Recorded vote for LB195 - Provide immunity for administration of naloxone, nalmefene, or other federally approved opioid overdose reversal medications

Stage: General File Date of Vote: February 26, 2025
Motion/Amendment: ADVANCE TO E&R INITIAL
Totals: Yes: 44 No: 0 Present Not Voting: 2 Absent Not Voting: 0 Excused Not Voting: 3
Yes : 44
Andersen DeBoer Ibach Raybould
Arch DeKay Jacobson Riepe
Armendariz Dorn Juarez Rountree
Ballard Fredrickson Kauth Sanders
Bosn Guereca Lippincott Sorrentino
Brandt Hallstrom Lonowski Spivey
Cavanaugh, J. Hansen McKeon Storer
Cavanaugh, M. Hardin McKinney Storm
Clements Holdcroft Meyer Strommen
Clouse Hughes Murman von Gillern
Conrad Hunt Quick Wordekemper
No : 0
Present Not Voting : 2
Bostar Moser
Absent Not Voting : 0
Excused Not Voting : 3
Dover Dungan Prokop