Recorded vote for LB182 - Change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Tax Credit Act and the Child Care Tax Credit Act

Stage: Select File Date of Vote: February 07, 2025
Motion/Amendment: AM 106 Bostar
Totals: Yes: 37 No: 1 Present Not Voting: 7 Absent Not Voting: 0 Excused Not Voting: 4
Yes : 37
Andersen DeBoer Kauth Sanders
Arch Dorn Lippincott Sorrentino
Armendariz Dungan Lonowski Storer
Ballard Fredrickson McKeon Storm
Bosn Hansen Moser Strommen
Brandt Hardin Murman von Gillern
Cavanaugh, M. Holdcroft Prokop Wordekemper
Clements Hughes Quick
Clouse Ibach Raybould
Conrad Jacobson Rountree
No : 1
Present Not Voting : 7
Cavanaugh, J. Guereca Hunt Riepe
DeKay Hallstrom Meyer
Absent Not Voting : 0
Excused Not Voting : 4
Bostar Dover Juarez Spivey