Introduced Legislation for January 5th, 2007

100th Legislature, 1st Regular Session - Day 3

Document Primary Introducer Description
LB57 Preister Provide for fair share representation contributions for certain labor representation by labor organizations
LB58 Harms Increase the probationary period of community college staff
LB59 Engel Require education of motor vehicle dealers, agents, and salespersons as prescribed
LB60 Avery Provide a sales tax holiday for school-related purchases
LB61 Avery Prohibit certain gifts and contributions to candidates for or members of the Public Service Commission
LB62 Langemeier Authorize insurance producers to charge incidental fees
LB63 Schimek Change insurance coverage provisions relating to childhood immunizations
LB64 Schimek Eliminate a gaming fee and tax adopted by initiative
LB65 Stuthman Change the statute of repose for the Nebraska Hospital - Medical Liability Act
LB66 Stuthman Require school districts to develop driver safety courses
LB67 Stuthman Permit service of summons of proposed jurors by first-class mail
LB68 Hudkins Create the Office of Guardian ad Litem Services
LB69 Hudkins Change the Agricultural Opportunities and Value-Added Partnerships Act
LB70 Fischer Permit operation of ATV's within municipalities by municipal employees
LB71 Fischer Appropriate funds for a child advocacy center
LB72 Fischer Prohibit beginning a school year before Labor Day
LB73 McGill Change school breakfast reimbursement provisions
LB74 Erdman Change the Nebraska Pure Food Act
LB75 Hudkins Provide powers and duties to the juvenile court regarding the placement and custody of juveniles
LB76 Hudkins Change provisions governing physical and legal custody arrangements of a minor child
LB77 Nantkes Change workers' compensation disability compensation provisions
LB78 Nantkes Change amounts recoverable under the Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act
LB79 Natural Resources Committee Change duties of the Department of Environmental Quality
LB80 Natural Resources Committee Authorize additional assistance for projects under the Safe Drinking Water Act
LB81 Schimek Create the offense of school trespass and prohibit certain activities of registered sex offenders
LB82 Synowiecki Change Welfare Reform Act provisions relating to family size
LB83 Synowiecki Provide for Board of Parole recommendations relating to incarceration work camps
LB84 Howard Regulate traffic approaching or passing an authorized emergency vehicle
LB85 Howard Create the Nebraska Health Insurance Policy Coalition
LB86 Howard Change provisions of the Health Care Facility Licensure Act covering applicants for licensure
LB87 Howard Require that all state service contracts be awarded and performed in the United States
LB88 Business and Labor Committee Provide for payment of claims against the state
LB89 Business and Labor Committee Disapprove certain claims against the state
LB90 Howard Change the earned income disregard in the Welfare Reform Act
LB91 Cornett Change boundary provisions relating to learning communities
LB92 Cornett Change provisions relating to foreign national minors
LB93 Cornett Authorize a new firefighter license plate and fund emergency training
LB94 Cornett Authorize municipalities to receive certain sales and use tax information
LB95 Flood Clarify reference to expense reimbursement for the Professional Practices Commission
LB96 Flood Redefine a term under the Nebraska Probation Administration Act
LB97 Flood Change provisions relating to the Concealed Handgun Permit Act
LB98 Flood Eliminate references to a fund that terminated
LB99 Wightman Change provisions relating to the appointment of receivers by the district court
LB100 Erdman Provide duties to the Auditor of Public Accounts
LB101 Erdman Clarify that only one parent need sign the statement regarding private schools that elect not to meet accreditation or approval
LB102 Erdman Provide for notice of appointment of a personal representative under the Nebraska Probate Code
LB103 Erdman Authorize release of patient information and change provisions relating to regional trauma advisory boards
LB104 Erdman Change age of majority from nineteen to eighteen
LB105 Louden Appropriate funds for the Nebraska Forest Service
LB106 Engel Change the tax on certain tobacco products
LB107 Pedersen Create a deputy public counsel for institutions and facilities operated by the Department of Health and Human Services
LR4CA Avery Constitutional amendment to provide grounds for impeachment
LR5CA Friend Constitutional amendment to authorize use of revenue bonds to develop property for use by nonprofit enterprises