Introduced Legislation for May 13th, 2009

101st Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 78

Document Primary Introducer Description
LR130 Louden Interim study to examine whether provisions of the Nebraska Pure Food Act should be updated in relation to the growing trend of home baking, canning, and small food businesses in Nebraska
LR131 Pahls Interim study to examine school accountability
LR132 Stuthman Interim study to examine updating statutes to provide for partial payment of insurance policy proceeds to a city or village for certain damages or losses
LR133 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Interim study to examine retirement issues relating to military leave and persons returning to employment following military leave
LR134 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Interim study to examine the public employees retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board
LR135 Nordquist Interim study to examine the pension benefits offered to professional firefighters in cities of the first class
LR136 Avery Interim study to examine the public psychiatric rehabilitation in secure settings that is available to chronically and severely impaired mentally ill persons residing in Nebraska
LR137 Heidemann Interim study to determine whether a reserve is necessary for the defined benefit retirement plans prior to the Legislature's approval of any benefit improvements
LR138 Ashford Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee
LR139 Nordquist Interim study to examine the tax climate for Nebraska's retired citizens
LR140 Nordquist Interim study to examine the quality of jobs created under the Nebraska Advantage and Nebraska Super Advantage programs
LR141 Stuthman Interim study to examine the subject matter of LB 474, 2009, that would have required the state and its governmental subdivisions to pay property tax on property that was not being used for a public purpose
LR142 Fischer Interim study to examine issues under the jurisdiction of the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee
LR143 Fischer Interim study to examine Nebraska statutes and address the lack of governance regarding off-road vehicles
LR144 Carlson Interim study to examine the Commission of Industrial Relations and the statutory requirements for comparable wages and conditions of employment for municipal employees
LR145 Pahls Interim study to determine whether Nebraska should update its version of the Uniform Commercial Code, Article 9, relating to secured transactions
LR146 Nantkes Interim study to determine whether Nebraska should enact the Uniform Limited Partnership Act (2001)
LR147 Nantkes Interim study to determine whether Nebraska should enact the Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (2006)