
Considered Amendment Details - LB227
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal Vote
ST18 Slama, 1, Chairman Enrollment and Review adopted 0
AM1485 Lathrop Amendments to AM1287 adopted 1297 Vote
AM1332 Lathrop Withdraw withdrawn 1178
AM1331 Lathrop Withdraw withdrawn 1178
AM1330 Lathrop Withdraw withdrawn 1177
ER80 Enrollment and Review adopted 1165
AM746 Agriculture adopted 937 Vote
AM1287 Hughes Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1127 Vote
MO61 Hughes Cloture prevailed 1129 Vote
AM1274 Hughes Withdraw withdrawn 1125
MO60 Chambers Recommit to Committee withdrawn 1127
AM1209 Hughes Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1084
AM1201 Hughes Amendments to Committee amendments withdrawn 1085
MO58 Chambers Recommit to Committee failed 1097 Vote