Introduced Legislation for May 3rd, 2007

100th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 74

Document Primary Introducer Description
LB342A Raikes Appropriations bill
LB516A Erdman Appropriations bill
LB540A Synowiecki Appropriations bill
LR98 Howard Interim study to evaluate how child support disregards/pass-throughs impact the economic self sufficiency of participants in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs
LR99 Schimek Interim study to examine policies relating to the incarceration of persons with mental illness in Nebraska's correctional facilities, including juvenile facilities
LR100 Langemeier Interim study to determine whether the insurance laws should be amended to allow property and casualty insurance producers to charge fees for services they perform
LR101 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Interim study to review the actuarial assumptions used to perform the annual actuarial valuation for the retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board
LR102 Nebraska Retirement Systems Committee Interim study to examine the employee retirement systems administered by the Public Employees Retirement Board