
Considered Amendment Details - LB330
Number Introducer Explanation Status Journal
FA70 McCoy withdrawn 1703
AM1565 Larson Amendments to E & R amendments withdrawn 1702
FA69 McCoy withdrawn 1702
AM1690 Kintner Amendments to E & R amendments withdrawn 1701
ST48 adopted 0
MO122 Larson Cloture prevailed 1690
FA67 McCoy lost 1690
AM1546 Davis Amendments to E & R amendments lost 1449
FA57 Schumacher Amendments to E & R amendments withdrawn 1370
AM1479 Larson Amendments to E & R amendments adopted 1446
AM1614 Kolterman Amendments to AM1479 adopted 1541
AM1558 Kolterman Withdraw withdrawn 1449
AM101 Larson Withdraw and substitute AM1479 withdrawn 333
ER92 Enrollment and Review adopted 1271
AM1316 Kolterman adopted 1227
MO89 Chambers Bracket withdrawn 1230
AM113 General Affairs adopted 602
AM1310 Larson Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1227
AM581 Nordquist Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1218
AM613 Larson Amendments to Committee amendments adopted 1217