his efforts in establishing a monument for American prisoners of war and for his service to the United States of America
LR254 Giese Congratulate the Laurel-Concord High School girls' track team for winning the 2009 Class C state championship
LR255 Cook Designate July 29, 2009, through August 3, 2009, as "Omaha Days" in Nebraska
LR256 Mello Designate July 25, 2009, as Farmer Appreciation Day in Nebraska
LR257 Price Support collection of private donations to design, construct, and install a fountain in each of the four courtyards of the Capitol
LR258 Ashford Congratulate the Omaha Westside High School baseball team for winning the 2009 Class A state championship